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After coming to Duskwood I dumped my car where nobody will notice it and came to Rainbow cafe and order a coffee.

While waiting for my coffee, I started to check Mc's location. When I got to know that she has gone to the police station I was angry at her.

But I calm my emotions and connect her phone to my device to listen to her talk with Alan.

But when I know that it was not Alan who will interrogate her but the FBI agents I felt angry at myself for again putting her in danger like this.

However, I know that I can't change the situation so I listen to it quietly.

When the FBI agent asked for her phone I quickly clean everything from her phone, even our chat I know it will hurt her too but it was for her safety and I will do anything to keep her safe. She is my Angele, my light at the end of the tunnel, my hope, and my whole world...

I took a deep breath and continue to listen to her conversation with Alan. Even I was shocked to know that Mc has a lawyer's license. This girl always amazed me.

But suddenly my mood got sour because she is using her authority to get Phil out. I mean seriously Mc do you have to help him out? It's not like he can't afford a lawyer. But I can't do anything about it and just gritted my teeth in anger and pain from my back.

I don't like that guy a bit. He is so unlikeable. I have so many reasons to not like him, he said things about Hannah and did not even talk to his sister properly. Ok, I am Jealous that he flirts with Mc in past and even get to meet her first before me.

But seriously, Mc! Why the hell do you have to drive him to his home? Ok, Jake calm down Mc is just helping him because he is Jessica's brother.

Can't this guy not understand that Mc is not interested in talking with him? She is answering him in one or two words.

However, when Mc asked him questions I silently listen to them because I am also curious about them.

I started to feel dizzy all of the sudden so I just closed my eyes for a few seconds and a woman in her late 40s or 50s asked me if I am fine and touched my hand while saying with a gasp "My God dear you are burning with fever. Tell me about your family so I call someone for you."

I look at her weakly. She looks at me kindly just like my mother used to so I told her Mc phone number and told her that she is my girlfriend and she can tell her that I am here so she can pick me up. She immediately called Mc in front of me and told her to come quickly to pick me up.

She look at me concerned and told me that she has informed Mc about me and sat in front of me.

I suddenly miss my mother she also used to worry about me like this in the past. I took a deep breath and surpassed my emotions.

I was just worried that what if Mc might not understand that it's me, after all, I didn't tell my name. But I have a feeling that she will come and with this thought, I suddenly started to get nervous after all it was going to be our first meeting.

Just as I was thinking about her the cafe door gets open and Mc came into my view. My heart is beating so fast and my eyes got a little blurry seeing her. I unconsciously have a little smile on my lips like a fool.

The lady sitting in front of me also see that I was looking at Mc. So she waved at her in which Mc looks in our direction and come to us. The lady started to tell her that I have a fever and to take me home for rest.

In which Mc come in face to face with me and put her hand on my forehead and frowned and said my name in her angelic voice


Hearing my name I smiled and said, "Hello Mc." And everything got black.

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