Chapter 3

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Thank you for all of the support on this book, I really appreciate it. 

I'm thinking of adding another character into the story at some point in the future and I haven't quite decided who yet, the ones I was stuck between are;




or Tubbo, 

Let me know what you think. 

Ranboo's POV

I glanced at the clock, which was hung on the wall beside me. I had been here for about 10 minutes now I thought to myself, the ticking of the clock hands had become extremely irritating.

I looked around the room that I was sitting in. 4 pale walls, one which had a dark window on, it looked kind of like tinted glass only I couldn't quite see through it and another that had a large wooden door. The table that I was sitting at in the centre of the room had two other chairs on the other side, probably for somebody else so I chose to wait.

Then when the door opened, I turned my head round to see the same homeless looking man from earlier followed by a guy in a beige trench coat. "Do you mind telling me why I'm here now?" I asked as he walked over to sit in the chair opposite to me.

"Well you were found on the roof of the most prestigious and well guarded hero school in the world, with no clear way of how you managed to get there, you ran when one of the pros confronted you, and you endangered multiple of my students. So if you don't mind we will be the ones asking the questions" The tension now in the room was very unsettling, there was more I wanted to ask like, why I was being constantly called a villain, and how that boy made explosions come from his hands.

"So why don't we start with your full name, age and quirk" I thought for a second, it's a simple enough question but what on earth is a quirk?

"Um, well my name is Ranboo _Beloved, I'm 18, and I have no idea what that quirk thing is" As I finished talking the two people's eyes widened.

The homeless looking one cleared his throat "How do you not know what a quirk is? 80% of the population has one, and you were clearly using yours when you managed to get down from the roof of the UA building".

Now it just sounded like they were spouting nonsense. "Look I don't mean to sound rude but I have no clue what a quirk is, I don't know where I am, and the whole time I've been here you people have been calling me a villain". I was now quite annoyed that these random people chased me around, one even tried to blow me up, and are accusing me of being a criminal.

"Look," the man in the trench coat stood up, "we will answer your questions In due time but we would appreciate an explanation as to how you managed to get yourself on top of the school building without being detected by security".

I sat in silence wondering whether or not I should trust these people. After a minute or two of silence I came to a decision. "Alright I was carrying some potions with me back to Snowchester when one of my friends, Tommy, was being a complete idiot and ran into me. The bottles smashed onto the floor and something happened to the nether portal, I touched it and then I was here".

3rd Person (because it's easier to write in 3rd person )

"He seems to be telling the truth, '' Tsuksuchi (the dude in the trench coat, sorry if you were confused by that) stated, then grabbed a notebook and pen from his coat pocket and wrote down what Ranboo had said. "We still need to know what your quirk is ". Ranboo looked at him confused. "Oh yeah. Quirks can change your appearance, which we call mutations, or they can be physical".

"Oh that makes a bit more sense. um then mine is the ability to teleport, but I have to be able to see where I'm teleporting to, and I guess you could count my appearance as part of that quirk".

Aizawa stood up "All right then, you will be staying at UA until we can find a way to get you home, now if you would please follow me". He walked towards the door, Ranboo got up and followed close behind.

(Time skip to when they got to the dorms because I have no clue how to fill the gap ^^)

Ranboo stood in awe at the humongous building before him. "Stop just standing there and follow me" Aizawa said impatiently.

Ranboo put his hand on the back of his neck "Oh sorry" he jogged to catch up.

As they walked through the front doors they were greeted with a large community lounge. "None of the students will be here for another hour so I'll take you to your room to get settled in." The two walked down a long corridor before stopping at one of many doors "This will be your room for the time being".

"I really appreciate you letting me stay here mister" Ranboo said with a smile.

"My name is Aizawa, and I can't exactly just let you stay on the streets" He replied with a melancholy tone before turning around and walking away.

Now left alone Ranboo went into his dorm room and decided to just wait for the other people to get here.


Sorry this this took me a while to get out but I hope you enjoy it :)

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