Chapter 6

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It has been a week since I have started hanging out with Wyatt and I must confess that it has been nothing but amazing. I always find this peace whenever I am with the boy. I don’t know what makes him so special but he has broken my strength for not liking younger people.
It’s a Sunday morning; I was sitting on the large couch in Isaac’s studio. I am looking forward to my first performance in church with Wyatt and I am excited. I picked up my device and place a call on him. “Good morning Wyatt.” I greeted as he answered the call.
He answered with an alluring voice that made me smile instantly. “I am calling to ask whether you are already in church.” I said with a smile on my face. “I am on my way already. I will see you in church Wade.” He answered as he hanged up the call.
I sat on the couch still smiling when Isaac threw a pillow on me. “Thought you said you don’t need more friends? Why are you now hanging out with the boy always?” He asked sarcastically. I smiled and adjusted myself on the couch. “You know what Isaac? Have you ever felt this satisfaction whenever you do something even though it’s not your first time doing it?” I asked curiously.
Isaac giggled and sat on the couch next to me. He was quite for a while. “I think I understand what you are trying to say Wade. I know that feeling. Most especially when you are with the people you love. When you do things you like with them. You will surely feel this strange happiness as if it was your first time doing it.” He said with a serious voice.
I sighed slowly as I kept quiet for a while. I am sure I always loved playing guitars, but I never liked it more like these days I am playing with Wyatt. I smiled as I slowly stood up and picked my walking stick. “Let’s get going to the church Isaac. We are running late already.” I said as I head out. Isaac followed me after teasing me again. We entered the car and he drove us to the church.
We arrived at the church as the service was about to start. As the church’s tradition, it’s always the choir with praise and worship first. I stood by the spot meant for the guitarist looking so tensed and nervous. You can tell from a look that I am afraid. My hands were so cold and sweaty.
Wyatt moved his wheelchair closer to me. “Are you alright Wade? You look timid.” He asked staring at me. I sighed deeply and dropped the guitar beside me. “I am nervous Wyatt. This is my first time doing this and I feel worried already.” I replied with a weak voice.
He laughed for a while before he slowly holds my hands. He massaged them in his soft hands for a while. “It’s fine Wade. Just focus on the guitar. I assure you it will be great.” He said still holding my hands. He continued massaging my hands for a while and that actually helped me calm down.
Wyatt started singing slowly with his sweet voice. I was picking up every single beat of his song and matching it perfectly with my chords. Playing guitar has never been this memorable. I feel so happy as I was carried away by Wyatt’s sweet voice. He kept on singing while I was increasing the tempo of my chords. I was so engrossed that I forget how nervous I was.
The service was successful. I’d never thought I could do it. All thanks to Wyatt. The general public couldn’t believe I was actually blind. For the first time in my life I felt so happy doing something. I can’t believe that people were praising me despite my disability. I couldn’t believe I could do this. Wyatt moved his wheelchair slowly to me and holds my hands. “I told you it will be great.” He said with a smile on his face as he moved the chair back to the congregation.
I smiled all through as Isaac drove us back to his studio together with Wyatt. He helped Wyatt brought out his wheelchair as we parked the car in the premises. “Okay guys, I have an errand to run. I will see you later.” Isaac said as he drove out again. We waved at him as he left. I helped Wyatt pushed his wheelchair as he lead the way to the studio.
We sat together on the couch. Wyatt giggled a bit and adjusted himself. “How was the service? Did you enjoy it?” He asked looking as me. I smiled for a while before talking. “Thank you so much for today Wyatt. I really enjoyed myself. I couldn’t believe my performance.” I replied staring blankly at the space.
He sighed and leaned on the couch. “You don’t have to thank me Wade. It’s your talent not mine.” He said looking at me. I giggled as I adjusted myself and face him. “You don’t understand Wyatt. I felt like I just fulfill one of my dreams. I just felt like one of my wishes came to past.” I replied with a huge smile on my face.
Wyatt laughed for a while. “Come on Wade. You are just exaggerating this.” He said still laughing. I smiled and nodded my head. “I am not exaggerating Wyatt. This is actually a dream come true to me. This is one of my wishes.” I replied as I leaned back on the coach.
He kept quiet for a while staring at me. “Talking about wishes, what are your wishes? What do you wish you could do if you weren’t blind?” He asked curiously. I kept quiet for a while as I was still leaning on the couch. I smiled for a while before I opened my mouth.
“There are a lot of things I wished to do Wyatt. There are a lot of places I wished to visit but I never get the chance to. It’s not as if I couldn’t get a friend to go with, but I wanted doing those things with someone who understands my pains.” I replied with a worried voice.
