Chapter 12

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I was so shocked seeing how Wade fainted instantly on the ground. I quickly rushed on him and started blowing air on him, but he wasn’t responding. After a while, he seized breathing. We became more confused. “May be we should rush him to the hospital.” Elle said looking more confused. I didn’t know what to do at the moment because this is my first time of offering a first aid.
Nick helped me and we took him to the car. I drove so fast to the hospital because it seems Wade is dying to me. He wasn’t breathing and he kept on sweating profusely. We were more terrified at this moment as I speed up the car again. I have never seen Wade in this situation so it really scared me a lot.
I just hope Wyatt will show up sooner because I can’t explain what happened to Wade to his father. Not after he has asked me to convince Wade to go out with Joanna; Mr. David’s daughter. I sighed deeply and lean on the wall as I watched the nurses rushed Wade into the ICU with the doctor attending to him immediately. I closed my eyes as I remembered my conversation with Wade’s father…
I was sitting in my studio trying to mix up some remix when I heard the door slowly opened. I hissed slowly without turning around. “What did you forget this time around Wade? I told you I have to work.” I said still concentrating on my system. The person kept on walking in without saying a word till he reached the couch.
“Good evening Isaac.” An elderly voice greeted from behind. I quickly turned around to see the person and I was shocked to see Mr. Johnson. I quickly moved closer and bend my head a little. “Good evening daddy.” I greeted with an awkward smile on my face. I am sure he must have sensed that I was surprised to see him.
It’s obvious that I am curious about his visit because that was the first time he ever visited the studio. I don’t even know why he came in at all. I was still looking so shocked when he cleared his throat a bit. I became startled a bit. “What should I offer you sir?” I asked anxiously.
He smiled a little and adjusted himself well on the couch. “I don’t need anything for now; let’s just get straight to the reason why I am here.” He said pointing at the seat opposite him. I slowly walked and took the seat still looking tensed. My mind was still racing and filled with thoughts on why Mr. Johnson will visit me.
I kept on thinking a lot of things in my mind. “Or has he found out about Wade and Wyatt?” I asked myself looking curious. Mr. Johnson giggled and folded hi arms. “I know you must be really surprised on why I visited you today right?” He asked looking at me. I nodded my head as I stare blankly at him.
He smiled again. “I need your help Isaac.” He said with a serious face. I became more curious. How can I possibly help Mr. Johnson? How can I be of any use to him? I kept on asking myself as I stare at him curiously. He giggled again with a smirk on his face. “I know you will be curious Isaac, but I really need this favor from you.” He said looking at me.
I sighed deeply and lean myself forward. “What do you want daddy?” I asked looking at him. He sighed and also leaned forward, facing me clearly. “It’s nothing much Isaac. You already know the kind of business I run and you know how old age is hindering my business progress. Due to that, I am facing some difficulties that might lead to liquidation of my company and that will surely wipe out my family name which I can’t bear to witness.” He said looking worried.
I stare blankly at him as he explained. He sighed slowly as he continued talking. “My only hope and savior at this point is Wade, and it’s only if he agrees to marry Joanna. I would be able to save my company and my family’s name, and also create a secure future for him.” He added looking worried. I am curious about how all this involve me. I was about talking when he interrupted me.
“I know you are curious Isaac. I just want you to talk to Wade. I want you to convince him. I know you are his only and best friend. He will definitely listen to you. This is for his future. Help me do it Isaac.” He said as he slowly stood up and head out. He turned after reaching the door. “I know I might put you in a difficult situation, but just know that you are helping a desperate parent.” He added as he walked out.
I sighed deeply as I leaned back on the couch. How am I supposed to start this? How am I supposed to explain to Wade that his family’s business is liquidating? How am I supposed to convince him to get married after I watched him find the love of his life; I surely know how Wade suffered with relationships in his previous encounters, how am I to tell him to abandon the love he found this time around. This is definitely a hard task for me and I don’t know how to start it…
I slowly opened my weak eyes as the rays of sunlight piercing into the room shined on them. I guess I feel this slight pain because I am still new to seeing with my own eyes. I lay still on the bed with my whole body aching me. I looked around the room and saw Isaac sitting by the bed with his hands locked on his face. He must be lost in thought that he didn't notice I have woke up already.
I struggled and stretched my hands a little and tapped his legs. He was startled a bit; he quickly rushed and helped me sit up. I leaned properly on the wall and faced him. "I am not dead already Isaac. Stop thinking too much." I said looking at him.
He sighed deeply without saying a word. "How are you feeling Wade? The doctor said you need to rest." He said looking worried. I giggled with a smile on my face. "Were you able to reach Wyatt?" I asked curiously.
He sighed and moved to the bed beside me. He held my hands and massaged them for a while. I already knew there is trouble from his reaction. "You really need to be strong Wade." He said with a weak voice. I stared at him as tears are about dropping from my face. I don't know why but i just felt weak at this point. "What happened Isaac? Talk to me." I said looking more worried.
