Tw. Self harm

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Everyone had sat down at their tables, looking over the various plates scattering the tables.

The students and teachers were at a camp for the week that was meant to help 1A with their quirks. The journey up had been eventful, the teachers sharing a bus with the students; But they were here now and it had calmed down a little. Except, aizawa had seemed a little too serious, a little too silent with a deeper furrow in his eyebrows. No body noticed of course, no one apart from his husband hizashi, who was luckily allowed to share a room with Shouta instead of them being separated.
"Thank you for the meal!" Everyone said in unison before grabbing a plate and helping themselves. The food was delicious! The variety was amazing and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
The teachers sat on one long table, with the students on another close by. Mic was next to aizawa on one side, and midnight on the other and all might sitting in front of him. All might and midnight rambled on about their classes and whatever else, but mic wasn't listening much. Everyone had almost finished eating, but Shouta was still sitting silently, staring down at his plate without eating anything.
Hizashi tapped aizawas shoulder but pulled back when he saw aizawa flinch.
"Have you eaten sho?"
Hizashi waited gently for a reply, but didn't receive one until aizawa stood up; holding onto mics shoulder to steady himself with a small grumble of "I'm going to the bathroom mic."

Aizawa walked into the bathroom, seeing himself in the mirror as he did so. He rubbed his eyes then dragged his hands the rest of the way down his face in frustration. Since when had he been so weak? this whole trip he could barely concentrate. Hizashi knew Shouta had a past of self harm, but never knew it had recently come back stronger than before. Shouta didn't know how else to cope after finding out about kurogiri. It was his fault after all, right? He rested against the cold wall and let his legs give way beneath him until he was sat on the floor. He didn't care for how the floor was grimy and the whole room was dirty. His eyes had been dizzy for too long to see it anyway. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a razor he had been carrying with him for a while.
Are you really gonna do this here Shouta?
He contemplated for a second, but the voices in his head were too loud. 'It's your fault. You think you should live after he died? Mic won't miss you anyway, he-"

Shouta leaned forwards, dragging his knees into his chest and laying his head atop them. His arms stung and he felt blood falling down them. It felt comforting to feel it again after so long, and he wondered why he ever stopped. His fingers shakily traced the open wounds, smearing blood over his fingertips. He bought his hand to the floor to wipe the blood off and tried to lift his head again. His eyes dropped slightly as he did, and he knew he was gonna pass out soon. Shouta didn't fight it, he had actually hoped for everything to end soon, so maybe now was the time. He couldn't help but think of his students and mic. They won't miss me, I've been terrible to them.
He pulled his sleeves down as he saw the first drop of blood fall to the floor. Aizawa smiled gently at the sight. Everything was quiet now; no voices to cloud his mind. He laid his head back and closed his eyes as he waited for his consciousness to go.

Mic was shocked over the use of his hero name. Aizawa never used it unless they were in front of students, and right now they were far enough away to not have to keep up to that rule. He accepted that maybe he had just had a bad day, although his behaviour had started to remind him of aizawas past. He hadn't started hurting himself again right? He would have told mic if he did surely, they were married.

Aizawa had been in the bathroom a long time and hizashi felt the need to check on him. He thought maybe he was just worried, but it had been over 10 minutes now. He thanked everyone for the meal again and made his way to the bathroom.
He walked in and his eyes connected with the body that sat doubled over on the floor.
"Sho- Shouta?? SHO!"
Hizashi ran over the Shouta, kneeling down next to him and taking note that he seemed to be asleep. He shook him gently.
"Come on, you gotta wake up, please. Please don't have done it again sho please?"
He looked to see blood pooling on the floor and squeezed his lips together in concentration. He pulled up shoutas sleeves that were now wet with blood and looked at the open wounds deep in his arms. Warm tears ran down his face as he looked up at his husband again who he now figured was passed out.
He sat down next to aizawa, pulling him into his lap and rocking them both as he sobbed into shoutas shoulder. His sobs were broken and uncontrollable, his body lurching with each cry. Hizashi reached into his pocket for spare bandages and pulled them out before lifting himself and his husband off of the floor. He lifted Shouta onto the sinks edge, running the tap and quickly washing blood off of his hands. He wiped his face but tears still insisted on running down his face.
Hizashi held onto shoutas arms gently, washing most of the blood off and then wrapping them in bandages. "Come on sho, don't die on me now, you can't leave me like this. Please Shouta I need you. Please please please wake up now."
He kissed every inch of his arms that he had hurt, willing all the pain away. Hizashi felt his chest tighten more than it had already as he waited for Shouta to wake up. He had mumbled pleases and begged throughout the process of cleaning him up until his throat hurt, he didn't care if he lost his voice forever as long as Shouta woke up.
He leant into Shouta.
"Please sweetheart you can't leave me now, it's not your fault. I would have done something, just please wake up now."

"I'm here zashi."
Hizashi looked up to aizawa looking down at him through tired eyes. New tears ran down his cheeks as he held onto his husband tighter than before.
"Shouta- Shouta my love oh my god, I love you so much. Please know I love you more than anything. Please I-"
Shouta winced as he moved his arms, but reached to hold hizashi. He shushed him and leant down to kiss his forehead.
"I love you too. And I'm sorry."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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