What Happened in Tokyo

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It's been about a week, give or take, since we went to Norway.

We've made it to two other safe houses with no luck. We found them all the same; untouched. Unlived in for years. Not a drop of evidence that Nat had been there. Or anyone for that matter.

We're drawing to the end of our list for known safe houses Yelena believes Nat would go to. She may have some we don't know about, in fact it's rather likely she does, but since we don't know about them, it doesn't really help.

We have one more place we are going to check; Tokyo. One of the last places anyone would believe Nat would be, which is why I argued that she would in fact be there. Who would think she'd take refuge in such a big city?

I didn't. Clint accidentally let the location slip one night after he had a couple beers.

Of course, I said we should check it out. Clint argued that it's pointless, but I believe he just doesn't want to go there himself; he got a little weird about it. Seems he didn't have very good memories there. Can't imagine what they were.

Nonetheless, I convinced him. We leave tomorrow.


I don't get the big deal. Tokyo is beautiful, absolutely teaming with life and culture and delicious smelling food that's making my mouth water. I make a note to come back sometime to enjoy it all.

Because that is certainly not what we are currently doing. Clint drove like the calmest wild man I've ever seen before ditching the car. Now he is moving us through the back streets so quickly I've just about tripped 5 times trying to keep up with him.

"Can we take a break? Or slow down?"

He gives me a death stare I didn't know he was capable of.

"Okay, continue."

Thankfully it's not much longer before we reach this safe house. Seems like it could be a decent place. The street seems quite calm and there's a few ginkgo trees lining the edge of the road covering the front nicely. I would totally hide out here.

Seeing as this safe house is in the middle of a city, our travel here was a little different. We don't exactly have a very quick route out of here per se. However, if there is some sort of scuffle, we can blend in with the masses of people.

Our approach is tactful, as always.

I don't know the last time Nat was here. I honestly have no idea if she's been to Tokyo. I don't see why not.. Clint's reaction made me believe she has, at least briefly. Clint says there should be a gun hiding around here..

Nope. Clint checks to no avail.


We all hold our breath as Yelena picks the lock then slowly pushes the door open. She doesn't move to go in, so Clint does. For someone who didn't want to be here, he sure is eager. I place my hand on Lena's back, trying to encourage her in.

Clint's voice brings her out of her reverie, "nope. She isn't here."

"Shouldn't we check? I mean as much as I believe you, we're here, right? We need to know for sure," Yelena states the obvious.

Clint doesn't answer. Instead he walks through the door slowly looking around.

It's not as though he's looking for clues, more like he's  watching old memories play out. He's pale, like he's seen a ghost. A real one. One that's haunting him beyond the grave.

Clint splits up but I stick with Yelena. I don't know what he's going through, but his weird mood gives me the the feeling he's better off on his own. I also don't want Lena to be alone right now.

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