Chapter 4

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"Have some more jamuns Rishab beta"

"Oh no uncle! I'm full...besides Amrita has strictly warned me against sweets".

"One gulab jamun won't hurt...this is indeed a graceful're going to be a father after so long".

"I know's indeed a blessing".

"May God bless you and your family".

Aman listened to the nauseating conversation between his brother in law and Amit's father in law and couldn't decide who was worse. Indeed, the amount of sugar coating in their speech could defeat any sweetest gulab jamun. One would faint of sugar intolerance.

He raised his eyes towards Amit who was seated dutifully next to his father in law and mimicked a vomiting action.

Amit glared at him initially and then suppressed his grin and mouthed back 'shut up'.

Aman sent a text message immediately. Your father in law is a leech...wait till he sucks all the blood out of you..

Amit suddenly burst out laughing and few pairs of eyes turned to him. He composed himself "a WhatsApp joke".
Seated opposite to him, Aman snorted.

He had observed his brother's in laws, especially the father and realised that he was an opportunist and money minded. He despised such men. He was about to send another text when he heard Rishab address him.

"How's work going on Aman?" Rishab asked as everyone turned to him "your is it?"

Aman could sense a small amount of sneer in the tone but decided to pass "its going great..jiju" he added the last term out of respect for his sister.

Rishab wasn't done yet "what kind of painting are we talking about exactly?"

Aman stared at the coffee cup kept on the table. Most of the guests had gone and only the family members and Amit's in laws were left, much to his chagrin. He only sat with the others because his mother had wanted to.
"They're your family...don't disrespect anyone" she had warned. He listened to her and now caught in the circus.

Rishab was waiting for his explanation and he took the coffee cup and sipped it in a single gulp "I would have explained jiju but to understand art, you need to have imagination and lots of patience...I doubt if you have both".

Rishab didn't reply but glanced at his sister who seemed to pass by them. Aman saw him give a stern look at her which she ignored. Asshole! Aman cursed under his breath.

The conversation changed to other topics and he was glad he could sneak away but not before he heard Amit ask Sakshi's father "uncle? If you don't mind, I need to ask you a favour".

Aman sat back, partly amused and partly curious as to what his brother was upto. Amit was trying his best to look as polite as possible in front of everyone present.

"Sure beta" Ranjit beamed. Amit cleared his throat "one of my best friends is getting engaged this Sunday and he has invited me..and Sakshi as well...we're childhood friends actually" Amit gave his charming smile "can I take Sakshi along if you don't mind?"

Aman wondered if his brother was insane. Ranjit seemed to be thinking "what time is the function?"he asked.

"Around seven" Amit replied in a serious tone "I'll pick her up at six and drop her early...I swear".

Ranjit didn't answer immediately but Shekhar interrupted "let them go.." he said in a cool tone "I know this guy..he's very close to's a family function after all...let them enjoy".

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