Blade/Kenji's Last Student

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Name: Akio Nakamura

Hair colour: Black

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Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Red

Age: ???

Height: 7 feet 5 inches

Gender: Male

Weigh: 459lbs(his body is pure muscle)

Species: Mafien/Dragon Hybrid

Personality: Brutal, Serious, Twisted, Psychopath, Evil, Insane, Maniac, Hateful, Fierce, Selfish, cruel, aggressive, mysterious, terrifying, Homicidal, Genocidal, Cold Hearted, Depressed, Denial, Anti Social,

Likes: Fighting, watch people suffer, killing innocents, kill people in-front of their loved ones, his generals, his servants, Genocide, Killing, Chaos, Power, Destruction, Gaining power, rule everything, Winning, Torture his master

Hates: Blade, His fellow students, Peace, Harmony, Heroes, Villains, Union, The Alrest Empire, Not getting what he wants, arrogant people, perverts, the 3 factions,

Powers and Abilities:

Same as Blade/Kenji's Dragon and Mafien powers

Fighting Styles:

Niko Style:

The Adamantine Kata (金こん剛ごうの型かた, Kongō no Kata; lit. "Adamant Form")[7] involves the tightening of the muscles (thus hardening one's body) for both defensive and offensive purposes.

Flying Axe Kick

Flying Axe Kick (飛斧脚, Hibukyaku) is a flying kick enhanced by the Adamantine Kata.


Indestructible (不ふ壊え, Fue) allows the user to either defend from powerful blows or attack the opponent with immense power, through instantaneously clenching all of their muscles at the moment of impact; tensing and tightening of the muscles increases the solidity and density of the user's body, thus preventing the impact of outside attacks from inflicting much, if any, damage. This gives the technique massive defensive and offensive power.


Ironbreaker (鉄てっ砕くだ, Tessai) is a strike-enhancing technique that is delivered while tensing and tightening the muscles in the user's hands or feet. It produces attacks powerful enough to leave an impression of one's fist in their opponent's body. However, for lesser users. It causes the fist to become stiff to the point of being paralysed, as demonstrated when Koga uses it.

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