Broken and Bruised

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"Ah, fuck." I lose my grip, the bullet a straight shot to the arm that was holding Lena's hand. "Dani!"

My other hand goes to cover the wound. The little shits got a lucky shot. I take a deep breath, okay a couple quick ones. I pull out my gun with my good arm, firing a few shots at them.

Despite the fact that they hit my shoulder, I still wasn't aiming to kill them. I used the dummy bullets to hit their arm or leg, just to stun them and buy me some time.

Now I'm finding it hard to breath. And I'm a little dizzy.

Yikes. I'm actually losing quite a lot of blood. That's good. That's fine.

"Dani, come on. Please." I look up to see Yelena with her hand held out as far ash she can reach, and she may be crying. Hard to tell, honestly. The dizziness is getting to me.

I blast a few last shots at the guards, surprised more haven't come out of the woodwork from all the noise. Must be they truly don't have a lot of security for this place.

All I have to do is pull myself out of here. I can do that. I push myself up, off the ground, not even realizing I had made it there.

"That's it, come on. Before more come. We've got you, just reach me, please," hearing her voice is helping me.

I give her my left arm, putting all of strength into helping pull me up.

Somehow I'm hoisted through the window and onto the ground outside. I'd say I let out a breath of relief but it was ragged and it kind of hurt.

"Dani?! Can you hear me?" Lena's face comes swimming into my view, instantly putting a smile on my face.

I reach up to touch her cheek, "hey, beautiful. Your eyes are shining. Like little stars. My star."

She grabs my hand, smiling through tears, "can you walk?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. They shot my shoulder, not my legs. I got thissss." She helps me stand up and we start walking. There's no guards out here. As weird as it is, we don't have time to try to reason out why that might be.

Walking back to the jet is a blur.

Then I really start to fumble. "Lena.."

"It's okay. I've got you, Dani."

"I'm not feeling so well.."

And the next thing I know, all I'm seeing is stars.


I shoot up, breathing heavy. It's dark and I have no idea where I am. My heart rate is already reaching for the moon, panic quickly setting in. I blink a few times hoping I'm just not actually awake and this is some weird nightmare.

"Woah, Dani. It's okay. I'm here. Deep breaths with me, okay?" Yelena's voice comes with the light that blinds me.

I flinch, covering my eyes on instinct.

"Sorry, we had them off so you could rest." Now she's sitting next to me.

"What happened? Are we home?" I start looking around and it starts to click.. "we're in the jet. How long was I out?"

She takes a long breath in before letting it out. "You've been out for around 5 hours. You were shot in your shoulder," yup, now I feel it again, "you somehow were able to hit each and every guard coming at you.. then we pulled you out. You walked for awhile. Then you passed out. Clint carried you back to the jet. Kate quickly tried to patch you up as best as she could. Thankfully the bullet went right through."

"Wow. Um, thank you. For making sure I made it out of there. I know you could have left me and -"

"Stop right there. There was no chance in hell I was leaving you behind. You hear me?"

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