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Name: Maya Inaba

Titles: The Nightmare Phantom, Heir of Inaba Clan,

Titles: The Nightmare Phantom, Heir of Inaba Clan,

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Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Purple

Age: 22

Height: 6 feet 4 inches

Gender: GIRL!

Weigh: 354lbs

Species: Human

Personality: Brutal(to herenemies and everything she hates) Serious, Calm, Reasonable, Wise,, positive, helpful, confident, heroic, Slight Yandere(To Nensho and Kurayama), Motherly, strict

Likes: Kurayama, Her family, her lovers, her friends, Mafien Clan, Mafien Gods, Melancholy, Ddraig, Armageddon, Herrschers, Gold, St.Freya, Valkyries, Azur lane, ship girls, Garayann, flirting with her girls and Satori, Demons(only ones that she loves and ones that are her friends), Angles(only ones she trusts), Taimanin, her alternate versions(sees most of them as her sisters, brothers, rivals and 1 as a her lover), fighting

Hates: Her family getting hurt, Kurayama keeping secrets, seeing her girls crying and get hurt, Perverts looking at her and her girls, Demons, child Abusers, Union, Hero Faction, Khaos Brigade, Albion, Vali, murderers, white fang, League of Villains, rapists, Grimm(except ones that love their children), pink, perverts, arrogant people, racists,

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Expert Martial Artist, Hair Manipulation, Acrobatics, Afterimage Creation (Can create afterimages with his unconventional footwork), Extrasensory Perception (Somehow knew that Muteba and Masaki are killers just by looking at them) and Stealth Mastery

Fighting styles:
Inaba Style

martial arts style created and utilised by the Inaba Clan. Heirs to the Inaba Style begin strengthening their hair from childhood, lathering it in a wondrous compound drug far more effective than any modern hair growth formula. Their strengthened hair is then refined, enabling it to be freely manipulated through years of training.
Edging: A special form of movement used by the Inaba Clan involving the user propelling themselves using nothing but their toes. The user also keeps their movement speed out of sync to make it harder for opponents to predict their movements.
Somersault Kick: A downward axe kick thrown after somersaulting forwards.
Spider's Hair: A special technique within the Inaba Clan that enables them to use their incredibly strong hair as a weapon. Because of how flexible his hair is, he can use it akin to a whip with the phrase, "It wraps like a steel wire, and strikes like a whip", aptly fitting its usage.
Kure Style(basics)

Father: Ryo Inaba
Inaba Clan
Fang Clan(Distant Relatives)
Justin Park/Zhao Fang(Distant relative)

Lover: Kurayama Kure

Au lover: Nensho Scar

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Au lover: Nensho Scar

(A/N: oc goes to ShikuKazuma66456 )

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(A/N: oc goes to ShikuKazuma66456 )

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