~Chapter 16~

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Somehow the next few days were calm. They haven't seen any soldiers, nobody has attacked them, there was no sign of that Icewing-Seawing thing again, and Tundra didn't have to use her magic for anything.

Something seemed off though. They had barely seen any dragons anywhere, And it's been offly quiet. No roars, no wing flapping, no voices, nothing.

"Has anybody else noticed that it seems really overly quiet out here?" Tundra said to her friends.

"yea I noticed that too," Dune said. "Maybe once we enter the Sandwing kingdom it will be more active. Although you would think that there would be more guards near the border, considering it's a different territory entrance. I don't know, but it's definity strange."

The friends flew just above the treeline for another few hours until they reached the Sandwing kingdom. It was about mid-day now.

They landed for a little bit to chat.

"Oh my it's so nice to feel the sand on my claws again, and the hot sun on my scales," Rattlesnake said.

"I agree, so nice" both Dune and Sandstorm said.

"You guys are weird, this is terrible for me," Tundra said.

"That's because you're an ICEWING snail head," Dune said.

"Eh true," Tundra said.

"I don't really care to be honest, Just seems normal to me. I've been here before, so it's not really new to me, plus I live right there, so it's not much colder," Mercury said, pointing back into the mountains.

"Not like I haven't been here before," Tundra mumbled.

"Yea but you were literally thrown here, along with me, but yea," Dune said.

"Yea ok the heat was the last thing I was thinking about since all I could feel was stinging and aches," Tundra said.

"Ouch.." Rattlesnake said with a remorseful face.

"Eh it's fine now, I'm alive aren't I?" Tundra said.

"True," Rattlesnake said.

Tundra quickly checked her horn ring to make sure the dream visitor was still there in case she needed it.

Wait, I can use this to visit my sister's dreams.. I'm so stupid Tundra thought.

"I can't believe I didn't realize this until now.." Tundra said, placing one claw on her face. "I can literally just visit my sister's dream with this, at least once to tell her I'm ok," Tundra said pointing to the dream visitor. "I can also ask her what is going on in the kingdom, she may be young, but she's smart, and knows what's going on when something is serious."

"Do we have a plan for what we're going to do?" Rattlesnake asked.

"Maybe we should hide in the scorpion den for a while," Dune suggested. "I lived there for a while, my family is there.. Which I might have to face again, but I'm not scared of them, along with you guys being here, but there are other dragon species in there. I don't know if there's Icewings, but you being there wouldn't really be a surprise to them," Dune said pointing to Tundra.

"That's actually not a bad idea," Sandstorm said. "I've been there before too, violence does happen, but with the five of us, they won't bother us if we are together, and other than that, it's a safe place for us, compared to where we are now, or where we were," Sandstorm said.

"It's settled then, we're going there," Tundra said.

Tundra couldn't help but realize that her friends definity seemed to respect her after the Eye Of Onyx conversation. Even Dune. They follow pretty much everything she suggests, unless its stupid obviusly. Tundra didn't necessarily mind it, but she didn't want them to think they had to follow her lead, and do everything she says, just because she could potentially be a queen now.

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