Chapter 9

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I was in my office, sitting on my chair with my hands folded, thinking about a way to save my business from crashing and my family from embarrassment. I really don't know how I ended up here. My company has not been doing so well lately and I had to relieve some of my staffs from their duty. I sighed deeply as I lay my head on the large table in front of me. I really don't know what to do right now at the moment. I don't want my wife or Wade to find out about the situation so I had to do something to save the company.
I was still thinking with my head bended to the table when the door slowly opened. I sluggishly raised my head up and stared at him for a while. It was Mr. David; he has my very good friend for ages. He walked majestically in to the office and sat on the large couch in the far corner of the office. I sluggishly walked to the couch and seat a bit far from him.
I wasn't looking so lively. We greeted and I ordered my secretary to serve us some coffee. Mr. David took a sip and faced me. He cleared his throat and stared at me for a while. "How have you been Johnson?" He asked giving me a suspicious look.
I smiled bitterly and dropped the cup of coffee in my hand. "Well, I guess I am fine." I said looking at him. I don't want to tell him about the situation of my company because I don't want to be a laughing stock in the community. Mr. David giggled and adjusted himself. "Come on Johnson. I am your friend. You can tell me what is happening to you. You are not looking any good." He said looking concerned.
I stared blankly at him for a while without saying a word. He moved closer to me and held my laps. "Johnson, you can't hide anything from me. I am like a brother to you, and remember we want to strengthen our relationship by getting our children married, so feel free to open up to me." He said looking at me.
I sighed deeply and leaned back on the couch. I kept quiet for a while as I was having some thoughts in my head. Maybe I should probably use this opportunity to get some money from David. I am sure he will give them to me so I could solve my company's problem. I kept on thinking of a better manner of approach to ask for some money from him. Since he is so interested in getting my son Wade married to his daughter, I think I should use that opportunity to extort from him.
I was still in my thoughts when he tapped me again. "Are you alright?" Mr. David asked looking concerned. I sighed deeply and adjusted myself on the couch as I faced him. "Mr. David." I called with a soft voice. "I won't hide anything from you at this point. You know I have been thinking of the time to unite our children into marriage and I think it's the best time now. But seriously, I don't know what to do because things have been going bad for me lately." I said looking very sad.
Mr. David nodded his head and tapped my shoulder. "What do you mean Johnson?" He asked curiously. I sighed deeply and adjusted myself. "You see, my business has been in shambles for a few months now, I really need to fund it up. Moreover, I am yet to pay for Wade's surgery which will cost a huge amount. I really want him to have the surgery before assuming a family role and taking over the business." I explained looking worried.
Mr. David sighed deeply and sipped his coffee. "How much are we talking about Johnson? Let me see the little way I can help. I really want our children to be together. I can't wait for my daughter to get back from America so she can finally meet Wade." He said looking so excited
I smiled as I heard he was willing to help. I don't know why he is so interested in getting our children together. He is so into it like his life depends on it. I cleared my throat and folded my arms. "We are talking huge money here Mr. David. We are talking about a eight hundred million Naira (#800,000,000).” I said looking so tensed.
Mr. David kept quiet for a while. He sighed and leaned back on the couch. "I think I can help you with that money Johnson, but, you will surely pay me back when everything settles for you. That will be after our children are married." He said looking at me. I was already smiling because he is willing to help. I was about talking when he interrupted me. "I will get my lawyer tomorrow so we can finalize the issue." He added as he stood up and head out. I saw him off and came back to my office jubilating.
Finally I have found a way to tackle my problems. I am so happy. I jumped and lay on the couch. I know it's a wrong thing to use my situation to extort money from Mr. David, but that is my only choice. That is the only way I can save myself from embarrassment and my business from liquidating.
My only challenge at the moment is Wade. I don't know why he is not agreeing to the surgery or even marriage. He is not even interested in the business. All these I am doing are for his benefits. I think it's high time I force him to the surgery and we can build up things from there. I need to get him ready before Mr. David's daughter is back from the states...
It's a bright Monday morning. I was still lying on my bed when my phone started ringing. I sighed a bit and stretched my hands to the mini drawer beside the bed. It's a video call from Nick. I quickly sit up and answered the call. It's a group call, Elle has already joined.
Nick stared suspiciously at me for a while before he laughed and talked. "Why didn't you answer the call on time Wyatt? What were you doing?” He asked eagerly. I eyed him without saying a word. Elle quickly chipped in. "Why are you so nosy Nick?" She asked playfully.
He looked awkwardly at the screen. "Are you guys ganging up on me?" He asked with a sorrowful face. We all laughed at his reaction. After a while of talking, Elle asked us to hang out at her place since it's a mid-semester break. I leaned back on the bed and sighed a little. "I am sorry guys; I can't hang out with you guys." I said looking at the screen.
Nick frowned his face. "Oh, what will you be doing then, just hang out and have fun." He said trying to persuade me. I sighed deeply and adjusted myself. "I will be having training sessions with Wade at the beach for two days." I said looking tensed.
