Wᴇʀᴇ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅs?~♡

382 19 19

Felix rubbed at his eyes softly with the back of his fist as he was awoken from his phone buzzing. He tiredly stood up, and reached for his glasses.

Felix hadn't always wore glasses, just whenever he felt like doing so. He grabbed his phone off the charger and walked into his private bathroom, having not looked at his phone once yet. He flicked the light switch, squinting his eyes immediately and grunting at his mistake. It was bright, too bright.

He took his toothbrush from its holder and squeezed just the right amount of toothpaste onto its worn out bristles.

The boy could be obsessed with brushing his teeth sometimes, he found it to be cleansing. That along with showering of course. He loved to be clean, as everyone should, but he had the strong urge to shower at least 3 times a day.

He began to brush his teeth, pausing to finally look at his phone. He scrunched his eyebrows, clicking on the number. He had forgotten all about last night and this mystery person as a whole.

|good morning Felix 😁|

The younger held the toothbrush in his mouth in order to type with both of his small hands.

| good morning Sam. |

Felix hadn't even remembered his name, lucky for him, the boys name was given in his email. He finished up brushing his teeth which apparently was enough time for the other boy to respond.

| how'd you sleep? And what are you doing today?|

Felix was a bit overwhelmed with how easy the other had casually texted him. He talked as if the two had known each other forever. Felix wasn't good at that type of thing. Texting just didn't come naturally to the boy.

| I slept good. Hbu? And I'm not doing anything today.. like normal. U?|

Felix immediately saw the three bubbles at the bottom of the screen. Personally the younger had found it to be too early in the morning for this and he was still tired. He didn't even like to be on his phone this early in the morning, it drained all of his energy.

| that's good :) I slept good too. wdym like normal? And I'm probably just gonna hang with one of my friends today. I might drag him to an art gallery 🤭|

| good, and I don't leave the house usually. not my thing. Also You like art?|

| :( why not? Are you okay? And yes, it became a new hobby of mine recently. |

| I'm fine, I just don't like it.
|That's cool, I like art a little |

| ohhh and really? |

| kinda, I'm not good at it at all, but I knew someone who was. I liked his art, I think it's why I like art. |

After this, Felix sat his phone down. He realized he was starting to ramble a little, and he didn't want to talk the boys ear off about his ex.

He sat on his couch and turned the tv on, there wasn't anything he wanted to watch, but he figured he would anyways. He found a show, he wasnt even sure what it was, but he let it play as he spaced out at the screen.


Hyunjin scratched at his hair roughly with a towel as he stepped out of his glass shower. He wrapped it around his waist and grabbed his face serums, massaging it into his soft skin. He wiped his hands dry and then picked his phone up.

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