Wyatt sighed deeply as he stares at me for a while. “He slowly moved closer to me. What are those things and those places Wade? Can you share them with me?” He asked looking at me. I giggled with a smirk on my lips. “Well, nothing much; I just wish to go to the beach, cinema and also somewhere I can experience nature at its peak.” I replied staring blankly at the space.
Wyatt slowly placed his hands on mine. He looked at me with a smile. “Let’s do that together then. Let me help you fulfill your wishes.” He said looking at him. I smiled a little as I hold his hands tightly. “Let’s do it then.” I replied…
I continued holding his hands for a while, I feel too reluctant to let go of his hands. There was this peacefulness in them that keep on holding me back. I don’t know what they are and I am not sure what that means. But I always feel this feeling whenever I have a physical contact with Wyatt and that feeling is making me confused.
I slowly removed my hands from his and adjusted myself on the couch. “What about you Wyatt? What wishes do you have?” I asked. He was silent for a minute. “Well, I don’t have many wishes. I just wish I can play my own written song to the public, probably at the university or a large crowd.” He replied looking at me.
“But you have recorded a lot of songs. Isaac told me.” I said looking curious. He giggled a bit “Well, most of them are remix and gospels. I want to write my personal song, something different apart from gospel.” He said with a soft voice.
I smiled at him. “Then let’s write a song together.” I said with a smile. He stared at me for a while. “What should we write about then?” I have no idea about other songs apart from gospels. That’s the only thing I am good about.” He replied looking at me.
I was silent for a while. “Then I will put you through. Just think about what you want to write about and I will help you. Writing a song is not that hard, you just need to focus.” I said as I hold his hands. He giggled a bit and holds mine too. I don’t know what I am feeling whenever I hold this boy but I am sure this isn’t normal…
It has been a long boring day at school. Nick is not around because he isn’t having any class. I found a private spot and brought out my system as I begin watching another episode of the boys love series I am currently watching. It’s a Thailand series. LOVE BY CHANCE.
I don’t know why I kept on watching this series again and again. May be it’s because it always gives me hope that love actually happens by chance. May be it’s because I find it interesting and also as a tool to comfort myself that I actually have a chance with Wade.
I am not sure if by this time Wade feels the same thing as I do, but I really hope that he will do it sometime and accept my feelings. I am totally convinced that I am in love with him and I will do whatever in my power to have him.
I slowly brought out my phone from my bag and place a call on him. He answered after a few rings. “Hello Wade. How are you doing?” I asked eagerly. He answered briefly. I giggled and cleared my voice. “I was thinking if you are free to go to the cinema tomorrow. I am not having any class here.” I said with a tensed voice.
He quickly agreed with an anxious voice. “Okay then, I will buy tickets online.” I said as I hang up the call. I know it’s not an easy task to take a blind person to the cinema; I will definitely have to be his eyes, telling him whatever is going on. But then, I am ready to do this if it will earn me the love I yearn for…
I was about pushing my wheelchair to the class when someone holds the handle from behind. I wasn’t frightened because normally, there will be students willing to help me push it whenever I am alone. I slowly turned my head to see the person so I can thank them.
Behold, it’s Elle. She was having a huge smile that revealed her teeth. “Good day Wyatt.” She greeted still smiling with her white teeth opened. “Are you heading to class?” She asked looking at me. I smiled back and nodded my head. “Let me help you then. I want us to have a chat after the class.” She said as she pushed the wheelchair and headed for the class.
My mind wasn’t concentrating throughout the class. I was busy having mixed thoughts. Is this what someone feels when you have a crush on someone and another person having crush on you. I mean the feeling is a bit too wide. You will technically have to think through about it. But this is more difficult in my own case.
Elle is a beautiful girl; she is a kind of silent and classy lady that all guys wants to role with, very responsible and matured. I was very surprised the first day she approached me for a note; I thought it was only that. I’d never thought that her feelings will be this much.
I remembered the last time she was returning my note; she gave me lots of chocolates along. Not even to talk of the unnecessary calls and text messages. I know these aren’t normal friendship. And the worst part is that Nick has an eye for the girl. The situation is so messy that I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
ssI sighed deeply as we sat together under a tree after the lectures. “You wanted to talk to me Elle. What is it about?” I asked looking so horrible. She looked so tensed but I am sure that I am more tensed than she is.
She slowly adjusted herself and faces me. “Wyatt. I know you guys always known me to be a social person right. And I know you guys must be surprised to see me getting closer to you right?” She asked with her eyes wide opened on me.
She sighed deeply as she holds my hands. “I know what I am about telling you is a bit too personal, but I hope you won’t mind? I won’t force you to answer me right away, just think it through and let me know.” She said looking at me.
My heart was racing as I wasn’t ready to answer her, I am totally sure she is about to confess her love but I don’t know how to reject the poor girl. I don’t even know how to tell her that I love boys and I am having a crush on a boy…

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