Time for Tony's party

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After the shopping trip, I didn't have time to have a chat with Bucky, instead I had to hurry and get ready with the girls.

Maybe they're right.. This feeling I have with Bucky. I've never felt it before not since William and we all know how that end. I know Bucky is different, I can feel that but what if I am just jumping to conclusions and it end up badly on both terms even if we both agree to still be friends, It's going to be awkward between us.

What is a girl to do?

Let's just get ready, enjoy the party and let my hair down. Do what me and Bucky both agreed on. Flirt with other people...

I put my hair down, a little light makeup with some red lipstick and place on my heels. Yeah I know I said I hate them but hey they make me look good.

"You ready, y/n?" Wanda asks, all dressed up and looking beautiful as she did when she first tried it on. 

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Then let's get this party started." Natasha wooed as we exit the bedroom door and into the elevator.

Down at the party bar...

I pull the tumblr to my lips as I lean against the bar and take a swig of the whiskey that Steve and Sam poured out for each of us.

Bucky outfit ↓

"You heard anything from the girls?" Sam asks

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"You heard anything from the girls?" Sam asks.

"No." Steve and I shook our heads.

"I wonder what taking them so long." Steve spoke.

"Their girls, Steve. Girls always take longer to find something to wear." Sam chuckles.

"Yeah." I mumble as I turn to face the bar.

"What's wrong with you?" Sam questions.

"Nothing. Can't I enjoy a drink with my pals." I lied. What's wrong is that I maybe in love with one of my best friends and I have no clue on how she feels and that I could ruin everything If I open my mouth to her.

"I'm your pal, now?" Sam eyes widen in shock.

"Now, you just ruining it." I scoff, taking another sip.

"I think that already happened, due to the lack of guests that has arrived." Steve added. I look around the place seeing on a few people in different areas talking.

"Hey Tony, when the rest coming?" Sam shouts to Tony.

"It's still early, Wilson. The fun just arriving." Tony chuckles.

"Wow, you're not wrong about that," Steve mumbles.

"What?" I spoke.

"The girls arrived dude." Sam answers pointing at the stairway. I turn around seeing Natasha and Wanda walking down in their red dresses. I turn back around the bar, pouring myself another drink.

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