Isaac holds my hands tightly and stared at me for a while. "I don't know how to explain the situation for you Wade. You already know how strict Wyatt's father is. As we are speaking, nobody knows his where about. All these three days you have been here, i tried my possible best to search for him together with his friends but our efforts seem fruitless." Isaac said looking at me.
I was stunned for a while. "Wait. You mean I was unconscious for three days?" I asked looking shocked. He nodded his head looking at me. I sighed deeply as I leaned back my head on the wall. "I shouldn't have gone for this surgery. I am sure I could have saved Wyatt from disappearing. I am sure we could have figured out a way out together." I said as tears started rolling on my face.
I slowly wiped them off but they kept on oozing non-stop. "What's the use of these eyes then? What's the benefit of the surgery when I can't even see Wyatt?" I kept on asking myself as Isaac stared at me. I sighed again looking more worried as I faced him. "You know Isaac, Wyatt is actually a good kid. He taught me a lot of things. He taught me how to believe in myself and also how to love myself." I said staring blankly at the space.
I found myself smiling as I was talking about Wyatt. "I don't know exactly when I fall in love with the boy. I don't know how it happened. I don't know when I feel happy by just talking to him. I really don't know when all my days became complete just by spending them with him. My love for Wyatt is an ILLUSION. I never saw it coming; I just felt it within me." I said with a smile on my face.
I sighed deeply as I adjusted myself. "Wyatt taught me how to love him. He made me fall for him and that was my happiest experience. I know it might be weird but I never had any regrets for loving him. My only regret is that I don't know how to control my love for him. I don't know how to comfort myself for losing him." I said as another set of painful tears landed on my face.
Isaac moved closer and hugged me tightly as I kept on crying seriously. "It's okay Wade. I am sure Wyatt will come back to you. I assure you that your love will never go in vain." Isaac said as he hugged and comforted me. He calmed me down for a while and I stopped crying, not because I don't want to cry but because I don't have any other way out of this mess.
We were still sitting in the ward when the door slowly opened. I know from the scent of the perfume that they were my parents. This is the first time I am seeing my parent's face, but I am in such a bad situation that I am not that excited seeing them. But you know, there is this special love for family that we can't escape.
I quickly jumped off the bed and hugged my mother and father as I busted into another tears. My mother was also crying. I know the reason why she is crying. She is probably emotional, having her only son see her face for the first time. But in my case, I don't really know why I am crying. I don't know if it's because I am emotional or because I have a problem that I don't dare share with them.
I actually don't mind sharing with my parents that I am in love with a boy, but this is just not the right time. With the current situation of Wyatt being lost, I know if I come out to my family, I will just end up adding more fuel to the flame than finding a solution to it. So I just have to cry out my sorrow in my parent's shoulders as I think of a solution.
We hugged for a while and father comforted us till we stopped crying. After a while, I sat back and admired my parent's faces. I now know why people always tell me that I have a cute face. It's probably because my mom is looking this beautiful. The doctor walked into the room and ran some checkups on me; he prescribed some drugs and discharged me.
Isaac drove us all home. As we arrived at my house, my parents alighted from the car leaving me with Isaac behind. He sighed and stared at me for a moment. "Wade, I want you to calm down and control yourself at home. You don't want to give any chance to your parents to suspect anything. So just worry less and I promise to continue with my searching about Wyatt." He said looking at me.
I sighed deeply and leaned on the seat. "But you know I can't keep calm right. I need to visit Wyatt's place first." I said looking serious. Isaac was shocked at my statement. "Are you nuts? Wyatt's father can behead you at the moment. Just go in there and clear things with your family. I am sure your father has a lot to talk about." Isaac said looking worried.
I stared at him suspiciously for a while. "What are you talking about Isaac? You are talking as if you talked with my dad already." I asked with a curious face. He was startled for a while as he started stammering to bring up words. "Oh. I mean you always know that your father wants you to undergo the surgery and also assume the family’s business, I am sure he will talk about that now." He said looking tensed.
He is looking suspicious already. But I can't put a finger on it right now. I am already fed up with Wyatt's issue; I don't think I have time to talk to my father about his business or marriage. I nodded my head at Isaac and slowly opened the car. "Let me know immediately when you have any positive news." I said as I walked into the house.
Isaac stared at me for a while as I walked away. He started his car and zoomed off. I entered the house and met my parents sitting in the sitting room. Dad called me in as I walked in. I slowly walked to them and sit in the couch opposite them. He sighed slowly facing me.
"Wade." He called with a soft voice. My mom quickly tapped his legs and interrupted him. "I know you are tired son. Just go upstairs and rest for a while. We will discuss this tonight." She said with a smile on her face. I nodded my head with a smile and head upstairs to my room.
I stayed behind by the stairs and eavesdrop on their conversation. "I have to tell him already. There is no time to waste." Father said almost shouting. Mom sighed slowly. "You should at least allow him rest right? He just got back from the hospital." She said with a worried voice.
I already know that dad will be talking about marriage and business. And at this point, I am ready to be out to them because I am not ready to say yes to anything that will bring an end to my relationship with Wyatt. It's already tragic enough that he is lost without trace; I am not ready to take another trauma into my system again...

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