Say What Now?

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Lena is up, hugging Kate as she tries to calm down.

Clint is trying to talk her through it.

I'm sat, still in mine and Lena's spot where we fell asleep in the makeshift fort.

I can't seem to tame the pounding in my ears enough to hear what any of them are saying. I feel like I'm watching them from underwater; everything is distorted.

Next thing I know we're all sitting in the fort. I guess I couldn't really process enough to move so they all sat in a circle around me.

I try to shake my head of this dream like state knowing I need to focus, also not sure if this isn't a dream.

"Take your time Kate. Tell us when you're ready," Clint soothes the girl.

She shakes her head, "no, no. Can't take time." Deep breath. What did she do, run all the way here? "Need to go. Just- one more- minute."

At least I'm finally hearing things, right?

"Are you sure you're okay, Kate? I can still go get you that water or-"

Kate places a hand on Lena's shoulder, "no, thank you. I'll be fine."

She seems to straighten herself out, a smile finding it's way onto her lips.

I'm still not sure this isn't a dream. The only thing telling me it's not is that Clint looks rather normal. I would think dream me would put some wings or fangs on him.

"Okay, so, I was just doing my thing, looking around for information on Nat, right?" She doesn't wait for the answer. "It doesn't seem like I'm getting anywhere. We all keep hitting dead ends no matter where we turn to, we can't find anything."

We nod along, all very well aware of the fact, but wanting her to continue to the point.

"Well, I had needed a break, staring at those papers and endless words inside an office all day was driving me crazy." Know the feeling. "Clearly I had gotten all the information I would from shield head quarters. I needed to get back in the field and start exploring more."

For this being time sensitive, she is kind of taking her time getting there.

"Then.. I don't know this just all seemed to fall in my lap. One hint led to another and things just started making sense." She hasn't yet.

"Kate, get to the point. You're kind of losing us here." At least I'm not the only one.

"I don't even know how I came across it. I had to double check more than once. I thought I was seeing things."

"What were you seeing, Kate bishop?" Even Lena is getting lost.

"I had a tip. Not even sure where it came from but seemed legit and, well, I was getting desperate for something."

That should have been a sign.

"Next thing I know I'm standing outside this small town in Canada, way out of the way. Nothing else within miles. So, of course, it seemed promising. I wasn't sure what I was doing there at first. Until I stumbled upon a little shop. Went in for a bite to eat but something just felt off."

Still didn't connect the dots.

"The staff was nice, but it was just something about the place. So I waited until it was late, watched the place all night. Which is how I saw some shady people sneaking into the back. I couldn't quite hear what they were saying, but something told me to keep going. They weren't in there long before they were leaving.. with an added person.

"I decided to follow them."

"Kate, that's incredibly dangerous. You were by yourself with no back up near, what would you have done if you had been caught?" I am genuinely worried. I think she was so excited she just went with it. She seems to be a bit like a puppy sometimes.

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