Issue #26: One for All

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"Are you here to kill me for a second time, All Might?"

That was the question asked by the monstrously powerful villain, All for One. The force of both of their attacks created a gust of wind so powerful that it sent everyone around them flying away. Wade yelled as his body was sent flying into a wall. The dust kicked up by the two superpowered humans created a dust cloud that covered the entire area. Even the secret rescue team had to brace themselves against the winds.

As smoke enveloped the area, Wade groaned in pain as he looked at the two superhumans as they faced one another. All for One stood up straight, staking his wrist as if loosening it up. "It took you long enough to find us. It was only five kilometers from the bar to here, and yet it was at least 30 seconds after I sent the Nomus that you arrived. You have gotten weaker, All Might."

All Might was on one knee, glaring at the villain. "You're one to talk. It's kind of difficult to ignore that fancy life-support mask you've got on. Aren't you overexerting yourself?"

Pulling him out of the wall, Wade looked on at the two rivals with his jaws dropped. All Might was super strong, but this guy held him back with his bare hands! This was the real deal. AFO was the real deal.

Standing up, All Might did some light warm up stretches, like hopping on his toes. "I'm not going to repeat the mistake I made five years ago. You hear me? I'm going to take Young Walker back, break the mind control you have over his father, and make sure that you're locked up for the rest of your miserable life! Right along with your despicable League of Villains!" He yelled, charging at All for One at full speed with a fist ready to knock his light out.

"Sounds like you got your work cut out for you." All for One said as he raised his arm up towards All Might. His arm suddenly puffed up and swelled with red and black electricity coursing around it. Then, just like how he took out the Pro Heroes, AFO unleashed a sonic blast of air at All Might the moment his fist was inchs from his arm. Stopping the Hero in place before sending him flying back through multiple building. Causing them to fall over and collapse.

"ALL MIGHT!" Wade watched in horror as this happened. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. His attention was brought back to All for One as he looked at his hand.

"Hm. Air Cannon plus Spring-like Limbs. Kinetic Booster times four. Strength Enhancer times three. What a delightful combination. Maybe a few more enhancers next time." The villain listed off the Quirks he had used in that blast.

Wade's eyes widened even more as he realized what that meant. He wasn't just using multiple Quirks, but combining them.

"Don't worry, Walker. It'll take more than that to kill your 'Symbol of Peace.' Get off the battlefield, Tomura. And take that child with you." All for One told his successor and he raised his hand. His fingertips turned black with red veiny lines before they sprouted tendrils that shot towards Kurogiri's unconscious body and stabbed into him. "Kurogiri, warp them away."

The man's body started twitching. "Be careful!" Magne exclaimed. "One of the Heroes messed him up and he's unconscious. I'm not sure what's going on, but if you can teleport, why don't you get out of here?"

"My warp power is still new, Magne." AFO said. "There is much I need to learn about it. Its distance is limited and while he can teleport to specific coordinates, I only transport people to and from my own location. Or, with focus, to or from someone I'm very familiar with. That is all. It's easier to have Kurogiri do it."

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