Elle screamed in excitement. "Is my dream coming true? Is this some sort of a movie? You guys will be going to the beach?" She keeps on blabbering in excitement and rolling on her bed. Nick was already looking shocked. "Are you serious Wyatt? Is your relationship that strong?" He asked with a serious face.
I sighed deeply again and leaned properly. "Well, I think we are getting closer but not out to each other yet, I am beginning to think that he likes me." I replied looking at the screen. They all kept quiet for a while before Elle talked.
"Just relax Wade, take things easy and they will flow well. I am sure he would open up sometime and we will surely support you guys." She said looking concerned. I smiled after hearing her words. She adjusted herself a bit. "If you guys will excuse me, I need to start packing, and Nick, you should go and do that too." She said pointing her fingers.
We looked surprised. "Packing for what?” Nick and I asked surprisingly. She giggled a bit. "Come on Nick, won't you like to witness their vacation? I can't wait to see it seriously so I am following them to the beach." She said as she disconnected from the call and jumped off.
I was trying to call out when Nick also disconnected and jumped away. "What kind of nosy friends do I have?" I asked myself as I lay back in the bed. I sighed a bit with a huge smile on my face. "Well, at least. I have people supporting my sexuality." I said to myself as I slowly crawled down from my bed and head to the toilet to start preparing for the vacation...
I got my bag pack ready and sit on the couch in my room to relax for a while. I slowly took my device and place a call on Wyatt. He is ready also waiting for me to pick him up. I quickly called Joel, my driver. He helped me with my bag to the car and drove me to Wyatt's place. We took him from there and Joel drove us to the beach. He helped us lodged in a motel and we went into our room to relax. Of course we had to use the same room since we would be helping each other.
It became evening soon and we have rest enough already. Wyatt asked to go and have a view of the evening sea. We picked the guitar and head out. The beach was a bit deserted, there were no much people since it's still an academic session, guess everyone were busy with school and work.
We first stopped at a small restaurant to have some food before proceeding to the water side. "What would you like to eat?" Wyatt asked looking at me as we took a table. I giggled a bit. "Anything is good. You can order." I replied staring blankly. He flipped through the menu for a while. "They only serve seafood here Wade. Hope you are not allergic to any?" He asked curiously.
I kept quiet for a while. It downed on me that I have never had a sea meal before. This would probably be my first time. "Are you okay Wade?" Wyatt asked looking at me. I giggled a bit. "Yeah, I am fine. Just order anything good for me. I have never had a sea meal before." I replied looking tensed.
Wyatt was surprised. He adjusted himself a bit. "Then I will just order some food that won't cause any allergies. I hope you will like them." He said as he picked up the menu. He flipped through it again for a while and then placed an order.
The food arrived after a little while. I must confess I loved it, not because it's only delicious, but also, Wyatt took his time to explain all the foods to me. From the shrimps, lobsters, octopus and prawns, he would hold my hands and draw the shapes of the sea animals and also tell me their nutritional value.
It's so interesting hanging out with Wyatt, I just feel like I am beginning to learn in this world. No one has done so much for me before apart from my mother. No one has put more effort to make me enjoy life like Wyatt is doing. Trying out new things together with him gives me so much joy.
After eating, we proceeded to the water side and sit under a palm tree. It’s a big tree as Wyatt described it to me; very huge and tall as he said. Wyatt adjusted himself and faces the water. "The sun is already setting Wade, let's get going." He said trying to get up. I quickly hold back his hands. "Let's sit for a little while Wyatt, I am enjoying this." I said holding his hands.
He sighed slowly and sits back. I giggled and adjusted myself. "What does sunset looks like Wyatt?" I asked curiously staring blankly at the space. Wyatt was quiet for a while. He sighed slowly and holds my hands.
"Well, first of all, the sun is round and big." He said as he described a round shape on my palms. He adjusted a bit and continued talking. "The sunset is that period where the sun settles after a whole day of working. Just like human beings. This moment comes with peacefulness and quietness because the sun isn't that hot. The scenario is beautiful because the sun displays its true beautiful colors. Some people call this period ‘The lover’s hour’ because of its uniqueness." Wyatt explained still holding my hands.
I sighed slowly. Even though I didn't understand all the information, at least I have grabbed some. I slowly picked up the guitar and started playing. I was playing it solo when Wyatt joined in with a song. It's a song I really love so I gave it my all.
He sang so sweet and melodiously while I played the guitar perfectly. We performed for a while before the song finished. I felt this happiness all over me. The peaceful breeze blowing around and the quietness of the beach all increased sauce to the atmosphere of the beach.
At this point, I didn't know what came over me. I couldn't resist myself anymore. I tried to hold back but I couldn't. I hold Wyatt's hands and they were softer than ever. I moved closer and hold his face. Played my hands around his face and locate his lips. He was quiet and tender.
My chest was beating fast as I slowly bend down and placed a kiss on his lips. Some strange sensation ran through my body and I felt more courage and urge to kiss him more. I kept on kissing him as he also kissed me back. His lips were so sweet and soft. Surely this has been the best moment of my life...

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