Issue #2: One of the Spiders

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Wade groaned as he stirred in his sleep when he heard the alarm on his nightstand going off, then his arm reached over it and taped the 'off' button.

His eyes cracked open, and looked up at the ceiling with a depressed and lonely look for a second. He then threw the covers off and sat on the edge of his bed. Wade hung his head low and shook it slightly, before looking to his left at a picture on the nightstand. He picked the picture in his hand to inspect it closely, and in the photo was him as a child and his dad on a fishing day. He smiled fondly at the memory, but at the same time, it broke his heart.

It's been three days since the incident that killed Daniel Walker. An incident that Wade still very much blames himself for.

He sighed as he stood up off the bed, walking around the boxes that were piled up around his room. When he approached an opened box, he placed the picture, the last item he was going to take with him, into the last box before closing it.

With no father, Wade would have been sent to an orphanage. However, last night, he decided to give Inko a call, after considering the fact he would've been better off living with someone close to him.

Furthermore, he also called All Might, letting him know he was gonna move out, and asked him for help in packing his belongings. Of course, the number one hero agreed since he felt like he owed a great deal to Wade and his father, maybe a lot. They both agreed it was a very private manner, which meant Wade could rest easy without having to deal with people coming here and asking for autographs or the media covering it and making up rumors.

Now the only thing Wade had to do was wait for All Might to come and get everything ready before Inko arrives with a moving truck. In the meantime, he started the day by taking a shower, and after that, he went to the kitchen to have some breakfast.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Thinking it was the person he's waiting for, he quickly made his way to answer it. But the moment Wade opened the door, he instantly froze with his jaw wide open. Instead of finding All Might at the door, he found himself staring at a shiny silver, and expensive-looking security briefcase hanging in front of him. However, the most shocking part was that the case was hung up by a long, larger than an average spider web.

It didn't look like it was about to snap. The string held up the case strong and steady.

Wade walked out of his apartment and stared at it some more. He then looked at both sides to see if there was anyone who could have put it up. There wasn't, the hallway was just empty like always.

He looked back at the briefcase and cautiously approached it. For all he knew, it could be a bomb. However, on the web that covered the handle, there was a folded piece of paper. He reached it and took it off the web.

Unfolding it, Wade saw that a letter was written on it.

"For the one who got a spider bite."

Wade then looked at the case and saw something else engraved on it. It said 'Developed by Starko Industries'. He wasn't sure if that was even a company that existed. In fact, that's the second time he heard a strange company name, next to Oscorp Industries. But the only thing that concerned him is how someone found out he was bitten by the spider.

He grabbed the case and pulled it, but the web wouldn't break it away. He tried again, harder, and the case broke away from the string. He grunted when he realized the case was heavy, but at least it wasn't a problem to carry it. He turned and flipped around a few times, looking at every angle of it.

Whatever that is, he was going to find out later after settling into Inko's house. So he walked back to his apartment with the briefcase.


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