Chapter 17

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I lay on my bed, staring at Wade’s wedding pictures with tears rolling down on my face. I still couldn’t move on from Wade. I didn’t know why I can’t move on from him no matter how hard I tried. This is the moment I realized that I have been lying to myself about not loving Wade anymore. I still love him and I don’t think I will be able to live without him.
My heart was boiling hot. Tears kept on rushing on my face as I stare at his pictures kissing a strange girl. I now understand that I wasn’t angry at Wade all these while, I was just being jealous and it was the main reason I couldn’t move on. I understand that moving on is the hardest thing to do and is impossible as long as we still have feelings for that person.
I sighed deeply as I realized my mistake. I should have confronted Wade the first day I saw them together. I should have talked to him about it. It might surely hurt when he said it to my face that they are dating, but at least I would have gone through the pain once and for all. May be I should reach Isaac and find out more from him? I asked myself
But what would I possibly find out apart from more heart breaks? Wade is already happily married and he is done with me, it is left for me to move on or hold on to him which is surely not his concern. I sighed deeply as I scratched my head trying to find a solution for myself. I can’t continue like this. I can’t continue holding on to a relationship that would probably not work.
I quickly stood up and wipe off my tears as I begin packing up stuff in my apartment that is related to Wade. At this point, I made up my mind to help myself by myself. I made a commitment with myself for my own health. Wade has moved on with his life and I need to accept that. I don’t think there is anything I could probably do to bring him back. I need to move on and find a better future to myself…
Do you all believe in miracles? Well, I never believed in one until it happened to me. I never believed that something which is not supposed to happen will come to pass. I am not a strong believer but this miracle that happened in my life change my perspective about God. I watched death waved at me but still didn’t take me away.
I have already lost hope in life, I have lost hope in love and I was ready to leave this world so I could end my sufferings. I didn’t t know how my eyes gets to open again after series of surgeries. I didn’t know how I got to escape that tragic moment in my life. I didn’t know how I got to see light after spending days with my eyes closed. I didn’t know how it all happened.
All I know is that I woke up to a brand new life again. I can feel it in me that I am a new person with a full determination. I feel dreams all over my soul waiting to come to reality. I know it’s time to fight to an end; I shouldn’t be blocked by any obstacle. This is my last chance of living and I have to give it a perfect definition.
I slowly opened my weak eyes that looked pale as I was lying on a bed. I turned my eyes around the room which looks like a hospital ward. My mom was sitting on a chair opposite the bed. She was looking stressed as she quickly stood up in shock seeing my eyes opened. She was speechless, tears were rolling on her face and she was also smiling at the same time.
“Thank you Jesus. Thank you Lord.” She kept on repeating as she slowly walked over to the bed and hugged me tightly for a while. “Thank you for fighting through this Wade.” She said looking so happy. After a while, she pressed the alarm bell beside the bed which called the attention of the doctor and nurses. They came in immediately and the doctor sighed deeply after a little check up on me.
“Congratulations Wade. You are indeed a fighter.” He said looking at me with a smile. He sat by the edge of the bed and held my hands. “I know you have been through a lot Wade and I don’t need to stress you with more lectures, I just want to remind you that this phase of your life is like a final chance. Take care of yourself for yourself. Find your happiness and make it your priority.” He said looking at me.
I smiled a bit and nodded my head. “Your health is already stabilized now but we will need to watch you here for a while. I think you will be ready for discharge in a week.” He said as he stood up and head out. He looked at my mom who was still shedding tears of happiness. “Congratulations madam.” He said to her and walked out of the ward.
Isaac quickly walked into the ward together with Nick and Elle, they were also happy seeing me alive. Isaac quickly hugged me tightly that I could barely breathe. “Come on man. Do you want me to be unconscious again?” I said and we all laughed. He slowly rose up and sits beside me. “I am just overwhelmed man. I thought we are losing you forever.” He said looking at me.
I smiled and giggled a bit. “Have you forgotten who I am? Wade the water warrior.” I said and we all laughed again. I sighed slowly and adjusted myself as Nick helped me sit up. I leaned on the wall and giggled again. I sighed deeply as I stared at them one after the other.
