Chapter 1

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Have you ever thought that you are being forced to live your life? Have you ever thought that you have no right in your own life? Have you ever thought that you don’t have a say in the decisions taken in your life? Well, if you feel so, then you are not alone.
We live in this judgmental part of the world called Africa where our own lives are designed by some people right before our birth. It’s a part of the world where everything concerning your life will be scheduled before you arrive in to the world. It’s a place where your opinions, likes and dislikes don’t count in your own life.
Well, in my own case, I think I have a little advantage that makes me control my own life, even though my family tries hard to dominate it, I never give in to it. It might seem a disability, but I am so proud to be disabled.
Every human being wants to live a normal life. Where we would have our complete functioning structures and organs: like vision and movement. No one wants to live with disabilities no matter how minor they are. But to me, this disability is the key factor to enjoying my life.
I don’t know how the world looks like, neither do I know how I look myself, but I enjoy life to the fullest being a blind person. I get to do what I like, visit places I love and enjoy the peaceful space of mine. My parents would always have me to agree to an eye surgery but I would always deny it because I am sure that would be the end of my freedom.
“Wade. Wade.” My mom called loudly banging on my door. She pushed the door and entered into the room. I was lying on my spacious bed with headphones on my ears. She quickly walked to the bed and tapped my legs. I slowly removed the headphones and sat up, knowing someone is definitely in the room, and with the scent of that perfume, I was sure it’s my mom.
“Will you turn down that music Wade? You are disturbing the whole neighborhood.” She shouted and barged out of the room. That was when it occurred to me that I had my speakers on and also a headphone on me. Well, this is who I am; you can call me a music freak. I love listening to good music. I can do anything to have a song played around me.
I slowly crawled down the bed and stretched my hands to pick up my walking stick beside the bed as I walked into the bathroom singing one of my favorite songs-Holy- by Justin Bieber.
It’s a Sunday morning, and as expected in every Nigerian home, it’s a church day. “Who the hell even make this rule of worshiping on Sundays and in congregations?” I asked myself as I stood in the bathroom. “Can’t we just worship God from our comfort zones? Do we have to publicize it?” I asked myself curiously. I sighed deeply as I shampooed my hair. “Well, I guess we cant.” I answered the rhetorical question myself.
Churches and every other gathering is not my thing. It’s not as if I don’t believe in God, I just don’t like crowds. They freak me out. I am a full definition of an introvert. I don’t have friends. I always prefer locking up myself and enjoying my music thing.
“Its high time you agree to this surgery Wade. I won’t have you study in one of the most prestigious university in vain. You are my hope in this business Wade.” My father said as we were seated on the dining table. I sipped my cup of coffee and sighed slowly. I know he would surely talk about this. It’s always about his business or grandchildren. I don’t know why he is so obsessed with my own life. As if we are living it together.
“I am setting a blind date for you next weekend with a girl. She is very decent and also intelligent. She would make a good wife too.” He added staring at me. I dropped the cup on the table and picked up my stick. “Not again dad. When will you stop ordering me around? I won’t go to any blind date. And about the surgery, I will do that when I am ready.” I said as I walked away from the dinning section.
“Wade. Wade.” My mom called. I stopped and turned as I reached the door. “And about your business, it would be my decision whether to take it or not.” I said as I turned to leave. “You would at least go to church right?” My mom shouted. I sighed deeply and leaned by the door. “I won’t go if you keep on forcing me.” I said as I head out.
Dad sighed deeply and dropped his spoon. “This boy is getting out of hand. I don’t know what he wants.” He said looking pissed off. Mom slowly walked to him and holds his shoulder as she massaged them for a while. “We can’t force him dad. Let’s just hope and wait for him. I am sure he would come in terms with us.” She said trying to comfort him.
“Drive me to a different church apart from Dad’s.” I ordered my driver as I entered the car. He quickly turned and looked at me knowing that my family worship at that church always. “But Sir…” He was about speaking when I interrupted him. “That’s where I want to worship today. Or is there no God there?” I asked furiously. He was startled at my behavior so he quickly starts the car and head to the church.
I hate being forced. I hate it when my parents send me on blind dates. I don’t know why they are so interested in my love life. At this point in my life, I haven’t found a suitable partner for myself, and until then, I will not provide myself to any false relationship.
I hissed slowly as I gently found a seat and sit down. “Has the sermon started already?” I asked my driver who was sitting beside me. He was quite for a while before he answered me. He must probably be checking around the church. “No it hasn’t sir. But guess the choir group just arrived.” He said adjusting my walking stick.
I sighed deeply as I removed my sun glasses that revealed my white eyes. It would actually be hard for someone to guess I am blind if not being told. As my mother would always tell me; “You are a handsome guy Wade. I wish you were not blind at first.” Well, I don’t even know what the word handsome looks like. I don’t even know the color of my skin. I don’t even know what the colors looked like, so it doesn’t bother me when someone tells me how handsome I look.
But I do feel it within me though, especially when people stare at me for a long time. Just like now, I am sure a lot of people are staring at me and its beginning to make me uncomfortable. I slowly moved closer to Ben, my driver and whispered in his ears. “Can you switch seats with me, I am uncomfortable here.” I said in his ears. He quickly stood up and helped me switch seats without saying a word.
Ben is actually a loyal driver; I can say he is my only friend apart from Isaac. That reminds me. Isaachasn’t called throughout today. “Hope he is alright?” I asked myself as I adjusted myself on the seat. The pastor announced time for praise and worships, and as expected, everyone in the church stood up. I sighed deeply as I joined them also. “It’s just another set of people downgrading music in the name of worship.” I said to myself as I hissed slowly and wait for the choir to start singing.
I actually don’t know where that voice came from, I don’t know if I have heard it before but I am certain I know the song playing. It’s a remix of the popular gospel song –Wade in the water- by The Spirituals. I have known the song for ages but I have never heard it being sang in this version. This particular voice has a piercing edge that hits the ears and brain differently.
The voice sang the song so perfectly with an alluring tune for a while before the rest members of the choir joined in. I don’t know how but I was overwhelmed by the voice. I was so carried away that I didn’t know the worship has ended till Ben touched me.
For the first time in my life, I was so curious to see the person with such an angelic voice. I smiled and giggled as I whisperedto Ben. “Who is that person that just lead the choir?” I asked curiously. He smiled knowing that I was carried away by the voice. “That was Wyatt sir, the best gospel singer in this church.” He replied holding my hands. I smiled again. “Wyatt. Wyatt. What a cute name.” I said with a huge smile on my face.
I don’t know what is wrong with me but I kept on smiling throughout the sermon. I kept on hoping that I will get to see that person with such a golden voice. “This is the kind of voice I need for my future studio.” I said to myself with a smile. But my smile suddenly disappeared when I remembered my disability. “Who would want to associate with a blind person?” I asked myself with drop of tears on my face as we drive out of the church.
“It’s high time I consider the eye surgery.” I said to myself as I ordered Ben to drive me to Isaac’s place…

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