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As the dragon soared over the volcanos, a red blur followed.

A deep, thunderous voice resounded throughout the region as dark clouds released a massive bolt of lightning at the dragon.

An agonizing dragon's roar echoed through the hills as the dragon went crashing down.

Diana's cheeks felt like ice.
If Cap got hit, Typhon would kill his defenseless mortal form instantly.

The red figure hovered above the dragon.
"Shazam!" He cried, flying out of the lightning's path at the very last millisecond.

The dragon roared in pain.

Diana lassoed the Captain and yanked him away.

"What the? Diana?"
The man was flustered.

"No more unnecessary risks. We do this together." Diana's word was final.

Golden lights blinked transforming into mythical beasts forming a wall between the pair and tangled army of snakes that was Typhon.

Golden lights blinked transforming into mythical beasts forming a wall between the pair and tangled army of snakes that was Typhon

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"He's not as reasonable as Hydra," muttered Marvel.

"They're estranged," Diana snapped back as she struck down a Chimera that got in her way.

"Captain, we meet again." Echidna's seductive voice whispered as her serpentine tail wrapped around Captain Marvel.

"Let him go!" Diana's sword sliced the tail. Blood gushed out as the dismembered tail flailed, taking on a life of its own.

Cap shuddered as he threw the creature off his body, just as a Harpy swooped towards him, her claws aiming for his eyes.

Typhon spat fiery poison laced with tessaract bombs at the Herculean man.

"Argh!" The agony of turning inside out ripped through Captain Marvel.

Shield up, fully armoured, Diana charged  past Typhon's troops and chopped her way through the tangled serpents.

Where's Superman? He should have taken care of King Kull's machine by now.

As she stood at the foot of the Father of Monsters, he turned his attention towards her.

Horrified, Billy realized that Diana wasn't fully protected. Her visor had slits for her to breathe and to see through. Sivana's nanotechnology meant that if air could get through the slits, so could the bombs.

Pouring on his speed, he intercepted the blast that was meant for Diana.

Typhon trapped Captain Marvel, bombing him continuously with tessaract bombs. The pain was excruciating.

"Go," he whispered.

Taking advantage of Typhon's distraction, she plunged her sword, the god killer, straight through Typhon's heart.

The monster screamed, tangle of serpents flailing and poison sputtering indiscriminately as Diana hid behind her shield.

The mythological beasts closed in on the pair. C'mon Clark! Do your part!


King Kull reached for his remote control. Time to send reinforcements, he smirked as he watched the battle that played out on his portable television set.

Horse's teeth snapped onto his precious remote. Pegasus' doe eyes met his. "Hiya Kull." With a flap of his wings, the steed was gone.

He looked up. The steed waved the remote at him. He could have sworn the horse was laughing, if winged horses could even laugh.

Anger rose as his cheeks burned. "Give that back!"

The horse shook his head and flew further away just beyond the reach of his arms.

"Enough!" Kull grabbed his club and chased that bastard past a stream of water which took a life of its own.

The stream sprang up into a column between him and Pegasus, danced a jig, then came tumbling down on him.

Now he's wet and mad!
He was far from his lab but he didn't care.

He's going to get his remote and kill the steed or his name isn't King Kull!


Clark hid behind the wall as he watched Pergasus lead Kull away.

He had at most ten, maybe fifteen minutes to reconfigure the machine before Kull gets the upper hand, so using the plans Steve shared he got to work.

Then he waited...


"Give me that," snapped King Kull as he grabbed at the remote.

"Nuh uh," Pegasus jerked the remote away, flying just out of reach of the Beastman.

The river was a few meters away.

King Kull Leaped after Pergasus, into a wall of water as the river rose to meet the Beastman.

The complacent flying horse winked at King Kull as he hovered over the Beastman, a little too closely. "Outsmarted by a horse?" He taunted.

King Kull whacked the steed's hoof with his club, cracking it.

Pergasus dropped the remote control and soared away.

"Finally," huffed the Beastman as he picked up his remote.

His wristband showed the battle progress. Reinforcements were still needed so he activated his remote to send more beasts over.

"No!" His eyes bulged as Typhon's corpse flattened him.  Moments later, the remains of his entire army rained down on him.


"What took you so long?" Clark pulled the machine's core processor he had removed from its shell. "Will you do the honours?"

"My pleasure." Pegasus flew with it above the rocky ground through the clouds as high as he could go, then let it go. It shattered on impact.

"That closes the portal for good. There's no way anyone can come in or out of this world," Pegasus smirked. Then his gaze fell on Superman. "What about you? You're trapped."

-------- Epilogue -------

The Rock of Eternity - the nexus between worlds, timelines and dimensions. He'd been to that world before. With Solomon's wisdom through this nexus, he could find his way there again.

Flying at the speed of light, Captain Marvel found himself hovering just outside the Rock of Eternity. From there, he flew the path that led to the land of Myths, where his bro was trapped.

"Hey Supes!" He waved at his brother who was bandaging Pergasus' hoof.  "Want a ride home?"

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