“I want to thank you all for bearing with me and for being with me throughout my hard times. I know I have troubled you guys a lot and I don’t have enough words to appreciate you. I just want to use this medium to let you know that I will try my possible best to get over Wyatt. I know at this point he has already moved on with his life and I also need to do so. I can’t continue hurting myself and also the people around me. Thank you all for the support, I will forever be grateful to you guys.” I said looking at them.
They were all quiet as they watched me spoke. My mom slowly waked over to me and sat beside me. “Wade.” She called with a soft voice. “I know I have not been a good mother. I know I have been a terrible mother that can’t understand the feelings of her child. But I want you to know that no matter what you choose to be on this life, I will always be there for you. I am sure that I won’t be so bad that my child’s happiness will be hard for me to understand.” She said looking at me.
She sighed slowly as she grabbed my hands. “Isaac have told me everything about you and Wyatt and from what I understand, there is less communication between you guys. Wyatt has probably misunderstood you with Joanna the first time he saw you together and to top it all, he saw your wedding pictures. I am sure that will be enough reason for him to leave. I don’t think you need to leave Wyatt; rather you should find him and explain everything to him. I am sure that Wyatt still loves you Wade.” She said looking so confident.
I stared at her for a while and she smiled at me. I turned and looked at Isaac who was also smiling at me. He dipped his hands in his pocket and brought out some documents. It’s an international passport and a paper containing an address and contacts. He handed them over to me with a smile on his face. “You can do this Wade.” He said as he nodded his head, I smiled back and collected the documents from him.
At this point, I feel more courage all over me. I feel more purpose to live. I feel myself filled of hopes and Wyatt’s love started reviving in my soul. “Let’s do this Wade.” I said to myself with a revealing smile on my face…
After I have been discharged from the hospital, I didn’t waste any time in Nigeria. I arranged my necessary stuff and fly out to Singapore. It has not been easy since when I reached Singapore. I don’t know what happened but Wyatt has left his apartment. Someone else has already moved in and they assured me that they didn’t know where Wyatt has moved to. All his contacts are not reaching also.
I have already started giving up because searching for Wyatt seems impossible. I decided to stay back for one more night in Singapore before I fly back to Nigeria. I have already losed hope. “May be life has no other chance for us. May be Wyatt has moved on already.” I said to myself as tears were rolling on my face.
The greatest fear I have been concealing in my heart started coming true. It's clear that we are not meant for each other. Our love is not meant to prevail. All thanks to my wicked father that messed my life and also Wyatt's homophobic father that added sauce to the spicy soup. Our love lives have been ruined because of selfishness and prejudice.
I was still walking in the dark, the street was quiet. Everyone might probably be in their comfort of their homes and loved ones while I was still wandering in the street searching for my lost love. I walked past a bar. It's a gay bar. I had passed it already but something kept on dragging me back. "May be I should go in there and get drunk." I said to myself as I slowly walked into the bar.
The bar is filled up with men. Some are together with their spouses while some are clearly flirting around. For the first time in my life I feel like I am in a real home. It feels so safe being there because there was nothing like judgment. Everyone is looking happy doing their thing. I felt comfortable for a while as I walked around the bar and found a table for myself.
I ordered a couple of drinks immediately. I was drinking and shedding tears when a young man came to my table. "Can I drink with you?" He asked with a smile. I nodded my head as I pointed at the seat opposite me. The young man didn't look bad. He was honestly happy while drinking with me. He didn't say a word either but he ordered a couple more drinks.
After a short while into our drinking session, the Karaoke was announced and he slowly stood up and walked away. He turned after a while and stared at me. "Love will surely find you man. I assure you this." He said as he headed to the podium. I watched him as he walked up there and took the microphone. He started singing melodiously and everyone was enjoying his song. He sings very well but I am sure that won't compare to Wyatt.
I was still drinking when he finished singing and left the podium for the next singer. I wasn't paying attention because I couldn't bear listening to love songs anymore. I was already drunk at the moment when the next person started singing.
The sounds of the guitar strings playing sounds familiar and the voice kept on ringing in my ear. I slowly dropped my glass and listened to the song attentively. I felt like those lines are sending me a message. I am so wasted that I couldn't raise my head to see the singer but I am sure I know someone with that alluring voice. I leaned my head a bit forward as I listened to the song...
*Would you ever go and find me?
*Would you ever be mine?
*Need you now..Oh..Hold me closer!
