Chapter 7

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A/N: I don't know if I said this already but for this story to work, the DreamSMP is the same as it is normally but everyone has their different origins.

I hope that makes sense


3rd person POV

"please form two neat lines so we can load onto the bus efficiently!" Iida yelled to his classmates, his hands making a chopping motion in the air, whilst occasionally blowing a whistle in his hand.

Ranboo moved to stand with Deku and Uraraka "Is he always this bossy?" Ranboo spoke which made the two teenagers jump.

"Oh Ranboo, hi." Deku turned and looked up at him "I didn't realise you were there. I think he likes to be very organised."

"Oh." Ranboo stood there watching Iida through the window as he attempted to scold Bakugou for not following his seating plan.

"Well then." Uraraka laughed nervously, "We should probably get on now before Iida gets any angrier at bakugou.


Iida was sat grieving over the fact that the bus layout had messed up his plan, mina was trying to get him to chill out, bakugou was in his seat as angry as ever, and Ranboo was attempting to sit comfortably in his seat (the tall people problems that I will never understand 😔).

"There is something I would like to say," Tsu looked over at Midoriya "about you Midoriya." Deku looked panicked although it wasn't obvious why. "Your quirk is a lot like All might's don't you think?" The panic that Deku was experiencing only grew.

"Y-you think so?" The green-haired boy was trying to think of an excuse to give his classmates when Kirishima began speaking.

"Yeah but Tsu you're forgetting that when Allmight uses his quirk he doesn't hurt himself, that makes a huge difference." Deku was silently thanking Kirishima for giving a reason as to why his and All might's quirks are dissimilar.

"What do you think Ranboo," Mina asked the tall boy, who had been pacing out most of the journey "do you think their quirks are similar?"

"Oh, Ummm." Most of the people around had their eyes on him waiting for an answer, all the attention was starting to make him slightly uncomfortable. "Well, I've met Allmight but I haven't seen either of their quirks in action if I'm completely honest."

Suddenly there was an uproar of 'whats' and 'hows' which confused him "How haven't you seen All Might's quirk? It is all over the news and he is the number 1 pro hero!" Midoriya looked at him with a shocked look - most of the people that had heard him looked as if he had just dropped-kicked their child.

Ranboo had no idea if he had said something wrong or not but he was definitely confused as to why they were all so confused that he didn't know what this guy's quirk was. "What's the news?" he asked honestly which gained even more confused and shocked faces from the people around him.

Kirishima was about to reply when Aizawa interrupted, "Can all of you delinquents be quiet, we are here." The bus came to a slow stop outside of a giant, white, dome-shaped building.

Everyone stood up and began leaving the bus with Iida yelling at them to do so in a neat line once again. Eventually, Iida's yelling of instructions died down and they all followed Aizawa into the large building.

It was much bigger than expected on the inside and the different areas of it had been split up and had different natural disasters inside. There were two with visible signs of water (obviously because one of them is just a boat in the middle of a body of water) so Ranboo knew where not to go.

They were all treated by a pro that goes by the name of Thirteen. Ranboo nearly laughed when he saw what they were wearing because he thought they looked like a marshmallow.

"Welcome UA students," Thirteen said excitedly "this is a training ground to teach you how to deal with different disasters. Welcome to the USJ training facility." For a disaster training ground, it was surprisingly neat. Everyone took a moment to admire the USJ but when Ranboo looked around at Deku he saw that his eyes were almost popping out of his skull with excitement.

"Before we begin however I have something I must tell you all," they said with a more serious tone "some of you may already know this but my quirk is called 'black hole'. I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust. Some of you also have powers like me that can easily be dangerous if not used correctly."

Out of the corner of his eye, Ranboo could see Bakugou looking rather uneasy at the comment just made by Thirteen.

Suddenly the lights flickered and then turned off, slightly dimming their surroundings but not enough to make a huge impact. Then a purple-swirled portal appeared in the centre of the facility, it almost reminded Ranboo of the nether portals back home on the SMP if it wasn't for its much darker colour.

Everyone turned to focus their attention on it, at first most of the students thought it was part of the exercise but then a hand emerged from the portal along with a hoard of strange-looking people most of which had stranger-mutated body parts.

"Thirteen, keep the students safe!" Aizawa lifted the goggles from around his neck and positioned them onto his face.

"Wow, has training started already?" Kirishima spoke, "I thought we were rescuing people?"

"Nobody move!" Thirteen shouted.

"This is real, those are villains!"

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