Exɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴍғᴏʀᴛ ᴢᴏɴᴇ~♡

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To say Felix was feeling anxious is a complete understatement. The boy's leg was shaking tremendously, as him and Seungmin were sat at a restaurant table waiting for the others.

Seungmin knew the older had been nervous, it was clear as day. He wanted to be there for him and cheer him up a little, but wasn't at all sure how.

Felix pulled out his phone and looked at the time, 7:58. They were supposed to meet at cheddars around 8. They were gonna be here any second, which meant Felix needed to get his shit together. The freckled boy took a deep breath through his nostrils, holding it for a few, and releasing it again. Something he had picked up in therapy.

"Seungmin!" A voice called out. Both Seungmin and Felix's head snapped in the direction of the calling. It was a boy with white blonde hair, though the dimples were the first thing Felix had noticed. The boy sat down at the table, next to Seungmin. Leaving the seat beside Felix open.

He gave a timid wave, "Hi, I'm Yang Jeongin. It's nice to finally meet you, I was starting to think you didn't exist." He laughed.

Felix was a bit surprised, he didn't think Seungmin was out talking about him. He didn't really think there was much interesting to talk about. Unless of course he was bad-mouthing him. Suddenly Felix's mind started to flood with all the possibilities of that sort of thing happening.

"Sorry, I couldn't help but brag about having a friend other than the only other two I have," Seungmin spoke up, scratching the back of his head.

Felix have a half hearted smile, "it's okay." He said quickly. "Wow, you're quiet," Jeongin said leaning back in his seat. "Different from Seungmin, nonstop blabbering, doesn't ever shut up."

Seungmin threw a glare the youngers way, "watch it," he warned. Just then the sound of the door opening was heard. They looked over to see a rather small boy, he wore glasses, but definitely didn't look nerdy. His buffness made you look twice. When he had made eye contact with his friends, he walked over and took the seat beside Felix.

"Hey losers," he said with a sly grin, but quickly turned to Felix, "sorry! It's nice to meet you, I'm Changbin. You're not a loser yet don't worry, you have to hang with us more to get to that status."

"You act like this is some high-tech cool club or something," Jeongin said rolling his eyes.

"Maybe it is," Changbin replied.

"Definitely not, anyways- do you know what you want to eat yet?" Seungmin asked looking around, being sure to acknowledge everyone.

"That's such a hard question.." changbin said biting his thumbnail. His eyebrows furrowed has if he was making the decision of a lifetime.

"I'll get the same thing as always," Jeongin said closing his menu. To be honest, Seungmin wasn't even sure why he opened it in the first place. He's never ordered any different from the first time he's ate there.

"Same, my brain can't think that hard for that long." Changbin sighed. "Well, that's embarrassing." Jeongin shot back.

Seungmin just ignored the two and turned to Felix, "did you look at the menu?" Felix looked up from the table, finally making eye contact with the rest of them. "Uh- I'll.. I'll just have water for now." He said calmly.

Seungmin smiled, his eyes telling his emotions. He felt sympathetic for the boy. He wanted him to enjoy his time, but all he could sense was the nervousness and anxiety he was going through.

Changbin had also seen seungmins eyes, and the way he'd steal glances at Felix. He decided to speak up, directed at Felix, "I'm glad you joined us, it's nice to see a new face."

Felix smiled a bit more, relaxing. "Thank you for- letting me join you all."

All of them smiled looking back at the boy, "of course!" jeongin exclaimed, "I already like you better than these two idiots."

"You know, you're really pushing your luck Whore." Seungmin said glaring at Jeongin once again. Felix had let a laugh slip, but then suppressed it when they had all turned to him.

"If you're laughing at Seungmin, then you'll fit right in." Changbin grinned. "He's the best target."

"Just shut up," Seungmin said rolling his eyes, "please tell me your on my side Felix, I need someone to defend me."

Felix just shrugged, a smirk appearing in his face, "we'll see." Was all he replied before taking a sip of his water.

"Minnie, can we keep him?" Jeongin asked, a cute pout forming on his face. "That was the plan dummy," Seungmin replied.

"So do you all.." Felix paused, when everyone's eyes fell on him. It's only about the fifth time the boy had spoken, "do you all just bully each other?" He finished.

They blinked at him, Changbin smiled and put a hand on the youngers shoulder. "Of course! It would be boring as hell if we didn't, plus we all love each other deep down."

"That's gross.." Jeongin spoke up, shuddering in disgust. Though Changbin is right, they all cared deeply for one another, even if they didn't want to admit it.

They were family.

Felix felt as if he was seeing once again, just how having friends could be. He witnessed it once when he had seen Hyunjin and his friends interact.


Felix felt his small smile gently fade, he wanted to enjoy the night. And get away from the thoughts of the boy he dedicated his life too.

Was it even possible? Could he just ignore his sad heart? The way it aches for his happiness back.

"You okay?" Seungmin asked suddenly. Felix was a bit startled at the sudden attention, considering he had been zoned out. "Y-yeah, I'm okay. I was just thinking that's all."

Seungmin gave a tight smile, he knew that look anywhere. Felix looked up once again, "hey guys, it was really nice meeting you. I just- I think I'm gonna head home a little early. I'm really tired.."

"Okay.." jeongin said with confusion. "It was nice meeting you, get some rest." He smiled.

Changbin nodded, "will we see you next time?" He asked. Felix smiled more this time, a genuine smile. "Yeah, I think you will."

Felix stood up, and began to head towards the door, before turning around and waving at the three boys who stayed sat at their table.

He wasn't completely ready to have a friend group of his own. It was something new to him, something he wasn't used to. But he wanted to try, he wanted to take things slow.

Felix walked out the door, watching his feet walk one in front of the other, a habit the boy had. It was strictly to avoid eye contact. He took a left and started in the direction of his apartment.

What he didn't see was the two boys coming from the right direction.

"Did you see that frog sweater that guy had on? It was cute, not my style but cute."

Hyunjin looked up from his phone, but was a little too late, only able to catch a glimpse of a green sweater disappearing around the corner.

"No, I bet it was cute on whoever could pull it off though..." he pouted, he thought to himself for a moment and then spoke again, "don't let me catch you in a frog sweater Minho, I'd probably cry."

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