Chapter 8

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3rd person POV

Waves of people came spilling out of the purple mist. They were followed closely by a scrawny man, with pale blue hair and a hand mask concealing his face. He was closely followed by a horrifying-looking creature; one which had a beak-like face, rows of sharp white teeth, and eyes embedded into its exposed brain. 

Ranboo's eyes widened in fear as he took a step back.

"Thirteen, protect the students and call for backup!" Aizawa immediately lept into the crowd of villains and began taking them down one by one.

Now that Aizawa was separated from the students another wave of thick purple mist quickly surrounded the group. Shouts erupted as the mist enveloped each student and scattered them around the USJ building.

After only a few seconds after being cloaked in the mist, ranboo was spat out in what looked to be the bottom of a mountain.


Ranboo moved towards the sound to see Denki holding the back of his head in pain.

He was quickly followed by Yaoyorozu and Jiro who happened to be warped to the same place as him.

"Kaminari, Ranboo!" Jiro shouted to them.

"Thank god you guys are okay" Momo said with a sigh "I was worried we were going to be split up completely".

A deep laugh caught Ranboo's ear "uhh, guys we have a problem".

They all turned to face the group of villains that were steadily approaching them. Ramboo quickly pulled a diamond sword from his inventory and stood ready to fight. He mentally thanked Techno for the combat lessons.

"Kaminari try contacting the school, we will try and hold them off" Momo pulled a metal staff from her chest and stood beside Ranboo.

One of the villains, who had long claws, ran forward and slashed at them in attempt to cause harm. But Ranbok quickly doged the on coming attack and kicked him in the chest, causing them to be pushed backwards and to the ground.

"I can't get through!" Kaminari shouted "One of the villains must be blocking the signal!"

"Shit!" Jiro said under her breath as the villains got closer. "Cover your ears!" She shouted. Her earphone-Jacks were jammed into the ground and a loud shock wave was sent into the crowd. They all fell to the ground clawing at their heads before becoming unconscious.

The other three students uncovered their ears surprised at Jiro's powerful attack.

"That was awesome!" Kaminari cheered.

"There's no time for that, they just keep coming" Ranboo called out.


It was a blur of coloured lights and then a sudden drop as Techno hit the hard rocky ground.

He quickly stood up to take in his surroundings, ignoring the slight pain from the drop. What he saw confused him. A hoard of people with strange mutations unlike any hybrid he had seen before and a hobo-looking man being beaten to a pulp by some creature.

He looked down from the small mountain he was on and saw none other than Ranboo, the one person he went into that strange portal for. He and three other kids were being surrounded by more of the mutated people.

He swiftly scaled the mountain and landed behind the group of teenagers causing them to jump at the sudden presence behind them.

Ranboo turned his head and was relieved to see a familiar face.

"TECHNO!" he shouted

Thechnoblade slowly walked to stand beside the enderman hybrid "you've caused quite a bit of worry back home" he said with a slight smile.

"Yeah sorry about that I kinda got kidnapped by a portal" he chuckled.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but if you couldn't tell we in quite a precarious situation so if you wouldn't mind help mister that would be greatly appreciated" Momo said nervously.

"I guess I could lend a hand" Techno huffed as he drew his sword from his side and got ready to attack.

"Just try not to kill anyone Thechno". This earnt a displeased sigh from technoblade as he swiftly rushed into the hoard.

He slashed at the villains wounding them to leave them unable to fight but not delivering any fatal wounds.

The three students had looks of awe as they watched this stranger glide through the crowd with ease. Taking down anyone that blocked their path until all nearby villains were on the ground unable to retaliate. They were however not so grateful for the way in which this man was accomplishing all of this as the grimaced at the amount of blood that was shed.

Once the last villain was down Techno turned to look back at the group. His face now with sprays of fresh blood coating the skin and barely breathing bodies laying at his feet.

To Ranboo this wasn't anything new but to the others... it was terrifying.

Seeing how easy this man could slaughter people and not have a single look of regret sent shivers up their spines.

Ranboo was about to go and thank Techno but before he could the loud crashing of broken glass echoed through the building as Allmight landed in the middle of the arena staring straight at the creature that had previously been brutally attacking Aizawa.

The blue haired man that had done nothing but stand their and observe this entire time slowly raised his hand to point at the new arrival.


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