Chapter 5

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He hold my soft hands for a while staring blankly at me before releasing them. “Oh. I am sorry.” He said with a smile. I giggled and smiled back. “It’s fine Sir. Let’s get started with the interview.” I said as I slowly pushed my wheelchair and grab a guitar.
“So, what genre of music are you specialized with?” I asked looking at him as I pushed my wheelchair opposite him. He cleared his throat a bit and adjusted himself. “I play anything. As long as there is a song, I will play for it no matter what genre it is.” He replied with a straight voice.
I nodded my head a bit. “Have you played in the choir before?” I asked looking at him. He was quite for a while before responding. “To be honest, I haven’t played in a band before. Be it a hip hop band or choir. I just do my thing alone.” He replied looking serious.
I sighed slowly and adjusted myself. “Playing guitar in the band is different from playing alone. You will have to cope with the singer, keyboardist and also the drummer. You will have to move along. Do you think you can do that?” I asked looking at him.
He was already wearing a worried face. “I will definitely try my best. I am sure I will learn along the way.” He said with an assuring tune. I sighed deeply looking at him; I don’t know how to tell him that we can’t accept him in the choir. We actually need a pro not a novice. “Is everything alright Wyatt?” He asked looking worried.
I sighed deeply and face him. “Honestly, I don’t think you fit in the position because we actually need someone that is good with a band. I am sorry Mr. Wade.” I said looking sorry. He was quite for a while.
He sighed deeply staring blankly at the space. “I thought you would give me a chance to prove that disability is not a hindrance. I never knew that you will also be judgmental even though you are disabled too.” He said looking worried.
His words hit me seriously. I was muted for a while, staring at him as he looked so disappointed. “I am sorry if you feel abused Sir. But I was just doing what I was ordered to. I was just trying to meet up with the Choir’s choice of a guitarist.” I said looking worried.
He sighed slowly and kept mute for a while. “Then you should at least try me out. Give me a trial Wyatt. Let’s prove the talents disabled folks have together. I beg you Wyatt.” He said holding my hands tightly.
At this point, I feel sorry for the young man and I also feel embarrassed on how he is pleading with me. I sighed and giggled for a while. “Okay, I am doing this so that you will prove yourself worthy. Don’t make me regret this please.” I said looking at him. He shouted looking so happy. “Here, let’s see what you got.” I said as I handed him over the guitar.
I was shocked as I watched Wade played the guitar, putting his hands accurately on every chord and playing the chords perfectly like a pro. I was already carried away. I begin thinking whether he studied this or not because he is actually too good. This is just how far someone who isn’t blind will also go.
I sighed slowly as he finished playing the guitar. “That was perfect Wade. You are really good.” I said looking at him. He smiled and dropped the guitar beside him. “So does that mean I am hired?” He asked eagerly. I smiled and nodded my head. “Yes you are.” I said looking at him. “But I think we still need to practice together, about the band issue.” I said looking at him. He just nodded his head with a jubilating smile on his face.
I sighed and adjusted myself on my wheelchair. “You see Wade. Working with the choir is not a materialistic achievement. You won’t be paid that much as a lot of people expected. You will just have a little token because we all believe that the huge payment and reward is with the lord. So I hope you won’t mind the amount.” I asked looking scared.
He smiled a bit and adjusted himself. “You don’t have to worry Wyatt. Just having a chance to display my talent to the world is enough for me. I don’t need any reward from the church. Just a simple friendship will be okay for me.” He said stretching out his hands for a shake. “I hope we will work well together and you will also be my friend.”  He said with his hands stretched.
I smiled for a while. “I hope this turns out well.” I replied as I stretched out my hands and shake him. This time, I hold his hands for a while staring at him as he kept on smiling. I quickly withdraw my hand and clear my throat for a while. “So about practicing, let me know when you are free so we can start right away.” I said packing up the guitar.
He nodded his head. “I am always free; just let me know your schedules so we can be meeting at Isaac place for the practice.” He replied looking at me. I was quite for a while before responding. “In that case, we will have to exchange contacts. I will let you know when I am not having classes.” I said as I brought out my phone.
He smiled for a while as he brought out his special device from his pocket. “I don’t use a phone Wyatt. Just call out your number here.” He said handing the device to me. I slowly collected it and read out the number. He collected it and instructs the device to save it as Wyatt. The device successfully answered. “Contact saved as Wyatt.”
