Chapter 5

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I'm extremely sorry about the wait on this chapter, I would have had it out sooner if it wasn't for my bloody computer suddenly deciding not to work. I would also like to thank you all for 1k views on this book, that more than I ever thought it would get to.

I don't have anything else to add here so I hope you enjoy chapter 5.

Third Person POV

"Hello" Ranboo started, not knowing how else to address these strangers. no other words were spoken until a girl with pink hair and skin skipped over to him and bowed her head.

"Hey there I'm Mina!" she said with a wide smile, excited to meet someone new.

"It's nice to meet you" he stood and thought for a second "you were there in the woods when I first arrived weren't you?" he questioned.

"oh yeah I was ," Mina replied "although I'm not sure how you noticed me as I was a reasonable distance away. you have a good memory".

"Believe me I'm' far from having a good memory." he said under his breath " and anyway you are pretty hard to miss since you have bright pink skin. I hope me saying that isn't rude." Ranboo chuckled awkwardly.

"no it's not a problem" she smiled back at him. Ranboo let out a relieved sigh, Mina then held out a hand to him "Come on I need to introduce you to everyone else" Ranboo was hesitant to take her hand at first, but as soon as he took her hand she pulled him over to the rest of the bakusquad.

"Wow dude you look so cool!" Kaminari exclaimed, jumping directly in front of Ranboo.

"Kaminari give the guy some space" Kirishima put his arm between Denki and Ranboo to put some space between the two of them. "I'm sorry about him, he can get a bit over excited at times" he held out his hand to Ranboo "My name is Eijiro Kirishima"

Ranboo shook his hand and bowed his head "It's a pleasure meeting you, I'm Ranboo" He stood up straight again.

Not too long after Mina brought Ranboo over to their group, Bakugou left and headed to his dorm room. This caused Ranboo to question whether or not he had done something that had meant that Bakugou didn't want to be around him but he eventually brushed it off and continued talking with the others.

They talked until the sun went down and they began heading their separate ways. Ranboo entered his room and collapsed onto the bed that was situated in the corner of the room, and pulled out a book that read 'DO NOT READ' on the front of it. He started flicking through the pages until he got to one that contained a picture of him Michael and Tubbo on one page and a drawing of them that Michael had made. He looked at the picture of his family, and read some of the contents of the book until he eventually fell asleep.

(time skip to class the next morning)

Ranboo stood outside the large door of class 1-A as he waited for Aizawa to signal him into the class. He was wearing the ordinary UA uniform which he didn't mind all that much since it made him look smart (Although he preferred the colours of his original suit) he also had an additional brown satchel that held his memory book and other possessions (It sort of works like his inventory, so he can fit almost any item into his bag without a problem and also without the risk of it running out of space. now that I think about it it's also sort of like Mary Poppins bag).

He just stood there awkwardly, glancing around the empty hallway until he heard his name being called from inside the room.

He took a deep breath before making his way into the class and standing with a dozen pairs of eyes on him. The silence was then broken when Aizawa began to speak "This is Ranboo, some of you have already met him and he will be joining our class until further notice. Now ask him any questions you have, I'm going to sleep" and with that he laid on the ground in his sleeping bag and almost instantly fell asleep.

Multiple people's hands shot into the air, Ranboo thought for a second then pointed to an excited looking boy who had green hair and a huge smile on his face. The boy lowered his hand and spoke "What is your quirk?" He asked while grabbing a book from his backpack.

Ranboo quickly tried to think of a way to describe his 'quirk' to the group of teenagers before him. "Well... my quirk is enderman. Which means that I can teleport using these orbs that I can create called ender pearls" Midoriya began scribbling this into a page in his notebook as the others looked at Ranboo curiously. "Prolonged eye contact can cause me to randomly teleport somewhere or sometimes become hostile." Some of the students looked at him worryingly "don't worry it doesn't happen very often" He quickly added "and umm finally water burns me".

The tall enderian stood there with a smile.


His smile quickly faded as a certain blond haired Pomeranian spoke.

"Excuse me?" Ranboo asked him not trying to be rude

"You heard me, you damn extra!" He said louder "You get burned by water, It's fucking pathetic!" he spat looking directly into Ranboo's eyes.

Ranboo suddenly teleported to the back of the classroom, everyone's heads looked around the room until they spotted where you were.

Bakugou stood up from his seat "and look at that, you cant even look at someone without running away" he walked towards the classroom door "It's pathetic!" He then left the room and walked away.

Ranboo slid down the wall until he was sat on the ground with his knees to his chest with his head resting against them. 'maybe I am pathetic, the only thing I'm good at is teleporting away from things'


Thank you for reading this lovely chapter and I'm extremely sorry it wasn't out sooner.

also at school we are studying creative writing, so these should in theory get better in quality over time.

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