Chapter 12: The Midsummer Feast

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The maidservant burst into the chambers. "I'm so sorry!" Leah exclaimed. "There was a problem with the table layout."

"Is everything alright?" May asked, placing her book aside.

Leah went to the table and began setting up the powders and potions to be ready to use just as another servant joined them. She had material draped over her arms and laid them neatly on the beds.

May sent Naiya a small smile witnessing their attire's arrival. They were hidden by a train of cream material – the packaging used when delivering the product.

"You were saying," Naiya said to Leah.

Leah sighed and placed a hand on her hip. "Two napkins were missing at one of the tables."

Naiya snuck a glance at May.

"The head of the household was going mad at the last-minute disruption. It took a while to find an appropriate pair but we got there."

Then her fatigue and irritation vanished, a smile graced her face. She clasped her hands like a little girl. "Let's get started."

For two hours the ladies were pampered with baths, creams, potions and powders. The standard to which this was done was much lower than what they were used to.

During the preparation for the festivals in Caerleon, the daughters of Hayes and Dunne were bathed in water specific to their desires. They had a plethora of outfits to chose from for any given celebration. Each stroke of the brush that applied the powders to create the image of an illustrious daughter of Caerleon was done with precision and care.

Now within the walls of Camelot the preparation was moderate. The smell in their chambers was less lavish and heartier. Many times, a damp cloth was pressed to their faces to wipe away the strayed brush that created the mistake. Instead of irritation coursing through their veins, the daughters of Caerleon would laugh at the mistake causing the maidservants to create more mistakes. This ritual which would be done in a fashion they had grown used to, was filled with laughter and excitement.

"Now for the best part," Leah said excitedly bouncing on the balls of her feet. "Miss May, you go first."

May lifted herself out of her seat with the poise of a lady of the court. She and Naiya wore loose fitting dresses that could easily be slipped off to not spoil the work done on their faces and hair.

Their dresses were laid out behind the screen on two low tables. The cream-coloured covering was still on them.

May slipped behind the screen and picked up her dress. As she pulled the covering from the dress, a gasp escaped from her parted lips in awe.

"She likes it," came Leah's voice from the other side of the screen.

The dress was a floor length, deep red masterpiece. The neckline was curved modestly that would sit on her collarbones. The sleeves ran straight down to her wrists. Silver embroidery traced the cuffs and May wondered how long this must've taken. The bodice fit snuggly on her figure which was tightened with silver corset like strings interlaced. The skirt flared out elegantly catching her slightly pronounced hips.

"Could someone help me tighten it?" she called to which Leah eagerly stepped behind the screen to help.

"You look radiant, my lady," Leah said as she took her in after tightening the bodice.

May had heard those words multiple times in her lifetime. From the awe-filled tones of her servants to the smugness of potential suitors. But this time when she heard those words, May truly felt radiant. Her dress wasn't ostentatious as her ones in Caerleon. It was simple. Some would say unfitting for a lady – her mother would certainly say that. Yet, this was the only dress that fitted her so completely.

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