1. TW. abuse, r@pe mention

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"Shouta? SHOUTA?."
Hizashi found shouta sat on the floor in a dark pool of his own blood. Hizashi knew about his parents but nothing like this had happened before.

Shoutas parents were abusive. They always beat and hurt him, claiming he "deserved" it because he supposedly killed oboro. When their punishments were physical, it was always in the same place. In the basement where there was no light, no help, and no way out. As much as hizashi tried to get shouta out of that environment when he could, there was no where else to go but hizashis. So, the pair where often found at his, his house now a second - but really shoutas only - feeling of home. Tonight was not one of those nights.

Shouta was sat on the concrete floor, naked and tied with his hands to the wall. Hizashi could see the ropes digging into him, blood slowly falling down his wrists and into his already matted hair. his body was covered in cuts and bruises, multiple bite marks and lashes across him where there was a rare absence of blood.
Shoutas head was positioned down, his chin against his chest and a blindfold tight over his eyes. There were tear stains travelling from under the blindfold down onto his cheeks and neck, something hizashi had only seen once on shouta in his life.
Hizashi ran over to shouta, kneeling and reaching out carefully to brush against the covering of his eyes. Shouta flinched away sharply, hitting his head against the wall and causing a new wave of tears to fall.
"Sho, it's okay, it's just me; hizashi. I'm here baby it's okay, he can't get to you, I'm not gonna hurt you." He kept his fingers lightly where the others eyes were, not moving and spilling a constant stream of reassurance.
"I'm going to undo your blindfold yeah? It's tight, so it might hurt a bit."
He reached around shoutas head, undoing the knot and softly pulling the covering away. Shouta blinked and winced as he felt the clear indents in his face where the mask had just been. His mind bought him back to the familiar fear of pain and it caused him to spiral once again, tears and panicked words never ending.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. don't hurt me please no no no no I'm sorry, I'll do what you want, I'm so sorry I-"
Cut off by a gentle touch to his cheek, he startled out of his thoughts, looking towards hizashi.
"Shouta, it's me. I'm not going to hurt you okay? Do you understand?"
there was a small nod of his head, and it fell heavy against his chest once again; his body shaking as he sobbed.

Hizashi quickly but gently removed the rest of the restraints, sometimes pausing to soothingly rub over a mark in the others skin. when all of the ropes were on the floor, he reached over and brushed shoutas hair out of his face.
"I'm going to pick you up now okay? Is that okay?"
Another small nod.
"Good. Im not here to hurt you, yeah? Im going to take you to the hospital after I find a blanket to cover you." Hizashi pulled shouta against his chest, standing up with ease as the boy sobbed into him.
"No no no, no hospitals. Please, I want to go home- to yours. Please."
Shoutas voice was rough and raspy; from how much he had been crying for help hizashi assumed. He immediately placed his hand over shoutas back, tracing gently along his spine in a soothing manner.
"Shouta, baby, you're bleeding and hurt. You need to get looked at you know? I don't know how much you've been hurt."
"No, NO. Please please please. He raped me zashi, he- he raped me I-" his breath was fast and erratic, his tears turning more into a panic attack.
"I sorry baby. Im sorry. I'm here, I've got you now. What if we go home and I call someone there?"
"No no no. No strangers touching me please zashi. Just you, please please; my dad touched me he, he-"
"Sho, I can't just leave you untreated okay? I'll take you home and we can stay there for a while until you're ready and I can care for your wounds the best I can. But we are gonna need to get you checked."
Shouta looked into his boyfriends eyes, trusting his judgement completely. He choked out a gruff "yeah" before letting his head fall into the others chest.

walking away from the spot they were stood in, hizashi silently walked to where he knew shoutas favourite blanket was. He continued to soothe shouta; rubbing his back and pressing the occasional kiss into his forehead as he cried and tried to calm his breathing. He grabbed shoutas blanket (one that was yellow with cats on) and wrapped it around him, being careful not to put pressure on any of his wounds.
"There we go sho, wanna go home?"
There was a muffled sob and hizashi felt a nod against his chest.
He was taking shouta home.

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