He slowly moved the device closer to his mouth again. “Call Wyatt.” He instructed. And within a minute, my phone started ringing. “That’s my contact.” He said with a smile. I quickly saved it as Wade. That was when Isaac came in and we all head out. They offered to drop me at home and I agreed.
I always thought that being crippled is the worst form of disability; little did I know that being blind might be the worst. You literally don’t know how you look like or enjoy the beautiful scenery of this world. At this instant, I begin to pity all the blind folks out there. It must really be hard on them living a life of darkness.
I sighed deeply as I lie on my bed and place a video call on Nick. It took him a while before he answered. “What where you doing naughty?” I asked giving him a suspicious look. He giggled and rolled on his bed. “Well, I just got out of the shower. Why are you calling this late?” he asked staring at me.
I sighed again and scratched my head. “Just calling to let you know that I won’t be going to the studio tomorrow morning as agreed bro.” I said looking at me. He quickly sat up and concentrated on the phone. “Come on Wyatt. You can’t miss this opportunity. What happened that made you changed your mind?” He asked anxiously.
I laughed for a while still looking at him. “Why are you being so paranoid Nick?” I asked laughing. He hissed and moved closer to the screen. “Stop joking around Wyatt. This is a serious issue.” He said looking stressed.
I laughed again and concentrated on the call. “Of course I won’t be going because Wade was the person applying for the post of guitarist in the church.” I said still laughing. He was dumb and quite for a while. “Wait. Who is Wade?” he asked curiously.
I smiled a bit. “Oh. He is the guy at Isaac’s studio.” I replied looking at him. He screamed so hard that the phoned fell on his bed. I know if it was physical, he would hug me tightly that I might not be able to breath.
“So what’s the deal?” He asked anxiously. I giggled a bit. “Well, nothing much; we would just practice a bit so he gets acquainted with the band.” I replied smiling. “Is that why you are blushing?” he asked smiling. I quickly rolled my eyes and eyed him. “You are being nosy Nick. Good night.” I said as I ended the call.
I rolled on my bed with a huge smile on my face. I don’t know why but I actually found myself smiling from the thought of Wade. “What is happening to me?” I asked myself as I grab my pillow and hug it tightly…
It’s a Tuesday morning and I was lying on my bed. I decided to take out my guitar to practice some gospel songs. I slowly tiptoed to my wardrobe and picked up the guitar. It’s been a while I played it so it was dusty. I dust it off using a rag and walked to the balcony in my room.
I am familiar with all corners and places in my house so I don’t actually need a walking stick when at home. I was enjoying the fresh air in my balcony when the door to my room opened. I didn’t stop playing as the person continued walking towards me. From the scent of the perfume, I already knew it was father.
He walked closer and took a seat beside me. He stared at me as I played for a while before talking. “It’s been long I heard you playing guitar. What’s the occasion?” He asked anxiously. I giggled a bit and drop the guitar by the wall. “Well, I just want to practice because I have been offered a job as a choir keyboardist.” I replied as I adjusted myself on the seat.
Father was quite for a while. I am sure he is surprised. “Well, our church is not a small one. At least, you will have something to do while thinking about my proposal.” He said looking at me. I sighed as I stare blankly at the space. “I am not working at your church dad. I am with St. Monica’s church.” I replied looking serious.
Dad was furious at this time. “Why do you always like downgrading yourself Wade? That church is just a small church. No one knows them in Lagos. Why do you like making me go through stress?” He asked yelling.
I giggled as I stood up. “As long as you won’t allow me to structure my life in my own ways, then you are bound to be stressed everyday of your life dad.” I said looking angry. He also stood up furiously and faces me. “I am not asking for much Wade. Just agree to this damn eye surgery, get married, start a family and take over the business, then you can do whatever you want with your life.” He shouted.
I smiled bitterly for a while. “You know what dad, you are so selfish and desperate. All you want is for me to take on your business. You always look at my disability as liability. Do you think I can’t do well because I am blind? Do you think I have to have eyes before I can run the business? Does success only mean having eyes to you? Why are you so obsessed with the surgery and marriage? Can you just allow me do what I like for the first time?” I yelled back as I walked out of the room.
He followed me as I quickly walked down the stairs. Mom was trying to stop me but I was walking hurriedly. “You will achieve nothing with that Wade.” He shouted as I turned deaf ear to him.
I entered my car and ordered my driver to take me to Wyatt’s university. I quickly placed a call on him and inform him about me picking him up for practice. I sighed deeply as I leaned on the car’s seat. “I just hope this friendship with Wyatt brings the happiness I always craved for.” I said to myself as the car zoomed off…

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