The End

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I started to walk through the pool of Ink towards Bendy's lair. And it's now I realised that I probably should've asked for a weapon. Well, too late now. I walked down the long corridor to a large door with Lost Ones in glass boxes on both sides of me. I pulled the lever to open the door. It revealed a throne with clips of Bendy episodes playing around it. There was also a recording next to the throne. It was from Jory. I walked up to it and pressed play;

'It's simply awe-inspiring what one can accomplish with their own hands! A lump of clay can turn to meaning... if you strangle it with enough enthusiasm. Look what we've built! We created life itself, Selena! Not just on the silver screen, but in the hearts of those we've entertained with our fancy moving pictures! But... when the tickets stopped selling, when the next big thing came along, only the monsters remained. Shadows of the past. But you can save them, Selena! You can peel it all away! You see, there's only one thing Bendy has never known: He was there for his beginning, but he's never seen... The End.'

I saw a reel on the throne which was titled 'The End'. So I have to Show Bendy how his story ends to go home and stop this workshop of nightmares. I looked up to see Bendy looking down at me over the Throne. I watched as Bendy's hands suddenly grew bigger before clasping them around his head and disappearing back behind the throne. His horns soon popped back up and his now bigger hands grabbed a hold of the Throne and pulled himself over to reveal his new form.

His hands and arms were huge, any eyes he had no longer existed, his bright smile had turned into a giant mouth, and his legs were smaller than his whole body but it allowed him to sit on his throne. He roared at me before backhanding me to the side. I stood up and saw Bendy run through the new halls and straight into the walls where he would disappear. I need to get out of here. I was quick to run around the area to see if there was anything that I could do here.

I found a lever which I pushed down but nothing opened. So, I looked for more while avoiding Bendy. When I found them, I flipped them until I saw that a door had opened up for me. I made it over and ran down the corridor to a room full of glass pipes that were empty. I took a breather before looking around to see a turn wheel. I turned it and ink started to flow through the glass pipes. And here comes Bendy to stop me again.

He roared and charged at me but I ran out of the way. Can I get him to destroy the pipes? I started leading him in the directions of the pipes in the hopes that he would run into them and smash them. It took a moment but he smashed into them all and everything went black. When I could see again, I ran out of a new opening door back to Bendy's little throne room. As Bendy wasn't there when I arrived, I quickly put the reel into the protector and turned around to see Bendy reaching for me.

But, when he noticed the reel playing, he left me alone and started watching it. The screen just showed the words 'The End' which soon appeared on every screen. This seemed to burn Bendy as he cowered away from the screens. It soon got so bright that he let out one last roar that he disappeared. But the lights became so bright that I had to cover my eyes. The next thing I remember, I was in someone's home. I'm not in the workshop anymore.

But there were obvious signs that I was at one point because my clothes were still inky and my cape was here. I got out of the bed I was in and left the room to see a living room with a few Bendy stuff in here from Merchandise to old storyboards. Where am I? I heard whistling coming from the other room which was the kitchen. I walked in to see Joey Drew himself standing there doing dishes. He must have heard me come in because he spoke up;

"Selena? So soon? I didn't expect you for another hour yet. Now you're just trying to impress me. But I know, I know. You have questions. You always do! The only important question is this: who are we, Selena? I thought I knew what I was but the success-starved me. Nothing left but lines on a page. In the end, we follow two different roads of our own making. You, a lovely son, me, a crooked empire. And my road burned. I let our creations become my life. The truth is," Joey walked over to the table I was standing at, "you were always so good at pushing, old friend, pushing me to do the right thing. You should have pushed a little harder. Selena. Come visit the old workshop, there's something I need to show you."

"No! Joey, I respect you but I just came back from the workshop after I don't know how long. I have lived through a nightmare because you couldn't let go of what we created. I let go because my son died and I had to move on. And I did. That's why I left. Because, once he passed, there was no point in continuing the project for me. I'm not going back to that workshop. I'm going back to my lab and I'm forgetting this ever happened. It was nice to see you again, old friend. But it's time to let go."

And, with that, I grabbed my cape and left, going back home after days of being away from it. I will never look at Bendy the same way again.

Selena in Bendy and the Ink MachineWhere stories live. Discover now