Who's Afraid of a Little Needle?

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Alexei is driving us over to his shop.

Yelena and I are sitting in the back, she's leaning into me as my arm is wrapped around her and our hands are entwined.

Luckily it isn't that far from their house.

"So, I don't have an appointment until this afternoon, so I can give you a proper tour, maybe even a tattoo, huh?" Alexei wiggles his eyebrows in the rear view mirror, his wide smile peering out from his beard.





"You want a tattoo?"

"I don't know.. maybe. I've been thinking about it."

"Really? Since when?"  

"I've wanted one before, just never really knew what to get."

"And you know what you want to get now?"

"I have a pretty good idea. Plus it would be your dad, so it would be easier. Maybe? And he trained Spencer and she's incredible so I trust him. Well, and he's your dad, so I guess I trust him-"



"I think it's a great idea."

"Yeah?" A wide smile spreads across my face.

"Yes! What are you going to get?"

"If I get it, it'll be a surprise."

"Noooo. Please tell me," gosh damn it. Those adorable big eyes make it impossible to say no. I can't look at them.

"I can't.." I close my eyes.

"Fine. I guess I'll find out eventually."

"You'll be the third person to know," I kiss her cheek.

"Third?!" She turns from my grasp.

"Well, yeah. I know what it looks like, Alexei will have to know so he can tattoo it. So, you'll be third."

"Okay. I can live with that."


"So, I get to give you a tattoo?" Alexei asks excitedly.

"Maybe!" I laugh. This got a bit out of hand.

"Well, we're here, so you'll have to make up your mind soon."


We all climb out of the car and approach the shop, but he stops us before we enter.  

"What are you doing?" Yelena asks.

"Uh.. I probably should have warned you about this sooner, but I was just so excited for you to see the shop, I guess it just slipped my mind," he looks a bit guilty.

What could he possibly feel bad about in his own tattoo shop?

"Just.. don't be upset? Please?"

"Okay..? I don't know what I would be upset about.."

He lets out a long breath, "here we go.." 

He opens the door, turning on the lights as we walk in. Looking around it looks like a really nice please. Clean, relaxed, and - oh.


"I did. I had to do something. Especially when everyone was asking about her. It was just a small idea, but everyone wanted to contribute.. it was her customers and friends that made it all."

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