The Dragon's Secrets

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Dozens of identical Stone Harpies swooped down Times Square, attacking men, women and children indiscriminately.

Wonder Girl caught one in her lasso and slammed it against another, causing the pieces to hit the ground.

A new stone Harpy sprung up from each rock as it landed.

"Keep them off the ground!Beast Boy, Cyborg get civilians to safety!Wally, twister!W

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"Keep them off the ground!
Beast Boy, Cyborg get civilians to safety!
Wally, twister!

onder Girl, get the Harpies in!"
Nightwing led the Titans against the Stone Harpies.

Wally ran circles creating a twister while Beast Boy, Cyborg, Wonder Girl and Nightwing ushered the golems into its path.

"Raven, Portal!"

Abruptly, the stone monsters vanished.

"It wasn't me," Raven insisted.

News came through their comms that  the same thing happened in Europe where the Justice League battled stone dragons, and in Australia where the Justice Society fought off stone chimera.

The subsequent calm was disturbing.
Nightwing had caught a Harpy fragment that remained.
"I'll run an analysis on this." He left for the Batcave.

The peace lasted an hour before a second wave of mythological invaders hit. These weren't made of stone.


Bruce stirred.
His cowl was still on. A soft purple light welcomed him back to the land of the living.
His limbs felt like lead.
The medical equipment was operated by statuesque women. He was the only male in what looked like a hospital ward.

"This is the Amazon's Island of Healing," muttered Batman as the door opened.

"You're awake," Diana smiled.

"Hmmph," Bruce pushed aside the inconvenient emotions she inspired. He'd no time or inclination for that.

Steve Trevor followed in behind her, a charismatic grin lit his face as he flirted openly with Diana.

Steve's face turned grim as he looked his rival in the eye.
"Typhon is coming.
Diana, Captain Marvel and I are going through the plans I stole from Ladon and Cap's findings in Sivana's lab.
I believe you have a crucial piece of the puzzle, regarding Erdammeru."

The Void Hound.


Batman plus two announced the tinny voice as Steve, Stargirl and Batman materialized in the Batcave.

Nightwing schooled his expression as Steve took his place beside Wonder Woman. Batman sat opposite her.

Captain Marvel and Stargirl seemed oblivious to the tension between the two men.

Superman suppressed his mirth as Batman glared at him.

"We've stopped the invasion of mythological stone beasts and Typhon's initial plan but there's more," Steve began.

"Typhon's failsafe - Erdammeru's tesseract bombs and Sivana's nanotechnology are currently being used to enhance Typhon," Captain Marvel continued.

"What do you mean?" Nightwing's gut wrenched.

"They are shrinking Tesseract bombs into nanoparticles which will be incorporated into Typhon's poison," Cap's normally cheery demeanor was grim.

"Tesseract bombs are the Void Hound's weapons. When they explode they turn whatever they come in contact with inside out," Batman grimaced.

"We have impenetrable shields. The green lanterns can also shield us. The Kryptonians are invulnerable so if we.." Steve thought aloud.

"No! Tesseract bombs penetrate Lanterns' shields, Kryptonian skin and all known defenses,"  Batman cut him off.

"Any weakness?" Steve queried.

"Only Wonder Woman's divine armor and Cap's invulnerability can withstand Tesseract bombs," came the gruff reply.

"So Diana and I will see to Typhon," Captain Marvel shrugged. "Just keep everyone else away."

"What do the rest of us do?" Courtney asked.

"The mythological beasts, stone or otherwise, can only enter our world by phasing through dimensions," Captain Marvel explained.

"King Kull's invention?" Courtney frowned.

"Yes. Find him, reverse the polarity of the device to send them back, then destroy it," Cap replied.

"I'll take care of that," volunteered Superman.

"Nightwing, Stargirl, Steve and I will work with the Titans, JSA, military and Justice League to keep civilians safe," growled Batman.

"Where do I start looking for King Kull," Superman pondered.

"Not all the mythological beasts serve Typhon willingly," Wonder Woman smirked. "So..."

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