Myths & The Mad Scientist

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The seductive eyes Echidna, the mother of all monsters, bored into Captain Marvel. Her hypnotic song mesmerized him.

The Captain backed off in horror into the waiting arms of two scantily clad sirens. They flanked him as they sang into his ears.

Court will kill me!

Shaking them off, the Captain shot up towards the clouds, straight into a waiting swarm of butterfly-winged siren fan girls screaming his name.

The bevy of sirens grabbed at him.


Pouring on his speed, he dodged but there were too many.

They were living beings. Women (the scary type), not robots or parademons he could smash to smithereens.

The entire sky was filled with hysterical siren fan girls grabbing at him.

The entire sky was filled with hysterical siren fan girls grabbing at him

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The World's Mightiest Mortal was terrified.

Captain Marvel had been mobbed countless times but never Billy, so he flew down, weaving past the fan girl sirens into an empty cave.

"Shazam," he whispered, transforming back to Billy.

As Billy, his eyes weren't as keen as Cap's but the boy reporter smelled trouble brewing in that cave.

Stalking through the cave with his mini torchlight, Billy heard footsteps. From the corner of his eyes he saw a bull-headed man. The Minotaur!

A sharp pain struck his neck, paralyzing his tongue as the room swirled around him. Darkness followed.


The sun's warmth was a welcome change from the pelting rain. Perched on her cosmic rod, Stargirl scanned the skies for the thieving Harpies. She recognized one of them.

Back home she'd seen that face with sharp gleaming teeth on an eagle's body. In this world, that "Harpy" was a gorgeous, scantily clad, curvaceous woman with huge butterfly wings. She and her companion landed in front of a sensual woman barely clothed with a few leaves.

The pair laid the niobium laden truck before her and knelt. "Your Majesty. As requested."

"Well done. Take it to the refinery," ordered the queen.

Hiding in the bushes Courtney followed the niobium trail when she heard Billy's voice, or rather, Cap's terrified cry for "Help!" boom through the valley.

What happened to the Courage of Achilles?

Looking up, she saw a bevy of gorgeous but indecently attired winged women mob her hapless boyfriend.

Courtney wasn't jealous. No siree! Her cosmic rod glowed in her shaky hand as she bit back her rage.

The red blur that was her boyfriend disappeared into a cave. Lightning struck it.
Oh no! He didn't? He can't be that stupid!

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