Mornings, Am I Right?

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The fuck is that loud banging noise. "Ugh. Go away!" I just want to sleep more. I go to roll away from the noise but I can't move. What?

I now notice there's a heavy weight on me, a blanket? I have to open my eyes, don't I?

Oh, shit.

A wide smile breaks out on my face.

It's Yelena.

We must have fallen asleep out here. Last I remember we were star gazing as we talked about whatever came to mind.

Her mouth is slightly open as a soft snore escapes her lips. I rub her back, loving this moment. And then she snuggles even closer to me somehow tightening her grip around my waist.

I close my eyes, I am insanely comfortable and ready to fall back asleep with this lovely person atop me.

And there's that loud banging again!

Deep breath. Peak my eye open and thankfully Yelena is still asleep.

But how do I stop this incessant annoying noise without moving? I refuse to wake Yelena up. She needs to sleep. She is way too adorable to disturb.

Oh yeah, I have a phone. And I'm pretty sure I know who is messing with me right now.

"Clint. What the hell?!" I whisper yell into my phone.

"What? It's 9am!"

"Yeah, that's hardly enough time for sleep. Go away. We'll come down when we're ready."

"Ah. So she is up there with you.."

Shit. "Uh, well.. yeah.." can't really deny it now.

"Mhm. So you don't want me up there because you aren't exactly.. decent?"

Oh dear God..

"No! What the fuck? We fell asleep talking. Why would you even say that?" I'm in a panic. I can't believe he even asked that.

"Oh, please. I know how you two look at each other. We've been waiting for you two to finally realize it and actually do something about it."

What. The. Fuck.


"Yes. You're both so obviously into each other. Except to you two oblivious idiots. It was rather difficult to watch. Glad you're finally doing something about it."

"What? Why would you say that?"

"You fell asleep with her in your old treehouse."


"You never let anyone up there. I haven't seen the inside of it since it was built. And you fell asleep with her."

"Whatever.." I mumble, not willing to admit he might be right. "Why were you waking us up? And I swear if you are about to tell me it was just to see if we were both up here, I swear I will-"

"That's not why. Promise."

"Spill it. I want to go back to sleep," I say, already closing my eyes and laying back against the bean bag chair I guess I never left.

"Well, we need to get ready for the next location? We are going tomorrow. We agreed to meet to go over some final details."

Oh, riiiight.

"Okay, okay. But give us a few minutes? Please. We'll meet you in the kitchen. We can talk over breakfast."

"Fine. As long as you make it down for breakfast and not lunch."

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