Destroyer Kenji

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Name: Destroyer Kenji

Titles: Darkran, The Ashura of Chaos,The Real Kenji(self-Proclaimed), The True Ruler of the Dark Omniverse, Creator of Darkness, The one that's beyond Redemption, The One who shows no mercy, the one who feels no pity or sadness,Boss(by his servants), Sire(by his servants), The Strongest Evil Kenji, The True Evil Kenji, The True Nemesis of Classic Kenji,

Titles: Darkran, The Ashura of Chaos,The Real Kenji(self-Proclaimed), The True Ruler of the Dark Omniverse, Creator of Darkness, The one that's beyond Redemption, The One who shows no mercy, the one who feels no pity or sadness,Boss(by his servant...

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Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Red

Age: ???

Height: 8 feet tall

Gender: Male

Weigh: ???

Species: Dark Mafien/Entity/Celestial/Dark Omni Deity/Dark Being

Personality: Brutal, Serious, Twisted, Psychopath, Evil, Insane, Maniac, Hateful, Fierce, Selfish, cruel, aggressive, mysterious, terrifying, Homicidal, Genocidal, Cold Hearted,

Likes: To destroy everything, Fighting, watch people suffer, killing innocents, kill people in-front of their loved ones, his generals, his servants, Genocide, Killing, Chaos, Power, Destruction, Gaining power, rule everything, his battles with Classic Kenji, his obsession with his final battle with Classic Kenji, Winning, Torture Classic Kenji

Hates: Kaito(his father), Kaemon, Celia, Zia, Alma, Dlade, Kai, all of his other older siblings, Classic Kenji(his main arch nemesis), Omni Classic Kenji(sees him as a pest in his plans), Kurayami, King Omniverse Kenji, The Star Kenjis, Every good Kenji that exists in each Omniverse, His old Family, Peace, Harmony, Heroes, Villains, Union, The Alrest Empire, Not getting what he wants, seeing Classic Kenji get weak, losing to Classic Kenji, arrogant people, perverts, the 3 factions, Khaos Brigade

Powers and Abilities:

Same as the Evil Kenjis and Kenji's inner demons but much stronger.

Powers and Abilities:

-Reverse Time

-Omni Manifestation

-Ultimate True Shapeshifting


-All Sonic. EXE and X powers.


-True DEMONIC Magic

-True Darkness Magic And Holy

-Mind Control

-Omniverse Manipulation

-Parafox Manipulation.

-Destroy Souls and Terror will hold and it can
NEVER be brough back, not even wishing.

-Both Dark and any other gods

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