Darkran/Destoroyah Blade/Kenji

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Name: Darkran/Destoroyah Blade/Kenji

Titles: Ashura, Destroyah, Dez, The Demon, The Devil, Gojira Blade/Kenji's worst foe, Brother(By Gojira Blade/Kenji), Abomination(By everyone in the Omniverse), The Bloodlust Omnipotent Deity, The Opposite of Gojira Blade/Kenji,



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Titan looks:

Hair colour: Black and White

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Hair colour: Black and White

Eye colour: Red

Age: ???

Height: 8 feet tall

Kaiju Height: 10,000 feet tall

Gender: Male

Weigh: ???

Species: Dark Mafien/Dark Titan/Entity/Kaiju/Dark Omni Deity/Dark Being Hybrid

Personality: Brutal, Serious, Twisted, Psychopath, Evil, Insane, Maniac, Hateful, Fierce, Selfish, cruel, aggressive, mysterious, terrifying, Homicidal, Genocidal, Cold Hearted,

Likes: To destroy everything, Spreading Carnage, Despair and Suffering, Fighting, watch people suffer, killing innocents, kill people in-front of their loved ones, his generals, his servants, Genocide, Killing, Chaos, Power, Destruction, Gaining power, rule everything, his battles with Classic Kenji, Winning, Torture Gojira Kenji

Hates: Gojira Blade/Kenji(his main arch nemesis), His old Family, Peace, Harmony, Heroes, Villains, Union, The Alrest Empire, Not getting what he wants, seeing Gojira Blade get weak, losing to Gojira Blade, arrogant people, perverts, the 3 factions, Khaos Brigade

Inferno Destoroyah:

Forms:Inferno Destoroyah:

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Dark Chaos Titan:

Chaos Destoroyah:

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Chaos Destoroyah:

Weapon:Sword of the Demon:

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Sword of the Demon:

Weapon:Sword of the Demon:

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Powers and Abilities:

Micro-Oxygen - In all of its forms, Destoroyah can manipulate micro-oxygen, the primary component of Dr. Serizawa's Oxygen Destroyer weapon. Destoroyah can use micro-oxygen to disintegrate any lifeforms it comes in contact with and feed on the organic matter. Destoroyah can also spit a concentrated beam of micro-oxygen from its mouth that suffocates and eats away at other life forms.

Laser Horn Katana - In its final form, Destoroyah's horn can extend into a long powerful laser that slices effortlessly through Godzilla's indestructible flesh.

Regeneration - Destoroyah is a composite of trillions of microscopic crustaceans, and can utilize this feature to break itself apart into smaller forms and recombine at its convenience. By reproducing, the microscopic Destoroyahs can regenerate lost tissue and when recombining can heal any wound to the composite creature.

Oxygen Destroyer Cannon - In its final form, Destoroyah is capable of firing a beam from its chest pattern composed of pure Oxygen Destroyer. Destoroyah never uses this ability in the finished film, though it appears in a deleted scene and in the Godzilla PlayStation 3 game.

Swarm physiology
Size alteration
Crustacean swarming
DNA absorption
Oxygen manipulation
Oxygen independence
Micro-oxygen breath
Micro-oxygen injection
Immense strength
Immense durability
Immense speed
Immense agility
Immense reflexes
Immense jumping
Immense senses
High-speed flight
Wing manifestation
Wind generation
Laser horn
Prehensile tail
Pincer claws
Pharyngeal jaw

Powers and Abilities:

-Reverse Time

-Omni Manifestation

-Ultimate True Shapeshifting


-All Sonic. EXE and X powers.


-True DEMONIC Magic

-True Darkness Magic And Holy

-Mind Control

-Omniverse Manipulation

-Parafox Manipulation.

-Destroy Souls and Terror will hold and it can
NEVER be brough back, not even wishing.

-Both Dark and any other gods

-DNA Stealing and copy

-High intelligence

-Omni Demon aura

-Master of Dark and holy magic as everyone imagine

-Symboties Power

-Every Destoroyers' abilities but more powerful

-True Omni Chaos energy



-True DEMON Magic

-All elements power

-Reality wrapping to true atomic level

and many, many more

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