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Name: Osiris

Titles: The Boogeyman, The Nightmare,
The Dweller

Fake Look:

Real Looks:

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Real Looks:

Hair colour: Black

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Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Blue

Age: ???

Height: 8 feet tall

Real Height: 15 feet 7 inches

Gender: Male

Weigh: 12,390lbs

Species: Dark Entity/Mainframe entity/Dark Omni Deity Hybrid

Personality: Brutal, Serious, Twisted, Psychopath, Evil, Insane, Maniac, Hateful, Fierce, Selfish, cruel, aggressive, mysterious, terrifying, Homicidal, Genocidal, Cold Hearted,

Likes: To destroy everything, Fighting, watch people suffer, killing innocents, kill people in-front of their loved ones, his generals, his servants, Genocide, Killing, Chaos, Power, Destruction, Gaining power, rule everything,

Hates: Peace, Harmony, Heroes, Villains, Union, The Alrest Empire, Not getting what he want, losing to Classic Blade, arrogant people, perverts, the 3 factions, Khaos Brigade

Background: Osiris is an entity that had originated from the Mainframe, using its capabilities to cast terror and chaos upon the world. Osiris was originally not even an entity. Instead, he had conjured up from William's mind from the trauma of Wendy's experiments, essentially being a trauma demon that both helped him and injured him further. William relied on Osiris to keep himself sane, always speaking to himself to keep him steady. However, the day of the Mainframe's breach, William had developed a soul from the databank. Alongside this, Osiris was registered by the Mainframe as an entirely different entity. Given that William was so focused on Osiris an entity, he wound up seeing him as an entirely different thing, and the Mainframe hadn't shared a different view. And so, the beast arose.

Osiris wasn't just William's traumatic experience. He had also been a conjured variant of an old entity that had once lived in the Mainframe, their name unknown. Though, the result was Osiris nonetheless. With a newfound power, he felt stronger than ever, only bound by the chains of the Mainframe as a result of everything. His threat to the omniverse was too disasterly. He was capable of things some couldn't even comprehend. The danger was too far, and so, he was locked up in the lowest rocks of the Mainframe, chained to the ground like a slave. He spends his time awaiting the dawn of his power to resume once more, always waiting for his retribution.

Powers and Abilities:


Quintessential Combatant

Osiris is impervious to hand-to-hand combat. He is able to scientifically analyse each bit of friction, respond instantaneously, counter every form of close range attack and go unscathed throughout the entire battle. This is due to the amount of training The Ancient Being spent training that naturally carried over to Osiris.


Osiris is capable of differing the mass in his own body from the matter around him, allowing for him to expel his own, attract outside matter and even alter his currently existing limbs. This can range, though is not limited to; claws, tendrils, whips, maces, hammers, pincers and even organic cannons.

Energy Conversion

Osiris is able to convert any form of energy to another type, such as converting kinetic energy attacked at him to thermal energy, simply to just stop its motion and make it flammable, then use the gravitational potential energy from it falling to redirect it back to kinetic energy to his opponent.

Hormonal Discharge

Osiris has the ability to naturally alter the hormones in one's body, allowing numerous things to occur. He can use this as a form of mind alteration, capable of transforming the oestrogen and testosterone in either of the sex's body to make them feel certain ways. Another example is melatonin alteration, as he can then make the body naturally respond strangely to darkness, alongside being incapable of sleeping. This can also affect his own hormones to make him more enraged, hence the LV alteration.

Virtual Omniscience

While Osiris is not truly omniscient, he is knowledgable of everything in the present and past that is not emotional knowledge or above. He can still nigh perfectly recognize one's emotional state by something as simple as their gestures.

The Bite

Osiris can consume a vessel and gain the ability to mutate into their body, with the singular exception of the entity requiring a humanoid torso. Any being he mutates into will have the notable feature of his chest markings on theirs, yet instead being the colour of their blood.

Anti-God Ray

Osiris can fire a black beam with a blue outline at any object, and from where he strikes, he can either completely erase that area, or can cause it all to be completely in submission to the beam, allowing for him to implode it into a black hole, depending on the size of the thing he fired at. This can range from a household object to an entire multiverse.

Cosmic-Chrono Prowess

Osiris has unlimited authority over space and time, nullifying him from any form of weakness involving these two factors. This also has sub-categories for these factors, such as the thermal power and radiative power of stars. He also has slight space-time control as a result of this, including the ability to attack at random intervals, then making all those attacks strike in sequence at a later period and having simple weather control of planets and moons.

Unwavering Vessel

Osiris' vessel, being made from a thing that has a Soul comparable to that of infinity, is too strong to simply let out. Despite his chaotic nature, he must hold back to prevent his attacks from being far too disasterdly. While his fist is usually powerful enough to shock the ground at such a force it will send it across the entire universe if he wishes, he can use all his strength to attack the floor and cause enough force to cause a chain reaction of thermal energy, kinetic energy and electrical energy altogether to result in the destruction of the omniverse. He may also be able to reach speeds that exceed the speed of light, though this is unconfirmed.

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