3. Tw. mention and accusation of SA

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"Come on eri, let's go!"
Eri ran out, swinging her school bag around with a big grin on her face. It was the last day of her first week at school and aizawa couldn't be more proud. She took his hand and they walked together to the car. As he was strapping her in he was reminded of something that had been bothering her recently.
"Hey eri? If anyone makes any comments about daddy tell them they're very silly" he kissed her forehead and moved to sit in the front seat.
"I will daddy!"
Aizawa looked back one more time at his daughter before turning on the car and heading to eri's school. Eri sat in the backseat, humming absentmindedly to the music as she swung her legs happily. It would be a good day, right? It was her last after all, and aizawa had planned a treat for after.

They reached the school and aizawa got out of his side of the car to go and let eri out. He stopped dead as he felt people staring at him. It's fine, they do this everyday. He unstrapped eri's car seat and lifted her out, listening to the conversation of the women who were watching him.
"Don't you think it's a bit weird? Single dad, no mother, all seems a little off."
"Do you think she needs help? And I don't think he's single, he has a husband."
"A husband? That's worse, do you think they're using her for- you know?"
Aizawa clenched his eyes shut for a second, wishing he hadn't heard. Eri looked up at him concerned but just grabbed his hand and tried to drag him away.
"Come on daddy, they're just silly right?"
He looked down and smiled softly. "Yeah, they're just silly."
They walked towards the school, but not without aizawa looking back and glaring coldly at the women.


Aizawa got home and slammed the car door shut. He slid down the door and buried his face in his hands, body shaking as he tried not to cry. Don't be weak, don't be weak. he didn't think he slammed the door that hard, but as he heard footsteps approaching he realised he might have.
"Babe? Aizawa?"
Aizawa looked up and wiped his eyes, seeing his husband crouching down to his level.
"You ok? What happened?"
Aizawa didn't say anything, only moved to hug hizashi tightly and hide his face as he sobbed. Hizashi rocked his other half gently, stroking his hair and pressing occasional kisses into aizawas forehead.

"They, they said she needed help. Because we were gonna do something to her."
"Do what sho?"
Aizawa hiccuped and gripped his husbands shirt tight.
"They implied we would sexually assault her hizashi."
Hizashi grimaced and tightened his hold on aizawa.
"I'm so sorry baby. You're not a bad dad, neither am I. We wouldn't do that to her and you know that. Don't let it get to you."
"But they-"
"I know, I know. But they don't know our personal lives or what she or you or I have been through. They don't know us so they shouldn't have a say in who we are."
Hizashi kissed the top of aizawas head more firmly this time, as if to make sure aizawa believed him.
"We can go pick her up together in a couple of hours okay?"

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