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The entire plan relied on Superman using his superspeed and super strength to end the threat. Here, he had neither.

What they didn't realize was that this realm's magic rendered him powerless.

Pegasus looked expectantly at Superman nudging him.

Pegasus looked expectantly at Superman nudging him

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"No powers," mumbled the Man of Steel.

"What?" Whispered the steed in shock.

The Beastman turned. His eyes fell on the duo. "Pegasus. I see you've brought your friend," he smirked as he strode towards them, club in hand.

"Run!" Urged Pegasus as he spread his wings and soared out of King Kull's reach.

The club crashed inches away from Superman's head as he dodged, taking a chunk of the cave with it. Here's where the Justice League's mandatory self defense training proved indispensable.

Flipping around, Superman slammed his foot against King Kull's chin.

"Oww!" The Beastman's jaw was like steel. He probably broke his foot.

With a swat of his hand, King Kull sent Superman flying across the cavern.

Pegasus caught Superman on his back and flew him out of the cave, up in the clouds, out of the Beastman's reach.
"He's got super strength. You don't. He'd kill you," chided the steed.

"Coward! Come down here and fight like a man," taunted King Kull.


Billy's head throbbed as he awoke on the cold hard floor. He was in a fiery cage, suspended in a giant lab. Gagged with his hands and feet tied.

Typhon was snoring on a massive operation table in the middle of the lab as Sivana tended to the Father of all Monsters.

The bars of the cage were made of spinning shards of crystal set on fire.

"Heh heh heh. You're awake, little Red Cheese," smirked Sivana. "Just in time to see my masterpiece. To witness the brilliance that is Dr Thaddeus Sivana, the  ruler of the universe!"

Here comes the monologue. Billy rolled his eyes.

"I, Dr Thaddeus Sivana, in my incomparable genius, have harnessed the power of Erdammeru to enhance Typhon's already formidable power," the tiny mad scientist thrust his chest out and strutted like a peacock.
"Once he awakens, he will be unstoppable! Every drop of his poison now has a shrunken tesseract bomb!"

"You, my little red cheese, will entertain me while I wait," he pulled out something that looked like a space gun from a toy store. "I made bullets out of the leftover Tesseract bombs for target practice. Heh heh."

Closing an eye while sticking out his tongue, Sivana aimed at Billy and fired.

The bullet ricochet off his cage, splitting a shard of crystal off which flew towards Billy. Stretching his neck Billy got his gag in its way, tearing it.

Lightning struck.
Captain Marvel was back, just as a tesseract bomb hit him.

The pain was excruciating as the bomb turned him inside out.
This must be what dying feels like.

Then he felt his body snap back as his invulnerability restored him. No one else could have survived that.

"Uhhh," Cap shook off the effects.

His eyes fell on Sivana was was running towards a giant bubble with an open door.

"Oh no you don't." With his speed, Cap inserted himself between Sivana and his transport.

As Cap held Sivana up by his collar, Typhon flew through the roof.

"So what will it be Big Red Cheese?
Put me in prison or save the universe from the unstoppable Father of Monsters?"


Diana fumed at the irresponsibility and impulsiveness of her team mate Captain Marvel. Looking at the tall and powerfully built man, it was too easy to forget that underneath all that Herculean muscle and Solomon's wisdom - was a child.

It's been hours since Billy had gone radio silent and boy, was she worried. The child could be anywhere beneath the ring of fire.

She had been scouring the region from abnormal activity when a volcano erupted. A massive dragon emerged from the lava.


Pulling down her visor,  she drew her god killer sword and charged.

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