Issue #28: The Hero Licensing Exam

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AN: I'm Cowboy Alchemist#4990 on Discord. Come on over if you want to chat and talk about ideas. If you want an invite to join my discord server, you only have to ask me.

I saw Across the Spider-Verse, and I LOVED IT! Everything about that movie was God-tier. Given where Wade's powers come from and how his arc is basically just like Miles, I will be implementing the movies into the story.

And SPIDER-MAN 2 PS5, baby!!!

I love the first game, and it helped inspire me to make this story. I'm super excited about the new game, as Spider-Man ps4 is one of my all-time favorite games, and to be able to play as both Peter and Miles will be amazing. Spider-Man: Miles Morales was the one that helped me develop Wade's moves, so it'll be fascinating to see how the new game will inspire me, especially with Miles' new moves.

And, just to make it clear again, I won't give Wade a Symbiote. The way Black Whip is in MHA basically makes it like a Symbiote. Only it doesn't cover the user in a suit. However, we will see an edgier, more aggressive Spider-Man attitude will come during the Vigilante Arc.

But no dance!

It's a good year to be a Spider-Man fan! But I digress. Let's get this party started.

"I just want everyone to know that I think the media is talking bulls#$%!" yelled Bonesaw, an MMA fighter known for his bone Quirk. Wade smiled at the man in the video as he continued praising his father. "My man, Daniel Walker, was a pillar of strength for many of us! Even those of us with Quirks respected the hell out of him!"

Before he and his friends knew it, the day of the exam had come. With their hero costumes in their metal suitcases, the students were driven to the location that would be their testing grounds: The Takoba National Stadium.

Along the way, Wade turned on his phone and looked at the news. To his shock, they were covering the news about Daniel's supposed disappearance as he was being taken to prison. While the League of Villains was obviously responsible, no one knew what happened to Daniel. All except for Wade and those involved in hiding him away, of course.

Reporters were allowed nowhere near the sight, and there have been speculations about whether or not Daniel is still alive. However, as the investigation went on, the media has been trying to learn more about the man once known as the Ghost. Some even tried to spin the narrative that Daniel was always a villain and that his death during the Slug Villain incident was all a setup so he could leave his son and embrace his Ghost persona fully.

Such allegations not only brought out anger from Wade. The allegations caught the attention of multiple MMA fighters that knew the man, including old rivals. Each of them stepped up to defend the father, whom they had nothing but respect for.

"To call Daniel a villain from the beginning is bogus," said Slicer. Seeing him came as a shock for Wade, who remembered him being the fighter his father was supposed to fight. "Yes, I was supposed to fight him, however, I didn't know anything about this Quirk he suddenly has, but considering that he was brainwashed by those sick @#%ks, I wouldn't put it past the possibility that he was experimented on in other ways. I will continue to believe in the good that man had in him."

"Whoa, Slider, Bonesaw, Clock Cleaner, Underclaw, even Typhoomerang!?" Kirishima exclaimed. Being an MMA fan, the redhead sat beside Spider-Man on the bus as they watched the interviews.

"I can't believe they all actually liked my dad," Wade said, having once believed that they all looked down on Daniel for his Quirknesses. Seeing them all coming to Daniel's defense put a smile on the young boy's face.

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