Chapter 1

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Timeline - this takes place just after shigiraki disintegrates the UA gate, and the pro's are now doing a sweep of the perimeter.

Edited 28/08/2024


The last thing Ranboo could remember was touching that unusual-looking portal, now it was dark and cold. Now all he could hear was a loud ringing sound that fluctuated between high and low, it sounded like an alarm of sorts.

Once the fuzziness in his vision from the sudden teleportation faded, trying to figure out where he was, he looked around. He opened his eyes, there wasn't much to see. What he could see was mostly just the tips of concrete buildings and the tops of trees in the distance, so again, there wasn't much to see.

"Wha- where am I?" Ranboo asked himself, eyes wide.

He spotted a grey metal door over to the side of the roof that he was standing on. Thinking that it was the most logical place to go since there wasn't another safe way down, he started walking over to it.

As he walks, the sound of sirens fades to nothing and he feels the wind pick up and immediately dissipate as quickly as it rises so he thinks nothing of it.

"Don't move, villain!" Ranboo turned around and was faced with cold yellow eyes staring into his eyes, not moving away even for a second.

The man that was standing before him had messy blonde hair and large red wings that were outstretched beside him.

“An avian, like Phil,” Ranboo thought “Maybe he can tell me where I am”. He stepped forward hesitantly towards the blonde man and spoke with as much confidence as he could muster.

“Excuse me can you-”

He was almost immediately interrupted by the man bringing his hand to his ear and speaking "The villains on the roof!"

Ranboo turned back around to attempt to open the door as he felt threatened by the man's tone of voice and being referred to as a ‘villain’.

As he pushed and pulled on the door, which he now realised was locked, a large red feather shot passed his head and lodged itself into the concrete door frame.

The feather was thrown by the winged man as a warning shot from Ranboo’s sudden movements.

"H-how did you do that?" Ranboo questioned, as far as he knew Phil wasn't able to do that, he ran his finger along the edge of the feather and hissed in pain. Looking down at his finger he saw a small line of blood forming on his dark speckled skin.

The man plucked another one of his scarlet feathers from his back, as he did so it stiffened and straightened until it resembled some kind of sword.

Ranboo's eyes darted around searching for an alternative escape. He landed on an idea that he wasn't sure of but had to try.

"Stop moving or I'll have to detain you by force." Hawks said as Ranboo walked towards the building's edge.

He spread his wings wider, ready to charge forward at a moment's notice.

Once Ranboo reaches the edge of the building he peers over and looks back at the winged hero. Taking one more glance over the edge he jumps.

Immediately, hawks charged forward to stop him. But once he can see over the edge of the building, he's gone. A flurry of purple particles slowly fades to nothing and once they do it's like nothing had happened.

Ranboo had used his teleportation abilities, which he got from being an Enderman hybrid, to safely make it to the ground with a few minor scratches.

The winged man looked around, panicked before flying back up to the roof.

Once his feet hit the cold hard surface of the roof, the once-locked door swung open. Running through the door, beads of sweat running down his forehead, was a tall scruffy scruffy-looking man.

"where is he hawks?" Asked the man, moving the yellow goggles atop his head. He moved over to the winged man.

"I'm not sure Aizawa" Hawks raised his hand, nervously scratching the back of his head.

"What do you mean you're not sure!" The black-haired man said angrily, "Where could he have gone? we are on top of a building for goodness sake!" He brought his fingers to his temples in annoyance.

Hawks turned away from Aizawa before raising his fingers to his ear once again. “All heroes on ground level watch out for a tall man with half black, half white skin wearing a suit."

Hawks walks back over to the edge of the building and looks over at Aizawa "He couldn't have gotten far" He says before taking off.


At the foot of the building, Ranboo was looking for somewhere to hide. Teleporting from that high up had drained almost all of the energy he had.

He walked towards a forested area hoping that he could regain some strength before being hunted down.

He kept walking until his legs felt like they were on fire. He ended up resting in a large bush that was positioned between two large trees near a clearing in the forest. 

His arms fell to his sides as he took a deep breath.


Sat at his desk, Izuku Midoriya had his head In his hands as a wave of panic and yelling filled the space around him.

"Bakugou stop yelling at your classmates, it's very disrespectful!" Iida shouted over the noise as he moved his hands in a chopping motion.

"Don't tell me what to do four-eyes!" Bakugou marched over to his seat, face conveying nothing but anger.

"Don't worry Kacchan, I'm sure the villain isn't here anymore," Izuku said, trying to calm down the blonde boy.

"Do I look worried Deku!" He yelled. “I would have gotten that villain by now!”

The green-haired boy raised both of his hands "N-no that's not what I meant" I replied nervously, Kirishima stood between the two of them in an attempt to get Bakugou to calm down.

"Hey guys look!" Everyone looked over at Mina, who was pointing at something outside the window.

The class races over to her and looks in the direction she was pointing in. It was pretty hard to see since the sun was beaming down through the large windows. What they could make out was a distant figure slowly walking into the wooded area of UA's school grounds.

"Who's that?" A yellow-haired boy questioned.

"I bet it's that damned villain!" Bakugou's hands sparked as he opened the window, to the displeasure of the rest of the class, and climbed out of it.

"What do you think you're doing Bakugou, we have to let the pros deal with this!" Iida exclaimed, trying very poorly to convince Bakugou to run off into potential danger.

"As if I'm going to let them take all the credit. We've found them so we get to fight them." He leapt out of the window leaving everyone else behind, a mixture of shock and fear plastered on their faces..

"We can't just let him go after that villain alone," Kirishima explained to the group "What if he gets seriously injured? we don't know what that villain could do."

"Kirishima is right, some of us have to go after him," Izuku agreed. I look around as most of the others in the class nod their heads in agreement.

A small group of students had formed to go after Bakugou. This group included; Todoroki, Denki, Kirishima, Mina, Sero, and Izuku. They all clambered out of the open window and ran into the trees.


Thank you to all the people that read my book, I really appreciate it. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I will try and write more frequently.

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