Finding Shelter

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When I arrived at Colville, it was already 3 am. After getting off the bus I started to locate a nearby hotel or motel for my stay. And I successfully found one. It was in a remote place enough for me to hide for a while.

The building was also a little run down and the area seems quiet too. It was already 3 in the morning. As I opened the door it was a little dark and only one yellow light lit the hall.

I pulled the hood of my hoodie a little down as I walked towards the reception desk and saw no one. So I rang the bell 3 times and an old man came out yawning. And said, "What a time for you to come young man."

I chuckled and said, "Sorry for the trouble mister."

He shook his head while sitting in front of the counter and asked, "So single bed or double bed?"

I said, "Single bed" and showed him my fake ID that I had prepared for a while.

After filling in my information, he said "100$" and took out a key.

As I pulled out a bill of 100$, he pushed the key and said, "Room 24 upstairs at the very end of the right."

I nodded before I walked toward room 24 and opened the door which was dark because of the night. I switched on the light and well I have to say I did not think the room was decent because of the building's look. But it's decent enough for me to stay for a while.

The room was not big as it's a one-person room. It contains a single-size bed with a clean mattress and a side table beside the bed with a lamp. Well, there is a table and a single sofa on the side near the window. The walls are painted green with white trim at the ceiling. Directly in front of the bed was a TV attached to the wall. There is a landscape portrait on the head of the bed. And there is a bathroom on my left with a small toilet, sink and a walk-in shower.

I throw my bag on the sofa while taking off my mask and gloves which I put aside while laying down on the bed. As the exhaustion took over my body of travelling. I fell asleep.


When I woke up it was already 9 am. As always, I checked on my pursuers and after making sure that I am safe. I get up from the sofa and make my way towards the bathroom for a much-needed shower. As I let the hot water run over me. My mind started to drift towards the event of the last few days, but most importantly towards Mc. I think about the confessions, I still can't believe that I have made and the fact that she said it back.

The water started to turn cold, instantly bringing me back from my thoughts. After finishing my shower, I step back into the room and put on a fresh t-shirt and sweatpants. Before sitting on the sofa and looking out of the window. As my stomach asks for food. I started to miss Mc cooking, with a sigh I got up and put on a mask and a cap before going out of the room for some food.

As I was walking down the street, I found a little restaurant. I walked inside and sat in the corner. A waiter approached me and asked for my order. After Ordering my food, I waited quietly while looking at my surroundings and saw a couple happily talking and eating. I look at them with little envy and lower my head with a bitter smile.

As my food arrived shortly, I started to eat quickly and left quietly. As l was walking towards the motel, my phone made a sound for me to know that someone was trying to hack into my system. I ran towards the motel quickly.

After getting into my room, I quickly opened my laptop and started to type furiously. The battle continues for half an hour before they finally stop their attempts. I tiredly leaned back before closing my eyes and thought 'it was close'.

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