Superboy Prime Jay

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Name: Superboy Prime Jay

Name: Superboy Prime Jay

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Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Red

Age: ???

Height: 7 feet 6 inches

Gender: BOI!

Weigh: ???(his body is pure muscle)

Species: Genetically Modified
Kryptonian Clone

Brutal, Serious, Twisted, Psychopath, Evil, Insane, Maniac, Hateful, Fierce, Selfish, cruel, aggressive, mysterious, terrifying, Homicidal, Genocidal, Cold Hearted,

Likes: To destroy everything, Fighting, watch people suffer, killing innocents, kill people in-front of their loved ones, his generals, his servants, Genocide, Killing, Chaos, Power, Destruction, Gaining power, rule everything,

Hates: Classic Jay(his main arch nemesis), His old Family, Peace, Harmony, Heroes, Villains, Union, The Alrest Empire, Not getting what he wants, seeing Classic Jay get weak, losing to Classic Jay, arrogant people, perverts, the 3 factions, Khaos Brigade

Powers and Abilities:

Indomitable willpower
Magic immunity
Kryptonite immunity
Power mimicry immunity
Combat proficiency
Kryptonian Physiology:
Absolute strength
Absolute speed
Absolute stamina
Absolute agility
Absolute reflexes
Energy absorption
Regenerative healing factor
Enhanced vision
Heat vision
Superhuman senses
Superhuman breath
X-ray vision
Telescopic vision
Microscopic vision
Radar vision
Infrared vision

Kryptonian physiology: As a binary clone, he has most of the physical abilities of a Kryptonian who has absorbed the solar energy of a yellow sun. However, due to the human DNA supplied by Lex Luthor, he lacks the more advanced powers of flight and heat vision and presumably is incapable of ever acquiring them naturally. In addition, his existing powers are considerably inferior to Superman's though whether this is due entirely to him being only a partial kryptonian clone or if his physiological age also exacerbates this (Jay is biologically only around 16-18 years old and not a fully developed adult) is unclear. Since the Light created Jay to replace or destroy Superman and the fact that they created special equipment to temporarily grant Jay full Kryptonian power, it's possible a method could be found to artificially and permanently grant Jay his full powers. His vision is also capable of a broader spectrum than human eyes, able to see x-rays and radio waves. He can hear faint sounds amongst a bustle of noises by concentrating. His lungs are capable of holding air for long periods of time in environments without oxygen, and the ability to compress this air and exhale it in a freezing capacity.

Kryptonite Enhancements: His creators Luthor also laced Kryptonite into his DNA giving him an immunity to the element's radiation unlike other Kryptonians. This also gave him the ability to summon crystal structures that can surround and bind his enemies, projects an energy beam from his gloves that crystallizes whatever it hits, or even shoot green eye beams that outright trapping opponents in Kryptonite structures. A blood transfusion from Superman X was also able to cure Superman of Kryptonite poisoning.

Super strength: This is one of Superboy's main abilities, allowing him to easily pick up or carry heavy objects.

Super leap: To compensate for his inability to fly like Superman, Superboy uses the super-strong muscles in his legs to jump incredible distances and heights.

Super speed: Although not as fast as Kid Flash, Superboy can move at meta-human speeds especially when charging at enemies.

Invulnerability: Like Superman, Superboy is nearly indestructible. This invulnerability allows him to rush into dangerous scenes with little care for what might actually happen. Out of all his teammates, Superboy has taken the most punishment from their missions but has displayed no lasting injuries. He has been tackled through walls, shot with guns and explosives, had his feet dipped in lava, and has come out with no obvious physical damage. He has yet to be permanently injured, but he does experience pain.

Accelerated healing: Under a yellow sun, pre-existing injuries heal with extraordinary speed.

Super hearing: Superboy can pick up the faintest of sounds over long distances, as well as high frequencies not audible to regular humans.

Infrared vision: This ability allows Superboy to visually detect heat signatures, allowing him to easily see in the dark.

Microscopic vision

Telescopic vision

Hand-to-hand combatant: While normally relying on his sheer strength, Superboy has developed highly proficient combat skills from his training under Black Canary. He is especially good at grappling and takedowns. By 2016, he had taken an active role in training newer members of the Team.

Genomorph programming: While Superboy was being force grown, G-Gnomes telepathically fed him information in lieu of a traditional education:

Multilingualism: Superboy can understand and speak many languages outside of English. He is at least fluent in Spanish, Atlantean, French, Korean, Arabic and Russian, among other languages.

Encyclopedic knowledge: Likely due to the G-Gnomes, Superboy has an encyclopedic knowledge of World History.

Boss: Destroyer Kenji

Boss: Destroyer Kenji

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