King Kull

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Lungs bursting, limbs barely able to move from exhaustion, Colonel Steve Trevor dragged himself out of the water and onto the beach.

His plane destroyed, he'd run through the jungle to the opposite end of the land, then swum to the nearest island, away from Landon and the other mystical beasts who lived in the Hesperides.

He was probably on Sarpedon.

The foul smell of snakes caught his attention. Vicious hissing, followed.

His eyes were drawn to the breakwaters.

His angel, shield up, sword drawn faced the Medusa as the creature lunged at her. Both attacked simultaneously. A serpent bit her arm  as she plunged her sword into Medusa's chest.

The women were engulfed in a golden light as Medusa morphed into a pretty blonde woman, though not as beautiful as Diana. She smiled softly then disintegrated into a pile of dust.

Diana staggered. Her face turned ashen as she too collapsed.

Adrenaline pumping through his veins, he climbed the breakwaters.

Her pulse was weak.

He sucked out as much poison as he could and spat it out. From his kit, he pulled out a vial filled with antidote the guys had prepared for him for "Medusa snake bites in case she shows up."

Pouring the liquid into the wound he prayed it would work.

She stirred. Slowly, she sat up.
"Steve?" Her voice was warm and steady but weak.

"Easy angel. Rest. You've been poisoned," he ran his hands through her hair as she rested her head on his lap.


Three red pairs of eyes blazed menacingly at Courtney as Orthus growled menacingly.

"Hi Orthus," piped Billy. He acted as if they were old friends.

"You do know I can rip you both apart with my teeth," replied the massive hound's central head in a posh British accent. "I'll eat you both alive," added its left head with a heavy Italian accent.

"No, you won't. I heard you've all just gone vegan," snorted Billy.

"Please keep a lid on that. We've got a reputation to upkeep." The hound's third head darted around anxiously, hushing the boy.

Courtney leapfrogged the head on the left, Billy over the right head, both landing on the big dog's back

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Courtney leapfrogged the head on the left, Billy over the right head, both landing on the big dog's back. With a hard smack on the hound's butt, she sent him crashing through the door.

"I'll get fired," whined Orthus.

"I'll transform so you can say Captain Marvel kicked your ass," Billy whispered conspiratorially.

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