ISSUE #5: Wade vs Bakugo

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In the U.A. Academy's training grounds, everyone was still amazed by the abilities and power Wade showed with his Spider-Quirk. To think he was holding himself back and Aizawa persuaded him to use all of his power, and in the end, he proved his full potential.

"No way! He threw it almost 4000 meters!" A blonde boy exclaimed with his eyes bulged out in.

"Nice! He's finally showing us his true power!" Ochaco cheered for the boy, throwing her hands up, having thumbs up.

"That...That's incredible." Momo whispered, looking at Wade with wide eyes. She thought the things he was able to do when he saved her were impressive, but this left her unable to speak.

"It does seem as though he's in pain." Iida said, staring carefully at the boy's body. "Though, it isn't like in the entrance exam when he broke his limbs. This Spider-Quirk is very odd."

"It wasn't a very pretty throw." Aoyama said with his usual smile.

However, the only one that wasn't thinking very positively about Wade was none other than Bakugo. If there was one way to describe the expression on his face, it was a mix of shock, disbelief, and fury. His mind must have been playing tricks on him. It had to be! If it was true that he had a Quirk, then he would've gotten it when they were kids. He must have done something or must have been using...something! He really didn't know.

Wade's voice played in his head. "Someone I look up to told me that I can become a Hero. Things have changed, Bakugo. That's why I've applied and that's why I'm going. And like it or not, you can't stop me!"

Bakugo finally snapped. "I'm getting to the bottom of this!" He growled hatefully, starting explosive sparks in his palm.

This caught the attention of some students. Before they could react, Bakugo charged at Wade.

"HEY!" Wade's spider senses went off and he turned his head to the left and was surprised to see his bully rushing right for him. Was he really insane? "WALKER, YOU BASTARD! TELL ME HOW YOU DID THAT OR YOU'RE DEAD!"

"What the hell!" Wade exclaimed as he stepped back, getting ready to fire his webs at him.

However, before he did, Aizawa's scarf shot through the air and wrapped itself around Bakugo's torso, arm, and face, stopping him from taking another step forward. Despite his best efforts to move his body out of it and continue his attack, the blonde couldn't get out. "What? Why the hell is your damn scarf so strong?!" He demanded the teacher, struggling to look over his shoulder at him.

Aizawa was also using his Quirk and erasing the bully's. "Because it's a capture weapon made out of carbon fiber and a special metal alloy." He told him with a threatening tone. "Now stand down! It'd be wise to avoid making me use my Quirk so much. It gives me serious dry-eye."

Wade looked sorry for him. "That must really suck." He murmured. Especially with how amazing that Quirk is.

Aizawa released Bakugo and stopped his own Quirk, with his eyes and hair going back to normal. "You're wasting my time now." He said as the scarf rewrapped itself around his neck. "Alright, with Wade being the last one for that test, we're done for now. Gather around and I'll give you the results."

Bakugo snapped his head back at Wade and glared hatefully at him. The Spider-Man simply scowled back, but didn't make an attempt to say anything. He just cautiously walked around Bakugo, keeping his distance away from him, before walking away.

"I'll never really understand you, Bakugo." Wade whispered to himself.

Bakugo heard him and growled, snapping his head at him, glaring at the back of his head. He couldn't understand what was happening to Wade. Until the exam, he was nothing. A little bug he could crush if he wanted to, but Wade wouldn't stay in line or stay crushed. He would always bounce back and fight back. That wasn't how it was supposed to be. He wasn't supposed to be more than an annoying bug in the way that he could smash into the ground. And now he suddenly had the powers of a bug?

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