Let's the flirting begin...

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"Hey to you too." He smiled. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, no I'm fine." I smile as I play with my hands. why the hell am I so nervous.... Oh, yeah I'm telling my best friend that I am in love with him. "Actually..." I take a deep breath. "I need to talk.."

"Hey sorry," A woman barges me as she reach the table. "Sorry, I took forever, the queue for the bathroom was long.." She chuckles and then looks at me then Bucky. "Ops.. Sorry was I interrupting something?" She juster her hands at me and Bucky. 


"No... Y/n was just leaving." Bucky interrupts me.

"But... I need to talk to you.." I look at him confused but with a stern look as I clear my throat.

"I'm sure it can wait until later, y/n." He stood up from his chair and join sharon's side.

"Oh god, because that would have been awkard as hell." She laughs and I give her a short annoyed smile and then I look at Bucky.

"But.. I.." Bucky begins to walk away.

"We doing what we said, right doll?" I whisper as I walk past her with Sharon on my arm. But as I walk away I catch y/n say something.

"Yeah sure..." She mumbles.

I must look like a total dick, right now but we both said that we would flirt with other people at Tony's party. We did our deal, maybe doing this will mellow both of us out a bit.

"What was that about?" Sharon asks as we carry on walking.

"Probably nothing. Just something about our next mission." I technically lied. In a way, I'm not lying. I don't have a clue on what she wanted to talk about and in a way flirting with other people is our mission. What am I saying, of course I know what she wanted to talk about. It's not hard putting two and two together, especally how the girls have been acting the way their were at the beginning of the party.

"So, Sharon tell me about..."

"Why don't we dance?" Sharon quickly asks as she drags me.

"Oh..." I said in a shock tone. "I guess we.."

"Good, come on then." She said pulling me in the middle of dancefloor with a bunch of people. The music pounds across the dancefloor from the speakers. Sharon's body immediately starts grinding against mine as I try to sway with what they call music now days. God, I miss the old music.

I can't believe he blew me off like that. Yeah, we agreed to flirt and shit with other people but he seriously wouldn't talk to me for more than a few seconds. I huff in annoyance to myself as I walk up to the second floor in my heels. Luckily this time, my high heels isn't as irriating as much as I feel about the situation that I am in. I gradually walk up to the second floor banister and lay my hands on top as I over see the party going on downstairs.

For the fact he blew me off with one of the worst people there is... Fucking Sharon. She gets around to everyone, like a fucking yo-yo. First, it was Steve, her own aunt long lost love. Then it was Thor, Sam. I mean she even tried it with Vision but quickly regretted it when she caught wanda giving her, her famous deadly death stares. Oh, I can't forget Loki, too and now Bucky. I frustratedly groaned as I squeeze my hands against the banister. FUCKING SHARON.

As I look among the people below, my eyes divert to the dancefloor as I see Sharon grinding her flat ironing board ass against the man I love body. I grip tighter againster the banister.

"If you not careful, you're going to break the whole second floor, pet." A voice said from behind. I slowly let go of the banister and take a look of the damage I made. The dents on the barrister where my hands once laid, crumped up like a piece of paper. It seems like if I put the small amount of pressure on it the whole banister and glass that holds it up would just completely break.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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