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A/N: If you are reading this. Thank you

(Edited 23/04/2024)


Ranboo had spent the majority of his day wandering around the nether collecting potion ingredients such as ghast tears and blaze rods. It was a good idea to have them in case anyone needed an emergency healing potion, going off of recent events that may be sooner than expected.

As the enderman hybrid neared the end of his nether excursion he checked the book which was tucked inside of the satchel he carried, followed the coordinates, and made his way back to his nether portal.

The nether portal was located inside of a room lined with nether brick and different variants of deep slate that Ranboo had taken the time to build to have an area of the nether that was safe from all the hostile mobs that roamed freely in the hot environment.

Along with making it spawn-proof, after having a few too many close runs in with ghasts and piglins; it had worktops covered in potion ingredients, instructions and multiple brewing stands. The stands held glass bottles of a variety of different coloured liquids on clamps over a flame. 

Most of them had finished brewing, which could be told by the coloured smoke billowing out of the top of the bottles. The smoke mixed on the roof of the room creating a marbled pattern. It swirled towards the centre of the room where it then escaped through a vent that had been installed in the ceiling.

Walking into the room Ranboo discarded his bag in a chair that had seen better days which had patches of colour from potion spills and charred marks from occasionally burning in the nether. 

Gathering the ingredients from his inventory, replacing them with the glass bottles he removed from the brewing stands. He placed a nether wart inside of each of the three bottles of water and then attached them to the stands.

He moves a few of the scattered pieces of paper, “I really should have organised this,” He thinks to himself, a smile spreads across his face when he finds what he is searching for. The healing potion recipe.

Should he have memorised what to do by now? Probably. Unfortunately, Ranboo's memory has never been the best, which is why he always carries around his ‘memory book’ in his satchel. He uses it to record his memories in case he forgets. It contains information such as the names of all his friends, people he can and can't trust, and anything he feels worth remembering.

After about a minute after entering the bottles, the nether wart had completely dissolved. He looked down at the recipe that sat in his hand and followed it to the letter. He placed glistering melons into the glasses grabbed the small pocket watch from his coat pocket and counted the seconds. 

He put the watch away moved the chair closer to the table and began loading a few of the already brewed potions into the bag to transport to the overworld. Checking the watch, he then puts out the flame on the brewing stand and leaves the potions to cool down.

Ranboo moved around the room, moving from table to table, collecting all the brewed potions. He stored them in all the available space in his already crowded inventory, crammed some in his bag and then carefully piled the last few including the most recent ones in his arms to carry through the portal to the overworld.

Once Ranboo was sure that he wasn't going to drop any of them and cause his hard work to go to waste, he slowly turned around and made his way over to the nether portal.

The portal rippled through different shades of purple as he approached. The enderman hybrid stepped into the portal, and the purple shine engulfed him, lowering his head to stand fully in the portal. The low hum of the portal was all he could hear until he appeared on the other side.

As his vision clears, Ranboo takes a step out of the warmth of the portal and touches the grass.

Once both his feet were on the ground, he started to walk forward. Or he tried to.


Tubbo was mad, well mad is a strong word he is more annoyed than anything. Tommy had stolen his brand new netherite axe, he'd spent so long in the nether trying to get all of the ancient debris to upgrade it, and Tommy thought it would be fun to take it and run off. 

Tubbo had been chasing Tommy for a good 10 minutes already. 

"TOMMYINNIT YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" He yelled as best he could as he was already out of breath from running. He had no clue how long Tommy was going to keep this up for, and neither did Tommy.

He hadn't thought this part through. On one hand, he could keep running and hope Tubbo gives up, or he could admit defeat and give it back to Tubbo. In Tommy's head that was losing, and he hated losing. 

"IN YOUR DREAMS BEE BOY!" Tommy shouted back, he knew he had the upper hand due to his origin. 

His origin allowed him to not take fall damage, as he has permanent slow falling, and he can run faster than the average person. Not by much but it's just enough that Tubbo won't catch up to him as long as he keeps running.

Tubbo continues to run, ignoring the ache in his muscles. He spots a nether portal appear in the direction they were running, “it must not have correctly connected to someone's overworld portal” Tubbo thinks.

Once he gets close enough, he spots a tall figure stepping out of the portal and onto the grass. Tubbo recognises the smart black and white suit and calls out to warn Tommy who is about to collide with them.


But it's too late because before Tommy even gets to register what Tubbo said he is falling to the ground and hears a chain sound of smashes.

"Augh," Ranboo groans, looking around, holding his head in his hands. It took a moment for the dizziness to subside from the unexpected collision, but when he looked over to see who or what had hit him he saw Tommy.

Tubbo isn't too far behind and slows to a stop in front of the two boys.

“This is what you get for stealing my shit Tommy,” Tubbo explains, picking up his axe which had been carelessly thrown on the ground when Tommy fell.

"I'm ok Tubbo,  thank you for your concern," Tommy said sarcastically as he began to stand up, being careful not to cut his hand on any of the shattered glass.

Tubbo offers his hand out to Ranboo who takes it and stands up. Now that he's standing he notices just how many of his potions had been destroyed, leaving an explosion of broken glass strewn across the grass. The actual potions themselves were now soaking into the dirt, all traces of magic disappearing into the soil.

“Hey guys,” Tommy says trying to get Tubbo and Ranboo's attention, “does the portal look different to you?” 

This causes the two other boys to turn their heads to look at the portal.

What was once an obsidian portal with purple-hued swirls was now pristine white quartz and transparent white in the centre.

"What on earth happened to the portal!?" Tubbo's eyes go wide as he stands in shock at the new portal in front of them.

“Maybe we should go through and see what's on the other side.” Ranboo's eyes hadn't yet left the portal as he spoke.

“I don't think that's such a good idea, big man,” Tommy says, not sure what to think of the portal. “I wouldn't be in any danger but you two would be a lost cause” Tommy says gaining widely. 

Tubbo responds to Tommy's comment by hurling a stone at his head.

“Ow!” Tommy rubs the side of his head and glares at Tubbo, he returns this look. They stay like this for a few moments before Tubbo looks away with a concerned look on his face.

“Where has the portal gone?” He questions, looking over at the blond-haired boy for an answer.

“The better question is,” Tommy turns to Tubbo alarmed “where is Ranboo!”


A/N I hope you enjoyed the beginning of this book. (I'm assuming you liked it if you read to the end) I'll try and keep it updated if people end up liking this book.

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