*Stop the waste of time.
*When I close my eyes, you are here by my side.
*All I have ever really nees is your love
*Nothing I could say would ever be right
*Stay a little longer with me baby
*Please stay a little longer with me....
The person kept on singing with a melodious voice that I couldn't help but to struggled and stood up. I staggered with my shaky legs as I walked between people up to the podium where the young boy kept on singing with his eyes fixed on the guitar strings. I felt more encouraged as I listened more to the lines of the song.
My curiosity couldn't help so I have to drag my legs up and walked to him. He slowly raised his head and faced me. His eye balls directly on mine as tears started rolling down on my face. I hugged him tightly crying so hard. He was also crying. "I love you Wyatt." That was the only statement that could came out of my mouth before I get knocked out from the intense alcohol I have consumed.
The following day, I woke to Wyatt lying beside me on the bed and staring at me. I giggled and adjusted myself a bit "Why are you staring at me boy?" I asked with a smile. He smiled back and moved a bit closer. "I still can't believe you are sleeping next to me again Wade. I thought this will never happen again." He replied looking at me.
I slowly sit up and grabbed his hands. I hold them tightly in mine. I sighed deeply as I called his name slowly. I stared at him for a while before I started talking. "I am sorry Wyatt. I know you have a lot of questions in your mind but I will try to answer them all for you before you even ask. Life has not been good with me since after my surgery. Since the last day I bid you good bye to travel, problems upon problems kept on oozing in my life." I said as I told him everything that happened.
I sighed again as I continued talking. "I never blamed you in this Wyatt. I know your father was to be blamed for being so judgmental. I know you misunderstood the whole situation and everyone will do the same as you did if they were in your situation. Forgive me for giving you the wrong impression Wyatt. Forgive me for putting you in this situation. I know it has not been easy with you also but please, find a place in your heart to forgive me." I pleaded with tears in my eyes.
Wyatt was also crying from listening to the whole story. He cried so hard that I have to comfort him. He cleaned his face and hugged me tightly for a while. "I am sorry Wade. I am sorry you have to face all these alone. I am sorry for doubting your love. I am sorry for making life so miserable for you. I hate myself right now for making you suffer. All these are my fault Wade. Forgive me please." He pleaded with tears in his face.
I slowly grabbed his face and cleaned the tears falling from his eyes. "You are not at fault Wyatt. You shouldn't feel bad or hate yourself." I said looking into his eyes. I slowly bent my head and place a warm kiss on his lips. The kiss lasted for minutes before I pulled back. "I love you Wyatt." I said looking at him. He smiled back at me. "I love you too Wade." He said looking so happy...
I have never thought my life will be better again after all the hardships I have faced. I have learnt a lot from my relationship with Wyatt. I learnt that love can be inform of Illusion, we might not think it is love at first, we may only want to lean on the comfort and happiness we find in those moments not realizing that we are subjecting ourselves to love.
I also learnt that love knows no gender. Love has no boundaries and also love has no specifications. As long as there is that single connection, love is set to kick start regarding the situation. It's left for us to be able to fight all the prejudices and discriminations to protect our love lives...
Our love life has changed for the best. We decided to stay back in Singapore for sometimes before returning back home. That will help us develop our mental health and also protect our love from the toxic society. Wyatt has graduated from music school and we opened a music production industry together. I learnt that my mother sewed father for fraud and he was imprisoned for years now.
Joanna on the other hand has moved on with her life. I am sure she hasn’t regret her actions because she never asked for forgiveness, anyways, I am not disturbed anymore because my life is at its better peak now…
I quickly drove home from the office because Wyatt has been calling me back home. I met him standing by the door with just a short towel around his waist. I stared at him lustfully for a while before I throw away my handbag and moved closer to him. “What do you want naughty boy?” I asked with a smirk on my face. He smiled as he jumped on me and place a deep kiss on my lips…
NOTE: Life is actually not as miserable as we think it is. Every relationship has its own ups and downs. Every love story faces an obstacle which determines whether the relationship will last or not. The best tool to maintain a relationship is trust and communication. When there is enough understanding between couples with a better communication, then the love life will always flourish.
As usual, the story is just a fiction. I hope this little piece will go a long way in providing lights to our darken relationships and also rise our dead hopes...

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