Jagger Todd

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Name: Jagger Todd

Hair colour: Black

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Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Green

Age: 22

Height: 7 feet 4 inches

Gender: BOI!

Weigh: 459lbs(his body is pure muscle)

Species: Mafien/Human Hybrid

Personality: Brutal(to his enemies and everything he hates) Serious, Annoying(on purpose), Jerk(for fun), charming, carefree, joyful, lone wolf(only he doesn't want his family to be around in his personal business and past), positive, cocky, helpful, confident, heroic

Likes: His family, Kenji, Justin, Kyle, Hiro, Minato, his friends, Mafien Clan, Mafien Gods, Melancholy, Ddraig, Armageddon, Herrschers, Gold, annoying the hell out of people, St.Freya, Valkyries, Azur lane, ship girls, Garayann, flirting with his girls, Demons(only ones that he loves and ones that are his friends), Angles(only ones he trusts), Taimanin, his alternate versions(sees most of them as his brothers, rivals and 1 as a father figure), fighting

Hates: His Birth Family, His family getting hurt, seeing his girls crying and get hurt, Perverts looking at his girls, Demons, child Abusers, Union, Hero Faction, Khaos Brigade, Albion, Vali, murderers, white fang, League of Villains, rapists, Grimm(except ones that love their children), pink, perverts, arrogant people, racists,

Abilities: Nigh-Superhuman Strength: Jason was extremely strong and was at peak human range, having been rigorously trained by Batman then further training from himself and Deathstroke to his very limit of strength. He could easily pin Batman down with one leg, punch him hard enough to send him rolling a few meters across an entire room, and even broke free of his stranglehold when Batman ambushed him near the militia's long-range missile launcher; feats that cannot be accomplished by an ordinary man. With one kick, he could break a locked high-strength steel door open and carried Barbara Gordon across his shoulder with absolutely no strain. Jason at the peak of his strength and using muscle control can easily tear metal structures, lift a full-grown man over his head with one hand and throw him several meters just like Batman and Nightwing.

Nigh-Superhuman Speed: Jason is immensely fast, with his speed he could catch-up or outrun moving vehicles, likely to always be first in running-races and have great reactions. His speed was at the highest limit of human potential. He was known to be slightly faster than Batman himself, likely due to Batman's immensely bulked up physique. Jason was shown to be fast enough to dodge the Batmobile's riot suppressor rounds which move as fast as a bullet, and easily keep up with Batman in combat speed. His running speed is superior to Batman, but not quite enough to match Dick Grayson.

Nigh-Superhuman Durability: Jason's muscles and bones are much harder/denser than normal humans due to his training as the second Robin, extended beatings from the Joker for a year, and his immense training after his "death". His rigorously trained body is at the very peak of human durability, meaning he could take getting beaten by a thick metal baseball bat and it would break, regularly falling a couple of stories, getting shot in non-fatal areas of the physical body. Jason can possibly survive an entire building collapse and withstand beatings from untrained super-humans. He has shown feats of bodily resistance to the point that he took Batman's full unrestrained attacks, and showed minor discomfort when the Joker beat him in the face with a metal crowbar.

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