Dinner and a shopping trip

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The next day, I did my usual. Woke up, shower, work out, run with Steve, back to shower, some time with y/n, another shower and finally breakfast. 

Y/n laid half naked on my bed as I change into some clean clothes.

"I think the others might be getting a little sus." She said laying on her front and raising her head a little.

"What makes you say that?" I ask, walking a little closer to her.

"I don't know Buck. Maybe the number of questions we have been getting from the others." She sarcastically respond, laying completely on her back now. I kneel on the bed, hovering over her.

"And what do you think we should do?" I lean down kissing her as she tries to speak.

"I... Think... We.. Should... Probably." She moans a little as I held the kiss.

"Have another round?" I smirk.

"You got another round in you, Barnes?" She softly bite her bottom lip.

"For you doll, I'll go all week long." I laugh, kissing her.

"Oh really?.... Wait, no you putting me off." She giggles. I hover back over her with big smile on myself. She's so cute right now, this moment right now is just... Perfect.

"How about we flirt with other people in front of them? That way we can still hide our little secret." I suggest.

"You sure?" She ask. "I was just thinking that, too."

"See great minds doll. It not like we going to fuck someone else when we got each other for that." I kiss her.

The day was quick to say the least, managed to do everything I wanted before dinner and today was a special kind of dinner according to Tony as everyone was here in the tower. All the Avengers here under one roof with a few strugglers like me, y/n, Pietro and Loki.

I take my usual spot next to Steve just opposite y/n, near to her would be Natasha and Wanda on either side of her. I give y/n a little smile just before everyone join us at the table. Tonight dinner: Spaghetti and meatballs made specially by Wanda. Believe it or not she's an excellent cook, always enjoy being in the kitchen and cooking for everyone when she's not on missions. I think this way she feels like she's part of a family again.

Tony sat on the top end of table followed by Steve, me, Sam, Pietro, Thor and Loki on his right. Natasha, y/n, Wanda, Vision, Clint and Bruce on his left.

After a few small talk with everyone and on going jokes with the gang, Tony calls and makes announcement.

"So, now that I have you all here, I have announcement... Tomorrow night we are having a party here." Tony announce.

"For what?" Steve asked.

"Do I need a reason to have a party?" Tony shrugs, taking a sip of his whiskey.

"What about missions?" Steve continue his questioning. He like an old man. I bet the next question will be what time is the party finish because I've got to be in bed by eight to do my crossword.

"All sorted with Fury. We got a bit of time off and I thought screw let have a party. We haven't had one in a long time and we deserve it." Tony added.

"But..." Steve began to speak but Y/n stops him.

"He's right, Steve. We haven't really had time with all of us in the same place in such a long time. We deserve it." She said stabbing the fork into her dinner.

"That's why you're my favourite." Tony winked at y/n. Y/n rolls her eyes and laugh as she looks down on her lap.

"I'll be down for that it be nice to spend some time with my sister and brother in law." Pietro smirk.

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