4. Tw. Aizawa gets hit

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"Mic! I told you. I don't need to eat more than I do, I eat more than enough."
Hizashi snapped his gaze to Shouta at the use of his hero name, but didn't comment on it.
"Yes. You do."
"I'm fine."
"Sho you look like you're wasting away. Look at your cheeks, they look so hollow now." Hizashi stepped closer to Shouta and put a hand on his cheek, emphasising his point. Shouta flinched; hizashi had just broken a promise.
"You promised you wouldn't get close to me in an argument without telling me first." Shoutas voice was barely above a whisper, and he looked up at his husband as he shook off the hand on his face.
Hizashis eyes flicked away from the harsh eye contact, trying to keep his temper down.
That's one thing nobody but Shouta saw. Hizashis anger.
"We," hizashi said pointing towards himself and then Shouta, "are not arguing."
"Yes, we were, and are. It's not a bad thing to argue mic."
Shouta took note at how hizashis hands shook, and how his eyebrows were furrowed, so stepped back.
"Look at you sho! You're scared of me when I disagree with you? That's not how it should be! I'm meant to be the one you feel safe around!"
"You are."
Hizashi shook his head and huffed a laugh as he stepped forwards again,
"No, Shouta, really look at you. This isn't the type of anger and dominance your little degradee self gets off to is it? This scares you."
"You know my past and childhood mic."
Hizashi stepped back one more time, getting out of shoutas face and turning around until Shouta spoke again.
"Please don't become part of my past too zashi."
It was said sadly, quiet, and full of emotions that Shouta never showed. But Shouta chose the wrong time to be vulnerable. Mic turned around sharply and his hand connected with shoutas face almost instantly, the sound of a slap cutting the air. Shouta stood completely still, his face turned and eyes carefully trained to the ground.
"You little shit! Don't speak to me like that! You think I'm gonna be part of your past Hm?"
Shouta didnt answer, only stood quietly.
"Answer me!"
Hizashi looked down at his hands and thought for a second. Shouta shut his eyes, willing the urge to break down away.
"I'm sorry zashi I-"
"Will you just shut the fuck up for a second?!"
Shouta whispered another 'sorry' before wrapping his arms around his body to hug himself. Hizashi watched Shouta carefully, still shaking but now holding his hands together. Shouta connected their eyes, looking at his husband tiredly.
"And you don't even care do you?"
"What are you talking about hizashi?"
"You don't care! You've never cared! I just hit you and you haven't even apologised, how dare yo-"


Shouta woke up in a cold sweat, dry tear stains running down his cheeks. He held the side of his face hizashi had hit, but it didn't hurt. He reached out to his husband instinctively for help.
Hizashi lifted his head slightly, looking at aizawa with half asleep eyes until he saw the state the other was in.
"Oh baby, are you okay?"
"Would you ever hit me?"
"What?" Hizashi whispered, shocked and with his lips slightly parted in disbelief, "I would never hit you unless you've asked for it sweetheart, do you think I would hit you out of anger? Oh love I'm so sorry I would never-"
Shouta cut off hizashi with a gentle kiss, pressing his hand into hizashis chest as he leant over. His face was dimly lit in the moonlight coming through the windows of their room. His eyes were red with his cheeks and nose matching, and he was slightly trembling as he bit his lip to try and stop it showing.
Hizashi pulled Shouta into his arms and stroked his hair softly, "do you want to cry love?"
Shouta sniffed quietly and replied with a small 'no'
"Do you need to?"
The "mhm" Shouta gave went up in pitch and into more of a whimper as he tried to wipe his eyes. Hizashi took his hands.
"You don't have to try not to cry, it's okay, you can cover your face or look away from me if it makes you more comfy but don't try to hold it back my love."
"Thank you hizashi"

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