After the explosion

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I have been sitting in my bed for half an hour in a daze.

Suddenly my phone makes a sound. Making me snap out of my thoughts I picked up and took a deep breath. Then open it to see if it's the group chat.

They all are asking me if is it the truth that Richy is behind everything. And now I don't know how to explain but then suddenly fear and worry rush into me. Because he was not online.

With my trembling fingers, I open the chat with Jake and look at the last message from him "I Love You Mc".

A tear fell from my eyes and with a shaky breath and trembling hands, I write...

Mc: Jake...

Mc: please let me know if you are okay.

Mc: I am getting worried about you.

Mc: please be safe Jake...

Mc: I can't lose you...

My eyes are blurry from my tears. They are falling like a broken dam. I took a deep shaky breath and shut my eyes for a few seconds. And told myself
"pull it together, Mc. Jake might have to again go into hiding that's why he wasn't able to reach you yet."

My phone is still making sounds. I opened my eyes and wiped my tears from the back of my hand.

I ignore the messages from the guys and booked myself a flight ticket to Colville tonight then booked a car too. Because when I was researching Duskwood I got to know it was 500 miles from Colville.

I get up and put my phone in charge then started to pull my suitcase out which I have already packed last night when Richy asked me to go to mine. Then I decided to take a bath because I need to be sane for I don't know what.

After a long bath, I was ready for a long journey to Duskwood. So I took my suitcase, keys, and phone with me and make my way to the airport.

After parking my car at the airport as I was pulling my luggage out of the car my phone started to ring I took it out and see it was my brother Alex so I picked it up and heard my brother's voice.

"Hey kiddo, you remember that today is Saturday night right" and I completely forgot that today is Saturday shit I know that I am in deep trouble now because every Saturday my brother Alex, sister Selena and I watch movies and my brother cooks for us.
I took a deep breath for the lie I am going to say "Brother sorry something happened to one of my friends so I am going to Colville to meet my friends I can't come today" there was silence then he asked me "Mc are you okay? Kiddo you know you can tell brother everything I will help you with anything".
I didn't even realize that my eyes started to blur with tears but I blink them away and said "I will tell you everything brother but when I come back"
I heard a sigh then Alex asked "When will you come back"
I thought for a minute and replied "Two or one weeks maybe" he replied immediately "Okay but *sigh* you are going to call me immediately after landing and telling me everything after coming back okay Mc" "Ok brother I call you when I arrive to Colville and tell sis Selena too bye" *sigh* "Alright kiddo have a safe trip bye".

I took a deep breath and pull my suitcase into the airport.

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