Survived - part 2

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Just as we got out Richy pushed me to the side. I feel my back bumping into the tree trunk. And look at Richy whose half body almost got under the rocks that have fallen from mine collapsed.

I was shocked by the realization that he pushed to protect me or I also might be with him laying down under the rock too. But why would he do that? He should have saved himself.

Just as I get up I feel a terrible pain in my back. I hissed with pain and get up trying to help Richy. As I got close to him and started to push the rock from him to another side. He said to me weakly "Mc...what do you think will she forgive me?" I said to him while pushing the rock "Mc...she well what you have done to her friends I can't say she will forgive you immediately but one day she might forgive you".

As I got the rock out of his body I crouch down and said: "Richy I have to leave the police are here so someone will come and help you okay." He just nodded. So I stand up and leave from the side.

Thanks to the explosion FBI and police officers are distracted. It becomes easy for me to escape from here.

As I got in my car and hiss with pain as my back touched the seat. I took a deep breath and took my phone out and realized that it got broken. Probably while Richy pushed me.

I closed my eyes and decided not to contact Mc because the FBI might probably keep a close eye on me. And I might put her in danger right now.

So started the car and drove myself to the motel where I was staying. As I was driving, the devil started to whisper in my mind 'What are you thinking before? Jake that everything will be okay after finding Hannah and Richy. No, your life is a whole mess it won't get better. How dare you thought to live a normal life.' The devil in my head was not wrong and I know this. But I shake this thought back in my head for now.

After coming back to the motel, I threw my hoodie and saw my injured back that has got my skin scraped by bumping into the tree. I just took some painkillers and lay flat in my bed with my stomach. Even if I want to put medicine in my back I won't be able to on my own. So I decided to sleep.

During these four years whenever I got an injury from running away, I have to take care of them myself. I have to endure any type of pain and discomfort. Sometimes I can't even get proper treatment. If I was lucky enough I might get to a small private clinic for my treatment. But in a situation, like now I can't even go and ask for help from someone.

In these four years, I have gotten used to this lifestyle. Even if I hate it who am I to blame? The corrupt government who has made me a wanted criminal.

But at a time like this, I wish I could talk to Mc and tell her how much I miss her and wish to want her here with me.

But all I can do in a situation like this is wish that Mc might not be too concerned about me...

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